C. Gerardi
Cellule staminali ematopoietiche circolanti come marker indipendente di buon outcome clinico in pazienti con beta talassemia
Distribution of the threshold voltage window in nanocrystal memories with Si dots formed by chemical vapor deposition: Effect of partial self-ordering
Non volatile memories based on Si nanocrystals (Si-ncs) offer an important alternative to conventional floating gate devices, for the numerous potential advantages associated with the discrete-trap structures [1]. Isolated Si-ncs can be obtained by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) through a fully compatible CMOS process. So far, the main limitation for scaling the CVD Si-nc memories at sub-90 nm node is related to the expected fluctuation, from bit to bit, in the device threshold voltage (VTH), due to the spread in the sur- face fraction (Rdot) covered with Si dots [2]. The reason is the assumption that the dot position and the relative distance are fully random. It will be shown that the nu…
Effects of nitridation by N2O or NO on the electrical properties of thin gate or tunnel oxides
We have studied the effects of nitridation on the leakage current of thin (7-8 nm) gate or tunnel oxides. A polarity dependence of the tunneling current has been found this behavior is related to the presence of a thin silicon oxynitride layer at the SiO2/Si-substrate interface. The oxynitride layer lowers the tunneling current when electrons are injected from the interface where the oxynitride is located (substrate injection). The current flowing across the oxide when electrons are injected from the opposite interface (gate injection) is not influenced by the oxynitride. The increase of nitrogen concentration leads to a decrease of the tunneling current for substrate electron injection.
Experimental investigation and characterization of innovative bifacial silicon solar cells
The interest towards bifacial PV technology has increased over the last years, due to its potential capability of obtaining higher efficiencies with respect to traditional monofacial cells. Thus, the aim of this work is to present an experimental investigation on an innovative photovoltaic technology, such as the bifacial solar cells based on monocrystalline substrate. This analysis is mainly based on the determination of the current density/voltage, power density/voltage, External Quantum Efficiency (EQE) and Laser Beam Induced Current (LBIC) characterization. Interesting results are presented and discussed, demonstrating that the bifacial silicon solar cells can be a very promising techno…