Gloria Lisi

Progetto Digital Twins: un sopralluogo analogico e digitale a Gratosoglio. Lo sguardo da Palermo

The description of an ongoing project has the value of establishing some points of reflection useful to adjust the shot for the next phases of an experiment. In this paper, we are describing an ongoing project between Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Palermo. The feature on which this experimentation focuses is the analog/ digital survey, which tries to generate a “satellite” point of view, (a group of people physically in the analyzed area), and a “remote” one. The paper, firstly underlines the importance of surveys in urban planning, secondly displays the techniques, operators and equipment which are needed and it concludes with some considerations.

research product

Which Landscape for Which Community? Opportunities and Pitfalls in the Application of the European Landscape Convention in Uncollaborative Context

L’articolo, diviso in due sezioni principali, si propone di valutare le possibili ambiguità nell'applicazione dei principi della Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio in Italia. La prima sezione propone un quadro teorico, analizzando le relazioni tra i termini "ambiente", "territorio" e "paesaggio". L'attenzione si concentra sulle conseguenze che le diverse prospettive aprono sia a livello valoriale che operativo, oltre a trattare i tentativi di definizione. L'idea di comunità viene messa in discussione e vengono analizzate alcune sfide teoriche e pratiche legate al coinvolgimento e alla partecipazione nei processi di pianificazione del paesaggio. Nella seconda parte dell’articolo, il rapporto …

research product

Inner Areas between theories and practices. An ongoing laboratory

The contribution proposes a reflection on the laboratories that are being formed in inner areas, and in which universities and researchers play a central role both from a technical point of view and in the advancement of theoretical reflection. The article is structured in four parts: it starts with a framework on inner areas as a place of fragility and opportunity, it moves on to the laboratory dimension that is triggered in the relationship with institutions, such as the university. It concludes with a reflection on the rooting dimension that the laboratory engenders in a territory.

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