G. Avellone

Transforming growth factor ß1 ed effetto nefroprotettivo dell’associazione ACE-inibitore/ AT1 antagonista in soggetti ipertesi con iniziale danno renale.

research product

Channel Impairment Effects on TPRC for Multicode V-BLAST with CD-SIC

In third generation communication systems currently in standardization process, a number of multi-antenna schemes, derived from the well-known Bell Labs layered space-time (BLAST) approach, are being considered in order to improve performance in both communication reliability and system throughput. Among these schemes there is growing interest on schemes with feedback to aid the transmitter side (usually the Base Station) in adapting the transmission parameters, as modulation and coding rate and/or antenna/code power allocation, to the channel conditions. One of the proposed schemes is the Transmission Power Ratio Control (TPRC) for Multi-code Vertical-BLAST (with code domain serial interfe…

research product

Impact of atorvastatin plus n-3 PUFA on metabolic, inflammatory and coagulative parameters in metabolic syndrome without and with type 2 diabetes mellitus

research product

Efficacy and safety of long-term ezetimibe/simvastatin treatment in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia

Aim. Patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) have an increased risk of premature myocardial infarction, stroke, and surgical revascularization, and an increased rate of progression of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). The most commonly used drugs for cholesterol lowering, statins, have a limited action in these patients. Ezetimibe, a novel compound, selectively inhibits cholesterol uptake and when associated with statins has an additional low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) reducing effect. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of long-term combined Ezetimibe/Simvastatin (EZE/SIMVA) therapy (30 months) on the lipidic pattern, inflammatory markers…

research product

Extensive field mapping in Sicily in the frame of the CARG Project

Rilievi geologici finalizzati alla compilazione di carte geologiche in Sicilia nord-occidentale (Progetto CARG) Vengono descritti i risultati del rilevamento di numerosi fogli geologici a scala 1:50.000 ubicati nella Sicilia settentrionale (dalle Isole Egadi fino ai Monti delle Madonie), eseguito nel quadro del Progetto CARG. I rilievi sul terreno sono stati integrati con i dati di sottosuolo provenienti da profili sismici a riflessione e perforazioni profonde. I risultati ottenuti offrono un quadro a scala regionale dell’assetto stratigrafico-strutturale di uno dei settori più complessi della Catena Siciliano-Maghrebide. Sono state ricostruite le successioni stratigrafiche dei paleodomini …

research product

Constraining the onset and development of "deep-seated" tectonics in the Sicilian thrust belt: field data from northern Sicily

research product

Indium-111 Oxine platelets survival in patients suffering of cardiac and cerebral artheriosclerosis

research product

Athersoclerosis in females patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a two years follow-up

research product

Effetti cardioprotettivi del Blocco del Sistema Renina-Angiotensina-Aldosterone tramite l’associazione ACE-inibitore – Sartani: Relazione con i livelli circolanti di Transforming Growth Factor ß1.

research product

Crustal structures of the Sicily orogene along the SIRIPRO seismic profile

research product

Cytokines, adhesion molecules and Selectins plasma levels and laboratory parameters in patients with different subtypes of ischemic stroke.

research product

Immunoinflammatory activation of the acute phase as a possibile marker of acute ischemic stroke. is .

research product

Joint LMMSE equalizer for HSDPA in full-rate space time transmit diversity schemes

This contribution presents a joint linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) equalizer for full-rate space-time transmit diversity multi-code schemes based on W-CDMA, featuring two and four transmit antennas. Specifically, high-rate, high load systems are targeted, in order to analyze the high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) of 3GPP Release 6. We derive an equivalent transmission scheme to equalize the received sufficient statistic in a single stage. To reduce the effects of multipath and multiuser interference, and to provide spatial and frequency diversity at the receiver, an LMMSE equalizer is employed. Computer simulations confirm that the proposed schemes achieve robust performance…

research product

Immunoinflammatory activation of the acute phase as a possibile marker of acute ischemic stroke.

research product

Effect of dual blockade of renin-angiotensin system on TGF beta 1 and left ventricular structure and function in hypertensive patients

The effects of 24 weeks losartan and ramipril treatment,both alone and in combination, on left ventricular mass (LVM), circulating transforming growth factor b1(TGFb1), procollagen type I (PIP) and III (PIIIP), havebeen evaluated in hypertensive (HT) patients. A total of 57 HT with stage 1 and 2 essential hypertension were included. After 4 weeks run in, a randomized double blind, three arms, double dummy, independent trial was used. All HT patients were randomly allocated to three treatment arms consisting of losartan (50 mg/daily),ramipril (5 mg/ daily) and combined (losartan 50 mg/daily plus ramipril 5 mg/daily) for 24 weeks. TGFb1, PIP and PIIIP, LVM, LVM/h 2.7 and other echocardiograph…

research product

Immunoinflammatory activation of the acute phase of ischemic stroke in relation to time of symptom onset, diabetic state and diagnostic subtype.

research product

Immunoinflammatory activation of the acute phase of ischemic stroke in relation to time of symptoms onset, diabetic state and diagnostic subtype.

research product

Obesity, hypertension and atherosclerosis

Hypertension and obesity are associated with an increased risk of clinical cardiovascular complications due to atherosclerosis. Moreover has been reported that hypertension may predispose to atheroma development. In the present review some common aspects to hypertension and atherosclerosis including smooth muscle cell proliferation, endothelial damage and intervention of growth factors have been analyzed. Additional data have to be provided to explain if the connections between hypertension and atherosclerosis could be considered two effects with one unknown cause. In addition some aspects related to obesity and atherosclerosis have been dissected. In particular we have reported our results…

research product