M. L. Marino
New national and regional bryophyte records, 61
New record of phytogeographical interest, at national or regional scale, for 47 bryophytes taxa are reported. New sites are located in 23 different geographical areas of . In particular, for each taxon, data on taxonomy, ecological as well as phytogeographical features are specified
A diterpene, distanol, from Sideritis distans
Abstract A new diterpene, distanol, has been isolated from the petrol extract of the aerial part of Sideritis distans Wild. Its structure stereochemistry has been assigned by spectroscopic methods.
La flora briofitica dell’area archeologica di Selinunte (Sicilia sud-occidentale).
The bryophyte flora settled on the ancient ruins and other habitats of the archaeological area of Selinunte has been studied. The study showed that the bryophyte flora consists of 51 specific and infraspecific taxa (44 mosses and 7 liverworts). The analysis points out that the bryophyte flora of Selinunte is the richest from the taxonomic point of view. moreover, it is characterized by a prevalence of mediterranean taxa and has a distinctly photophilous, thermophilous, xerophilous and calcicolous-neutrophilous connotation. Biodeteriogenic species potentially more dangerous for their spread, abundance and reproductive capacity are highlighted.
The Bryophyte flora of the Sicilian archaeological areas
New national and regional bryophyte records, 53
WOS: 000423214200007
Cooperative onset of a different state of water in the presence of macromolecules.
School gardens as a resource to be exploited for learning Botany in primary and kindergarten school
Occurrence of non-basic metabolites in Amaryllidaceae
Abstract Narciclasine and margetine, previously extracted from many species of the genus Narcissus , are also present in the genera Galanthus , Haemanthus , Leucojum , Pancratium , Sprekelia , Sternbergia and Vallota . In the genus Hymenocallis only margetine was detected, but not narciclasine. Both products are absent in the genera Amaryllis , Clivia , Crinum and Nerine .
New national and regional bryophyte records, 55
1. Acroschisma wilsonii (Hook.f.) A.JaegerContributor: H. Bednarek-OchyraVenezuela: (1) Merida, Paramo de Mucubaji, vertiente de la Laguna de los Patos, Sierra de Santo Domingo, sobre roca ignea, 3...
Project for a Sicilian Bryophyte Red List.
Due to its location, Sicily has always represented an important biogeographic bridge between floras of temperate and tropical climates as well as between those of the western and eastern Mediterranean. Its central position in the Mediterranean was also key factor of a millenary history of human settlements which resulted in profound landscape changes in the past, but even at present human pressure continues to be very heavy. In spite of this, Sicily is part of one of the 10 most important hotspots in Mediterranean Basin, thanks to plant richness and endemism (Médail & Quézel 1999: Conserv. Biol. 13(6): 1510-1513). The bryophyte flora, including ca. 600 taxa (almost half of Italian bryof…