Juha Ahtiainen
The effects of whey protein with or without carbohydrates on resistance training adaptations
Background: Nutrition intake in the context of a resistance training (RT) bout may affect body composition and muscle strength. However, the individual and combined effects of whey protein and carbohydrates on long-term resistance training adaptations are poorly understood. Methods: A four-week preparatory RT period was conducted in previously untrained males to standardize the training background of the subjects. Thereafter, the subjects were randomized into three groups: 30 g of whey proteins (n = 22), isocaloric carbohydrates (maltodextrin, n = 21), or protein + carbohydrates (n = 25). Within these groups, the subjects were further randomized into two whole-body 12-week RT regimens aimin…
Kuntotestauksen hyvät käytännöt 2022
Suomessa ei ole kuntotestaajille mitään auktorisoitua koulutusta eikä koulutusvaatimuksia. Kuntotestauspalveluja voi periaatteessa tarjota kuka tahansa. Erilaiset toimintaympäristöt ja koulutustaustat näkyvät yhä kirjavina käsitteinä ja käytäntöinä. Yhteisiä pelisääntöjä ja käytäntöjä on tarve edelleen kirkastaa. Kuntotestauksen hyvät käytännöt pohjautuvat Liikuntatieteellisessä Seurassa (LTS) toteutetun Kuntotestauksen laadun kehittäminen -hankkeen (2004−2007) tuloksiin. Tässä julkaisussa on päivitetty alkuperäisiä vuodelta 2010 peräisin olevia Kuntotestauksen hyviä käytäntöjä vastaamaan nykyistä toimintaympäristöä. Päivitetty opas sisältää kymmenen suositusta, jotka kattavat koko kuntotes…
Are skeletal muscle FNDC5 expression and irisin release regulated by exercise and related to health?
Recently, contradictory findings have been reported concerning the function of irisin and its precursor gene, skeletal muscle FNDC5, in energy homeostasis, and the associated regulatory role of exercise and PGC-1α. We therefore evaluated whether muscle FNDC5 mRNA and serum irisin are exercise responsive and whether PGC-1α expression is associated with FNDC5 expression. The male subjects in the study performed single exercises: (1) 1 h low-intensity aerobic exercise (AE) (middle-aged, n= 17), (2) a heavy-intensity resistance exercise (RE) bout (young n= 10, older n= 11) (27 vs. 62 years), (3) long-term 21 weeks endurance exercise (EE) training alone (twice a week, middle-aged, n= 9), or (4) …
Physical exercise increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis in male rats provided it is aerobic and sustained
Aerobic exercise, such as running, has positive effects on brain structure and function, such as adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) and learning. Whether high-intensity interval training (HIT), referring to alternating short bouts of very intense anaerobic exercise with recovery periods, or anaerobic resistance training (RT) has similar effects on AHN is unclear. In addition, individual genetic variation in the overall response to physical exercise is likely to play a part in the effects of exercise on AHN but is less well studied. Recently, we developed polygenic rat models that gain differentially for running capacity in response to aerobic treadmill training. Here, we subjected these l…
Markerless 2D kinematic analysis of underwater running : A deep learning approach
Kinematic analysis is often performed with a camera system combined with reflective markers placed over bony landmarks. This method is restrictive (and often expensive), and limits the ability to perform analyses outside of the lab. In the present study, we used a markerless deep learning-based method to perform 2D kinematic analysis of deep water running, a task that poses several challenges to image processing methods. A single GoPro camera recorded sagittal plane lower limb motion. A deep neural network was trained using data from 17 individuals, and then used to predict the locations of markers that approximated joint centres. We found that 300–400 labelled images were sufficient to tra…
Autophagy is induced by resistance exercise in young men but unfolded protein response is induced regardless of age
Aim Autophagy and unfolded protein response (UPR) appear to be important for skeletal muscle homoeostasis and may be altered by exercise. Our aim was to investigate the effects of resistance exercise and training on indicators of UPR and autophagy in healthy untrained young men (n = 12, 27 ± 4 years) and older men (n = 8, 61 ± 6 years) as well as in resistance‐trained individuals (n = 15, 25 ± 5 years). Methods Indicators of autophagy and UPR were investigated from the muscle biopsies after a single resistance exercise bout and after 21 weeks of resistance training. Results Lipidated LC3II as an indicator of autophagosome content increased at 48 hours post‐resistance exercise (P < .05) and …
Six-Week Endurance Exercise Alters Gut Metagenome That Is not Reflected in Systemic Metabolism in Over-weight Women
Recent studies suggest that exercise alters the gut microbiome. We determined whether six-weeks endurance exercise, without changing diet, affected the gut metagenome and systemic metabolites of overweight women. Previously sedentary overweight women (n = 19) underwent a six-weeks endurance exercise intervention, but two were excluded due to antibiotic therapy. The gut microbiota composition and functions were analyzed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and metagenomics. Body composition was analyzed with DXA X-ray densitometer and serum metabolomics with NMR metabolomics. Total energy and energy-yielding nutrient intakes were analyzed from food records using Micro-Nutrica software. Serum…
Anaerobinen kapasiteetti ja sen testaaminen.
Body composition in 18 to 88-year-old adults - comparison of multifrequency bioimpedance and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
Objective -- This study compared bioimpedance analysis (BIA) in the assessment of body composition with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in 18- to 88-year-old adults. Design and Methods -- Body composition of 882 adults was estimated by eight-polar BIA and DXA. In addition, estimates of lean mass, fat mass, and percentage of fat were investigated across a range of age and leisure time physical activity (LTPA) groups. Results -- Compared to DXA, larger lean masses (mean difference 2.9 and 1.6 kg) and smaller fat masses (3.1 and 2.6 kg) were estimated by BIA in both women and men, respectively. Differences between the methods' mean values were evident in all age and LTPA groups, except …
Resistance Training Induces Antiatherogenic Effects on Metabolomic Pathways
Introduction: Arising evidence suggests that resistance training has the potential to induce beneficial modulation of biomarker profile. To date, however, only immediate responses to resistance training have been investigated using high-throughput metabolomics whereas the effects of chronic resistance training on biomarker profile have not been studied in detail. Methods: A total of 86 recreationally active healthy men without previous systematic resistance training background were allocated into i) a resistance training (RT) group (n=68, age 33 ± 7 years, body mass index (BMI) 28 ± 3 kg/m2 ) and ii) a non-RT group (n=18, age 31 ± 4 years, BMI 27 ± 3 kg/m2 ). Blood samples were collected at…
Maksimi- ja nopeusvoiman kehittäminen tukee tehokasta ja taloudellista lajisuoritusta.
Lihasvoima on keskeinen osa motorista kyvykkyyttä. Taitavan suorituksen taustalla usein kyky tuottaa voimaa niin nopeasti kuin mahdollista. Nopeusvoimaominaisuuksien kehittäminen on optimaalisinta kun harjoittelu sisältää harjoitteita kaikilla kolmella kuorma‐liikenopeus alueella; pieni kuorma‐suuri liikenopeus, optimitehoalue sekä suuri kuorma‐pieni liikenopeus. Kuntosalilla kehitetty lihasvoima siirtyy itse lajisuoritukseen, kun harjoitusohjelmassa on lajinomaista voimaharjoittelua kentällä tai vastaavissa lajiolosuhteissa, esimerkiksi käyttämällä lisäpainoja lajinomaisissa harjoitteissa. nonPeerReviewed
Effects of Upper Body Eccentric versus Concentric Strength Training and Detraining on Maximal Force, Muscle Activation, Hypertrophy and Serum Hormones in Women
Effects of eccentric (ECC) versus concentric (CON) strength training of the upper body performed twice a week for 10 weeks followed by detraining for five weeks on maximal force, muscle activation, muscle mass and serum hormone concentrations were investigated in young women (n = 11 and n = 12). One-repetition bench press (1RM), maximal isometric force and surface electromyography (EMG) of triceps brachii (TB), anterior deltoid (AD) and pectoralis major (PM), cross-sectional area (CSA) of TB (Long (LoH) and Lateral Head (LaH)) and thickness of PM, as well as serum concentrations of free testosterone, cortisol, follicle-stimulating hormone, estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin were mea…
Neuromuscular, hormonal and molecular responses to heavy resistance training in strength trained men : with special reference to various resistance exercise protocols, serum hormones and gene expression of androgen receptor and insulin-like growth factor-I
The present study was designed to obtain more information on mechanisms leading to muscle hypertrophy by determination of the effects of different heavy resistance exercise protocols on acute and chronic neuromuscular and hormonal responses in previously strength trained young men. The present study also examined gene expression of androgen receptors and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) to further understand the adaptation mechanisms to resistance training. The present results suggest that increased resistance exercise intensity induced by the so-called forced repetitions (FR) exercise system may be beneficial for the development of muscle mass and muscle strength during strength traini…
Active and passive recovery influence responses of luteinizing hormone and testosterone to a fatiguing strength loading
The purpose of this study was to examine the acute hormonal and muscular responses to a strenuous strength loading [bilateral leg press (LP) 10x10 1RM] followed by loading-specific active (AR, n = 7, LP 10x10x30% 1RM) or passive (PR, n = 11, seated) recovery. The subjects were men age: 26±4 years, height: 174±8 cm, body mass: 75±13 kg. After control measurements, experimental measurements were conducted at pre and post loading as well as post recovery and next morning. A significantly higher absolute concentration (p<0.05) of serum luteinizing hormone (LH) was observed in AR than PR at next morning while no differences were observed in serum testosterone (T), cortisol (C) or sex hormone bin…
Voima se on joka jyllää : voimantuoton kenttätestaamisen lyhyt oppimäärä
Physiological and Molecular Adaptations to Strength Training
High muscle contraction forces that lead to gains in muscle function, size, and strength characterize resistance exercise training. The purpose of this chapter is to outline the adaptations in myofiber size and metabolism that occur by stimuli of hormones and local growth factors, mechanical and metabolic stress of muscle tissue, and myofibrillar disruptions induced by a resistance exercise bout. The chapter will highlight the network of intracellular pathways (including mTOR signaling) that ultimately lead to increases in gene expression and protein synthesis. Accumulation of acute exercise responses by systematic training over time modulate the muscle proteome that can be observed as chan…
Effects of barbell back squat stance width on sagittal and frontal hip & knee kinetics
Different stance widths are commonly utilized when completing the barbell back squat during athletic general preparedness training. Width manipulation is thought to influence sagittal plane stimuli to the hip and knee extensors, the primary extensor musculature in the squat. However, how width manipulation affects frontal plane stimuli is less understood. Knowledge of hip and knee net joint moments (NJM) could improve exercise selection when aiming to improve sport‐specific performance and prevent injuries. Fourteen adult amateur rugby athletes were recruited for this study. After a familiarization period, participants performed wide‐ (WIDE, 1.5× greater trochanter width) and narrow‐stance …
Akuutti hormonaalinen ja neuromuskulaarinen vaste maksimi- ja pakkotoistokuormituksessa
Juha Ahtiainen, 2001. Akuutti hormonaalinen ja neuromuskulaarinen vaste maksimi- ja pakkotoistokuormituksessa. Liikuntafysiologian pro gradu –tutkielma. Jyväskylän yliopisto, liikuntabiologian laitos. 110s. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia kahden erilaisen voimaharjoittelussa käytettävän harjoitusmenetelmän, maksimi- ja pakkotoistomenetelmän, vaikutusta välittömiin hormonaalisiin ja neuromuskulaarisiin vasteisiin. Hormonaalisista vasteista tutkittiin voimaharjoitusten välitöntä vaikutusta seerumin testosteroni-, vapaa testosteroni-, kortisoli- ja kasvuhormonipitoisuuksiin. Neuromuskulaarisista muuttujista tutkittiin voimaharjoitusten vaikutusta alaraajojen ojentajalihaksiston maksimaali…
Miten lihas kasvaa?
Lihakset aistivat kuormitusta ja muokkautuvat rasitukseen. Perimä ja se miten geenimme ilmentyvät vaikuttavat merkittävästi lihaskokoon. Lihassolumme pystyvät kuitenkin mukautumaan kulloisiinkin olosuhteisiin, kuten ravitsemustilaan ja fyysiseen aktiivisuuden tasoon. nonPeerReviewed
Inflammation status of healthy young men : initial and specific responses to resistance training
Our primary aim was to study the effects of a 4-week preparatory resistance-training (RT) period followed by 12 weeks of 2 specific RT protocols (either hypertrophic-strength (HS) or strength-hypertrophy-power training) on inflammation markers and the possible relationship of the changes in abdominal fat and lean mass to the changes in inflammation status. A total of 82 healthy men were included in the study. Maximal concentric leg press strength (1-repetition maximum), total body lean mass, total body and abdominal fat mass, circulating high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), and selected ad…