Janne Poikolainen

Internet of Things – Emergence of standards

Poikolainen, Janne Internet of Things – Emergence of standards Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2012, 34 p. Information System Science, Bachelor's Thesis Supervisor: Mazhelis, Oleksiy Internet of Things is a paradigm referring to the pervasive presence of networked things and objects that are able to interact and cooperate with each other. This paradigm also suggests that in the future these objects also produce large amounts of data to the internet and other network applications. Predictions say that the amount of data produced by things proceeds human produced data in the near future. These visions are grounded in the assumption that the advances in microelectronics, communications and…

research product

Security Challenges of IoT-Based Smart Home Appliances

The Internet of Things, IoT, and the related security challenges are reaching homes in the form of smart appliances. If the appliances are compromised, they can be used in botnet attacks against Internet services and potentially cause harm to people and property through the local network, for example, by heating up too much or allowing unauthorized access. The aim of this study was to see how secure these devices are against remote and network attacks. Several devices were tested with attacks coming from the same Wi-Fi network to gain various levels of control of the devices. Their security against a Man-in-the-Middle attack was also studied to see differences in the susceptibility to conne…

research product

Cyber security of vehicle CAN bus

There are currently many research projects underway concerning the intelligent transport system (ITS), with the intent to develop a variety of communication solutions between vehicles, roadside stations and services. In the near future, the roll-out of 5G networks will improve short-range vehicle-to-vehicle traffic and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. More extensive services can be introduced due to almost non-delayed response time. Cyber security is central for the usability of the services and, most importantly, for car safety. The Controller Area Network (CAN) is an automation bus that was originally designed for real-time data transfer of distributed control systems to cars. La…

research product

Authorized authentication evaluation framework for constrained environments

Internetin kasvu ei perustu tällä hetkellä vain uusien solmujen määrään, vaan Internet on levittäytymässä aivan uusille alueille. Viimeaikoina erilaiset tavat kerätä tietoa ja ohjata laitteita uusin tavoin ovat yleistyneet esimerkiksi teollisuudessa, kaupunkiympäristöjen melun ja saasteiden seurannassa. Lisäksi käsitteet älykoti tai -kaupunki alkavat olla yleisesti tunnettuja. Nykyinen kasvu näiden teknologioiden käytössä perustuu pitkälti laitteiden koon pienenemiseen ja hintojen laskuun. Jotta Esineiden Internet pystyy kasvamaan merkittävällä tavalla, laitteiden fyysisten kokojen ja hintojen tulisi pysyä matalalla tasolla tai laskea edelleen. Pieni koko ja hinta tarkoittaa kuitenkin usein…

research product