Sascha W. Hoffmann

Convenience Behavior and Being Overweight in Adults: Development and Validation of the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire

The etiology of overweight and obesity is a mixture of genetic determinants, environmental factors, and health behaviors. Especially intra- and interpersonal inactive behaviors, here termed convenience, seems to play an important role. The objective was to develop and validate the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) to assess convenience-related items and their association with overweight and obesity in a large population. A sample of 1233 subjects aged 18–82 years from six population groups took part in a self-administered questionnaire. Test-retest reliability was estimated and the independent association between convenience-related items and overweight and obesity was investigated. …

research product

Influence of exclusive resistance training on body composition and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight or obese children: a systematic review.

<b><i>Objective: </i></b>Since the last decade, a significant increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children has been reported. Low aerobic fitness and a low compliance with endurance sports in such children are theoretical reasons to favor the use of resistance training in intervention studies, even though positive effects of resistance training on morbidity without accompanying dietary modifications are a matter of debate. In this review we summarize the studies that have shown the isolated effect of resistance training on body composition and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight and obese children. <b><i>Method: </i><…

research product

Convenience Behavior and Being Overweight in Adults: Development and Validation of the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire

The etiology of overweight and obesity is a mixture of genetic determinants, environmental factors, and health behaviors. Especially intra- and interpersonal inactive behaviors, here termed convenience, seems to play an important role. The objective was to develop and validate the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) to assess convenience-related items and their association with overweight and obesity in a large population. A sample of 1233 subjects aged 18–82 years from six population groups took part in a self-administered questionnaire. Test-retest reliability was estimated and the independent association between convenience-related items and overweight and obesity was investigated. …

research product

Refined Analysis of the Critical Age Ranges of Childhood Overweight: Implications for Primary Prevention

Prevention-interventions would certainly benefit from a precise knowledge of the age range when the most pronounced increases in prevalence of overweight and obesity occur in the general population. Data of 15,662 subjects aged 2-18 years were obtained from a national representative health survey (German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS)) conducted in Germany. Weight, height, and BMI z-scores were calculated relative to the UK 1990 reference, and prevalence of overweight and obesity was defined according to the IOTF (International Obesity Task Force) age- and sex-specific cut-offs. Univariate ANOVAs for overweight, obesity, weight, height, and BMI …

research product

Beyond BMI : waist circumference and social environment is associated with motor performance ability in kindergartners

Abstract Background The aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between anthropometric characteristics (i.e. body height, body weight, body mass index [BMI] and waist circumference [WC]) with motor performance ability [MPA], social environmental factors of the district (i.e. employment status/working life, education, social situation/heterogeneity and home environment), where the respective kindergarten was located, as well as other potential health determinants in a representative sample of kindergartners. Methods We analyzed data of 434 children aged 3 to 6 years which were obtained from a community-based cross-sectional health study conducted in the city of Mainz, German…

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