U Pace

Percezione della relazione con i genitori: differenze individuali nella connessione e nell’autonomia in adolescenza

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The joint effect of quality of attachment and processes of identity building on the onset of problem behaviors in adolescence

research product

La conoscenza delle emozioni in età prescolare: un contributo alla validazione italiana dell’Emotion Matching Task (EMT)

Lo studio presenta i dati relativi alla validità di criterio dell’EMT (Izard et al., 2003), una misura della conoscenza delle emozioni in età prescolare. La validità di criterio è esaminata in relazione alla regolazione emotiva dei bambini, alla loro competenza sociale e alla manifestazione di problemi comportamentali di natura internalizzata ed esternalizzata. I dati sono preliminarmente analizzati in funzione dell’età e delle abilità verbali. Hanno partecipato allo studio 120 bambini, divisi in tre gruppi: 3, 4 e 5 anni. Oltre all’EMT, sono stati somministrati il PPVT (Dunn e Dunn, 1997; Stella, Pizzoli e Tressoldi, 2000), l’ERC (Molina et al., 2014; Shields e Cicchetti, 1997) e l’SCBE (L…

research product

Stili insicuri di attaccamento, correlati comportamentali e ideazione suicidaria in adolescenza

research product

Personality characteristics and family functioning on alcohol use in Italian adolescents.

Several psychosocial factors are associated with increase in risk of alcohol use in adolescence: personality factors and environment characteristics seem to play a key role (Nation & Heflinger, 2006). Psychological studies on possible predictors of drinking have emphasized the relationship between self-esteem, coping strategies and alcohol use, but findings are not completely coherent (Hamdan-Mansour et al., 2007; Laukkanen et al., 2001). Furthermore, studies of the family environment have shown that family functioning characteristics are related to alcohol use (Clark et al., 2011). The purpose of the present research was to examine the impact of personal and familiar variables on adole…

research product

Safety of primary anastomosis following emergency left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre prospective audit

Introduction: Some evidence suggests that primary anastomosis following left sided colorectal resection in the emergency setting may be safe in selected patients, and confer favourable outcomes to permanent enterostomy. The aim of this study was to compare the major postoperative complication rate in patients undergoing end stoma vs primary anastomosis following emergency left sided colorectal resection. Methods: A pre-planned analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology 2017 audit. Adult patients (> 16 years) who underwent emergency (unplanned, within 24 h of hospital admission) left sided colonic or rectal resection were included. The primary endpoint was the 30-day major complic…

research product

Il ruolo dell’attaccamento insicuro nell’insorgenza di sintomi depressivi, problemi comportamentali e ideazione suicidaria in adolescenza

research product

Individualità e intimità nelle relazioni fra geniotri e figli in adolescenza: Il caso dei distaccati e dei connessi

The purpose of this study was to investigate in deep Detached and Connected adolescents in order to examine their profiles with regards to internalizing and externalizing behavioral prpblems. The participants were 705 adolescents aged from 14 to 19 years. they were administered (a) the Inclusion of Other in the Self to assess adolescents' perception of intimacy with parents; (b) the Emotional Autonomy Scale to evaluate adolescents' emotional autonomy from parents; (c) the Youth self-Report to assess internalizing and externalizing problems. On the basis of intimacy and autonomy scores, 129 participants were classified as Detached and 122 as Connected. A cluster analysis was then performed o…

research product

Il ruolo del funzionamento familiare nella propensione al gioco d'azzardo in adolescenza. Uno studio longitudinale.

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