A Blando

Qui chi non terrorizza si ammala di terrore

Between the winter and spring of 2020, a war was fought around us against an invisible and silent enemy. Arrived in a breath from a distant country, thanks to a world without distances and time, a virus dramatically changed the life and destiny of millions of women and men in many nations of the world, including ours. Terror took possession, like a disease, of the body and of the words; the fear of a contagion that seemed to leave no way out upset private and public habits and rituals; it seemed that nothing was the same as before. Pain and death had once again become a daily experience, while for years they had remained strangers, just a show that took place far away from us.

research product

Bande, partiti e Costituzione. La costruzione della politica moderna in Sicilia

In this essay we will deal precisely with the different faces that this political history takes on, always oscillating between revolution, constitution, violence, armed parties, bandits and, then, mafiosi.

research product

La normale eccezionalità : La mafia, il banditismo, il terrorismo e ancora la mafia

The story of legislative exceptionality in Italian history represents a constant, almost a normality. The essay insists on this normal exceptionality, trying to trace it in the events of the apparto repressive against the terrorism of the seventies and in that used for fight the mafia of the following decades. Here it is assumed that the connection between these two phenomena is inseparable: without the fight against terrorism there would not have been the mafia; both in the legal field and in that of investigative, penitentiary, political and administrative institutions. In turn, the emergency legislation against terrorism inherits, as we will try to see, the characters of the fight agains…

research product

Corsican war and the diplomatic measures for the redemption of the prince of Paterno

This essay discusses the topic of fraud linked to the prizes taken by corsairs in the Mediterranean during the period of the Continental Blockade, from the view- point of the Kingdom of Sicily, where the Bourbon court was sheltering under the English protectorate. The Tribunale delle prede (1808-1813) judged the legitimacy of the prizes taken by armed Sicilian corsair vessels from ships flying enemy or neutral flags, in a complex juridical framework which also involved the Health and Police authorities, at a time when in the rest of Europe similar institutions were being created. The documents produced by the Tribunale offer a penetrating in- sight into the dynamics of the fraud and into th…

research product

L'Illuminismo senza lumi di Leonardo Sciascia

This work of political and cultural history highlights the context of the early sixties in which Leonardo Sciascia wrote The Council of Egypt, in particular the clear position and criticism of the writer in charge of the Sicilian region led by Silvio Milazzo and the publication de The Gattopardo of Tomasi di Lampedusa. Moreover, here the relationship between Sciascia and the new progressive Sicilian historiography of those years is rebuilt, its initial support and then abandonment; opting for a metaphorical historical paradigm of immobility and defeat.

research product

Letizia Battaglia: Shooting the Mafia

The story of the greatest Italian photographer, her relationship with feminism and the mafia

research product

Lampi sulla Sicilia. Ovvero se si può fare della fotografia una fonte storica e una risorsa economica

The history of photography is intertwined with that of Sicily, and the island over the years has produced a very large number of world-famous photographers. It is therefore possible to trace a political and social history of photography in Sicily, and to transform it into a source of extraordinary interest for historians and also in an economic resource with very positive effects.

research product

Fine stagione bombe: 1969-1992

in these stories there is the roar of two bombs, the first on December 12, 1969 in Piazza Fontana in Milan and the second on May 23 1992 near Capaci, on the highway leading to Palermo. In this quarter of a century, however, the Republic had won the armed challenge launched by two enemies: terrorism and the mafia.

research product

Terrorismo e mafia. Il contrasto alla strategia della paura tra storia e diritto

The issue of «Meridiana» analyses counter-terrorism and mafia strategies over the course of Italian history from a double viewpoint (both legal and historical). The contributions of the different authors follow the evolution of criminal, substantive, and procedural rules while identifying a unitary, «emerging» trait. Exceptionality, which has become one of the permanent characteristics of the Italian criminal justice system. The studies of some famous cases highlight the twists of the legal categories, the use of repentants, and the close collaboration between the judges and the public prosecutors. Risky interference between historiography and procedure requires that the criminal dimension …

research product

Nel crepuscolo della repubblica dei partiti. Nilde Iotti e la Commissione bicamerale per le riforme istituzionali del 1993

Between the general elections of April 5, 1992 and those of March 27, 1994, which ended early the eleventh legislature, the shortest in the history of the republic, a political crisis took place which to many appeared to be the end of a "first" and beginning of a "second" republic. In this twilight of the republic of parties, the communist Nilde Iotti was called, by virtue of her political authority and ideal continuity, to the presidency of the bicameral commission for the reform of the constitution. While completing her work, Iotti was aware that the last opportunity was being wasted to defend what remained of the republic of parties.

research product