Two new members of the Silica-X family of materials: RUB-5, a silica zeolite with a very high framework density and RUB-6, a hydrous layer silicate
Abstract The new zeolite RUB-5 and the new phyllo silicate RUB-6 were synthesized at temperatures between 130 °C and 200 °C from reaction mixtures consisting of SiO2/LiOH/B(OH)3/OA/H2O or SiO2/KOH/OA/H2O (OA = organic additive). Physico-chemical characterization using solid-state NMR spectroscopy, SEM, TG-DTA, and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy confirmed that RUB-5 is a framework silicate while RUB-6 is a layer silicate. The XRD powder patterns were indexed in monoclinic symmetry (space group: C2) with lattice parameters of a0 = 10.2699 (4) A, b0 = 10.6556 (4) A, c0 = 18.1551 (7) A and β = 106.35 (1)° (RUB-5), and a0 = 10.1100 (43) A, b0 = 10.6956 (51) A, c0 = 20.5448 (44) A and β = 105.79 (1)° (RUB…