Antti Hautamäki

Digital Platforms for Restructuring the Public Sector

Many technological innovations have led to the emergence of the platform economy in recent years. This development is changing the entire landscape of business in the era of digitalisation. However, the impacts of the platform economy on public services and government are not well known. In this article we study the potential for the digital platform economy to help restructure the public sector. Firstly, central features of the new platform technology are explored, pointing to an algorithmic revolution, big data and cloud computing. Platforms are used in coordinating market transactions in an extremely efficient way. In order to apply the platform-concept to the public sector, an experimen…

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Demokratia, relativismi ja totuuden jälkeinen aika

Totuuden jälkeisenä aikana kuunnellaan enemmän mielipidejohtajia kuin asiantuntijoita. Näyttää kuin totuus ja tieto olisivat vaarassa. Totuuden jälkeinen aika vaatii filosofista analyysiä. Tässä ovat vastakkain realistit ja relativistit. Antirelativistit näkevät relativismia korostavan postmodernismin olevan jopa osasyyllinen totuuden jälkeiseen aikaan. Paitsi että väite on historiallisesti virheellinen, se osoittaa puutteellista ymmärrystä pluralismista. Pluralismia ei voi selittää sillä, että monet ovat väärässä, vaan sillä, että monet ovat erimielisiä hyvillä perusteilla. Näin ajatellaan esimerkiksi näkökulmarelativismissa, joka korostaa totuuden ja tiedon riippuvuutta näkökulmista. Kun …

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Erkki Kurenniemi : musiikin ja teknologian avantgardisti

Erkki Kurenniemi (10.7.1941 – 1.5.2017) on kansainvälisesti tunnetuimpia suomalaisia musiikin avantgardisteja. Kuitenkin kesti kauan ennen kuin hänen arvonsa Suomessa tunnustettiin. Vasta 2000-luvulla häntä palkittiin ja hänen tuotantoaan ja toimintaansa alettiin laajemmin tutkia. Kurenniemen toimintakenttä taiteen alalla oli laaja käsittäen elektronisia soittimia ja sävellyksiä, elokuvia, mediataidetta ja tiedefantasioita. Kurenniemi oli koulutukseltaan fyysikko. Tässä artikkelissa luodaan yleiskatsaus Kurenniemen toimintaan ja saavutuksiin musiikin, taiteen ja teknologian aloilla, mutta perehdytään myös hänen teoreettisiin pohdiskeluihinsa, jotka ovat jääneet vähemmälle huomiolle. nonPeer…

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Sustainable innovation : a new age of innovation and Finland's innovation policy

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Katse ylös kuopasta mahdollisuuksiin : uuden ajan työ ja toimeentulo

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Points of View and Relativism

This chapter defines the central concept of this book, the point of view. The development of viewpoint relativism is largely based on this concept. A point of view is defined as choosing a certain aspect of its object to represent it. In principle, points of view are subjective and they are anchored to the internal cognitive models of a person. But points of view can also be objectified linguistically and brought out to be publicly examined. Points of view are not permanent, but can be changed and developed, and even exchanged in certain cases. Points of view are not true or untrue as such, but the maps that are acquired through their adoption are more or less true. We can compare objectifi…

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The Relativity of Reality

According to conceptual relativism, reality crucially depends on the mind and the language of a person. The world does not present itself as already made or arranged. People have different ways of categorising and conceptualising the world. Because according to conceptual relativism, what exists also depends on conceptual frameworks, it can also be called ontological relativism. We must note that ontological relativism does not mean that the mind creates or generates reality and its objects as a craftsman creates a ceramic object. That would be idealism. Relativism does not deny that the world exists and affects our senses, experiences and knowledge. But despite this, we cannot know how the…

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Critical Relativism and Disagreement

The main message of this book is that moderate viewpoint relativism is a sound epistemological stance and basis for learning and creating new knowledge. The world is complicated and open to new interpretations and approaches. Everything has many different facets and aspects that different points of view bring out. The world can be articulated in different ways. This diversity is a gift—not a problem. Still, not all points of view have to be accepted. I consider critical relativism to be a relativist orientation where points of view can be critically examined by weighing their justifications and effects. The first part of this chapter deals with critical relativism, the basic theses of which…

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The Historical Background of Relativism

Epistemological relativism has been defended and criticised since ancient philosophy (Baghramian M, Relativism. Routledge, London, 2004). At the beginning of this chapter, I create a short introduction to the history and development of epistemological relativism from Protagoras to today’s relativists. After this, I introduce a few philosophers who have been significant in the development of relativism. First, I introduce Kant’s understanding of knowledge and its construction. Then, I bring forth two notable perspectivists. G. W. Leibniz claimed in his book, Monadology (1898), that every monad has its own perspective of reality. The diversity of perspectives is one of the riches of the world…

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X2 : tiedon siirtämisestä yhdessä luomiseen

Tämä julkaisu, X2, on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston Agora Centerin Innovaatiokeskittymää tukevia keihäänkärkihankkeita. Tavoite on vahvistaa Keski-Suomen kehittymistä globaaliksi ja kiinnostavaksi innovaatiokeskittymäksi. Innovaatiokeskittymässä korkeakoulujen tulee olla aktiivisia ja merkittäviä ekosysteemin osia ja niiden osaamisen hyödyntäminen paikallisesti, kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti on iso haaste. Oikein suunnatut rohkeat panostukset luovat uutta osaamista ja uusia innovatiivisia palvelu- ja asiantuntijayrityksiä. Kansainvälisen hanketoiminnan ja yhteistyön kasvun sekä yritysten tuotekehityksen sijoittumisen kautta työllistämis- ja hyvinvointivaikutus on merkittävä ja pitkäaikainen…

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Seeking for the Grasp : An Iterative Subdivision Model of Conceptualisation

Concepts are fundamental collective constructs of individual items that are capable of abstracting meaningfully homogeneous groupings of phenomena. This capability is a prerequisite for communication and action and gives structure to learning and memory. Our study is aligned with the vast paradigm that assumes embodied cognition, rooted in Merleau-Ponty (Phenomenology of perception (trans: C. Smith). Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1962), seminally articulated by Varela et al. (Embodied mind: cognitive science and human experience. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991) and existing today in a number of variants that have been reviewed by Wilson (Six views of embodied cognition. Springer. Psycho…

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Sustainable Innovation: A Competitive Advantage for Innovation Ecosystems

In this article, we elaborate the emerging concept of sustainable innovation and analyze the relevance of innovation as a means to solve wicked problems and enhancing sustainable well-being. We also examine the changing conditions for innovation creation: building global knowledge hubs and local innovation ecosystems. As a result, the drivers of innovation and opportunities to utilize the untapped innovation potential of people outside traditional innovation contexts are expanded and diversified. Ultimately, the success of sustainable innovation constitutes its impact on the well-being of people and vice versa: sustainable well-being is an important source of innovation and growth. The arti…

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Systemic Development of Service Innovation

This chapter explores the intrinsic characteristics of services and service systems and presents systemic approach to produce service innovations. The chapter consists of elaborating the characteristics of services and the principles of systemic development, discussing service matrixes, service systems, service strategies and business models, and special challenges related to the development of services and service innovations. Services are always produced in service systems consisting of combination of service personnel and information systems. Customers are involved in these systems by interacting with the front end of service organization. The key issue in service development and innovat…

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Tiekartta Keski-Suomen innovaatiokeskittymään

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Uushumboldtilainen yliopisto - ratkaisu sivistyksen ja hyödyllisyyden dilemmaan

Antti Hautamäki ehdottaa ratkaisuksi sivistysyliopiston ja hyöty-näkökulman dilemmaan uushumboldtilaista yliopistokonseptia. Uushumboldtilaisessa yliopistossa yhteiskunnallinen vastuu toteutuu ottamalla yhteiskunnan isot haasteet mukaan yliopiston tutkimukseen ja opetukseen. nonPeerReviewed

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The Relativity of Knowledge

The three central themes of epistemological relativism are the relativity of truth, knowledge and reality. In the previous chapter, I demonstrated how the relativity of truth could be given a well-founded formulation by setting truth claims in relation to context and points of view—without renouncing the concept of an objective truth. In this chapter, I will examine the relativity of knowledge in regard to justifying it. The traditional theory of knowledge is individualistic, while viewpoint relativism leads to communal epistemology, where knowing is always in relation to a community. I will begin my analysis from the classical concept of knowledge, which can be considered the basic definit…

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Co-creation with Companies : A Means to Enhance Societal Impact of University Researchers?

In this chapter, we explore co-creation as a form of societal interaction of science. We approach co-creation as a goal-oriented form of dynamic interaction aiming at mutual benefit of all parties. As such, we exclude technology transfer and other linear societal interaction forms that follow a closed-model innovation format. We argue that focusing solely on tapping the needs of researchers and ‘pure’ science would lead to ignoring the broader context in which researchers work. An excessive focus on meeting the needs of external stakeholders could jeopardize the preconditions of science. Hence, this chapter explores how researcher-company co-creation can be nurtured in a heavily institution…

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Co-creation with Companies: A Means to Enhance Societal Impact of University Researchers?

AbstractIn this chapter, we explore co-creation as a form of societal interaction of science. We approach co-creation as a goal-oriented form of dynamic interaction aiming at mutual benefit of all parties. As such, we exclude technology transfer and other linear societal interaction forms that follow a closed-model innovation format. We argue that focusing solely on tapping the needs of researchers and ‘pure’ science would lead to ignoring the broader context in which researchers work. An excessive focus on meeting the needs of external stakeholders could jeopardize the preconditions of science. Hence, this chapter explores how researcher-company co-creation can be nurtured in a heavily ins…

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From the Publisher: The Journal Human Technology: An Ongoing Resource for Human-Technology Research

The purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical basis for a measurement and improvement system that will help organizations create a more innovative climate. The role of intangible assets in contributing to organizational innovativeness is clarified within six hypotheses on the basis of a cross-disciplinary literature review combining studies from psychology, human resources management, communication, information technology, and marketing. These factors range from the individual level to interaction with the environment surrounding the organization, and involve (a) individual psychological flexibility, (b) institutional and interpersonal trust, (c) diverse human resources, (d) strat…

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Conceptual Spaces: Elaborations and Applications

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Suuntana innovaatiokeskittymä

Suuntana innovaatiokeskittymä -kirjan taustalla on Jyväskylän seutukunnan kokema rakennekriisi, joka aiheutui Nokian tutkimuskeskuksen sulkemisesta vuonna 2009 ja päälle iskeneen taantuman tuomista irtisanomisista eri yrityksissä. On laskettu, että Jyväskylässä menetettiin vuosina 2009–2010 noin 1000 koulutettujen ihmisten työpaikkaa ja noin yhden miljardin euron vientitulot. Kriisin takia Keski-Suomi nimettiin yhdeksi rakennemuutosalueeksi ja selviytymiskeinoja pohtimaan asetettiin laaja-alainen työryhmä. Sen laatimassa Uudet urat -raportissa esitetään tavoite rakentaa Keski-Suomeen innovaatiokeskittymä alueen toimijoiden yhteisenä hankkeena. Jyväskylän yliopiston Agora Center sai tehtäväk…

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Totuuden jälkeen

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Digital Platforms for Restructuring the Public Sector

Many technological innovations have led to the emergence of the platform economy in recent years. This development is changing the entire landscape of business in the era of digitalisation. However, the impacts of the platform economy on public services and government are not well known. In this article we study the potential for the digital platform economy to help restructure the public sector. Firstly, central features of the new platform technology are explored, pointing to an algorithmic revolution, big data and cloud computing. Platforms are used in coordinating market transactions in an extremely efficient way. In order to apply the platform concept to the public sector, an experimen…

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Conditions of a Philosophical Discussion

As its method, philosophy uses argumentative discussion. Philosophy does not often appeal directly to observations or experiences, although they have a place in argumentation as well. Because philosophy is discursive, it delves in the realms of language and the use of language. Defining concepts is a central theme. The rules and argumentation principles of rational discussion are another cornerstone of philosophy. I defend two things that are seen to be conflicting: philosophical relativity and common core rationality. Both are necessary in order to balance each other out. I argue that a certain intuitive and common conception of truth and reality is necessary in order to conduct philosophi…

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The Relativity of Truth

In this chapter, I discuss the relativity of truth and define the concept of viewpoint-relative truth. The relativity of truth is perhaps the strongest form of epistemological relativity that can used to deduce the relativity of knowledge and reality. One of the fundamental problems of epistemology is overcoming doubt, which is why I will introduce epistemology by presenting the problem of scepticism. After this, I discuss different theories of truth. The contextuality, or the dependency on context, of truth is focal to viewpoint relativism, and I build the definition of viewpoint-dependent truth upon it. As an example of relativism that utilises contextuality, I will present MacFarlane’s t…

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Esittelee kiinnostavia keskisuomalaisia ilmiöitä ja ihmisiä. Nostaa esiin kiinnostavia ihmisiä ja ilmiöitä Keski-Suomesta.

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Relativism and Realism in the Philosophy of Science

The philosophy of science is an important field of philosophy, where relativism and realism meet. The philosophy of science studies the nature of scientific knowledge, general justifications and scientific activity. Many of the things I have discussed in the previous chapters are also relevant for the philosophy of science. Scientific realism has been one of the most significant movements in the philosophy of science. However, its problems have paved the way for perspectivism, according to which perspectives (points of view) are a part of all scientific activity, from observations to theoretical assumptions. I will show that scientific realism could not be defended using a Tarskian semantic…

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Metropolin hyvinvointi

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Conceptualization for intended action: A dynamic model

Concepts are the building blocks of higher-order cognition and consciousness. Building on Conceptual Spaces Theory (CST) and proceeding from the assumption that concepts are inherently dynamic, this paper provides historical context to and significantly elaborates the previously offered Iterative Subdivision Model (ISDM) with the goal of pushing it toward empirical testability. The paper describes how agents in continuous interaction with their environment adopt an intentional orientation, estimate the utility of the concept(s) applicable to action in the current context, engage in practical action, and adopt any new concepts that emerge: a largely pre-intellectual cycle that repeats essent…

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Disagreement, Points of View, and Truth-Relativism

AbstractTruth-relativism is the claim that the truth of statements is dependent on the context in which they are made. In this article, truth-relativism is considered as a way to explain disagreements. Viewpoint relativism, a recent version of truth-relativism, is introduced as a useful framework to analyse how truth-relativism approaches disagreements. Viewpoint relativism is based on contextual semantics and the logic of viewpoint, which is a two-dimensional modal logic. In viewpoint relativism, the central concept is a point of view in relation to which truth claims are evaluated. Viewpoint relativism is compared to the truth-relativism of Peter Lasersohn and John MacFarlane. Finally, tr…

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Työmarkkinatieto digitalisoituvassa Suomessa

Tässä selvityksessä on kartoitettu ura- ja koulutusvalintoja tukevia tietojärjestelmiä eri maissa, tähän käyttöön soveltuvia tietovarantoja Suomessa ja esitetty kehitysehdotuksia, joilla Suomessa voidaan aiempaa paremmin vastata muuttuvien työmarkkinoiden haasteisiin. Selvityksessä on tehty katsaus ura- ja koulutusvalintoja, siirtymiä ja nivelkohtia käsittelevään tieteelliseen tutkimukseen. Selvityksessä esitetään perinteistä laajempi työmarkkinatiedon käsite, joka sisältää ulkoisia työmarkkinoita kuvaavan informaation lisäksi digitaalisten palvelujen henkilökohtaistamiseksi tarvittavaa tietoa. Raportin johdanto kuvaa tätä työmarkkinatiedon kenttää ja esittelee hankkeen tavoitteet ja selvit…

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Näkökulmarelativismi : tiedon suhteellisuuden ongelma

Kirjassa kehitelty näkökulmarelativismi on epistemologisen relativismin muoto, jossa tietoväitteet suhteutetaan näkökulmiin. Näkökulmissa tarkasteltavan asian jokin aspekti edustaa sitä subjektille. Esimerkiksi perhepolitiikkaa voidaan tarkastella naisten tasa-arvon kannalta. Asiat näyttävät hyvin erilaisilta eri näkökulmista. Näkökulmarelativismin mukaan ei ole olemassa neutraalia tapaa katsella asioita. Kirjassa käsitellään epistemologisen relativismin koko kenttää alkaen totuuden relatiivisuudesta ja päätyen tieteen relatiivisuuteen. Keskeinen kysymys on relativismin ja realismin suhde. Relativismi asettuu vastustamaan realismia ja sen tapaa suhteuttaa tietoväitteet ihmisestä riippumatto…

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Kykeneekö viherala hyödyntämään tieteellistä tietoa?

Viherala on merkittävä ja kasvava toimiala. Ilmastonmuutos ja lajien monimuotoisuuden suojelu lisäävät entisestään viheralan painoarvoa. Viheralan kehittäminen edellyttää monipuolista tieteellistä tutkimusta ja kykyä soveltaa uutta tietoa luovasti. Tutkimusta tehdään huomattavan paljon mutta sen vaikuttavuudesta tiedämme suhteellisen vähän. Tämä näkyi myös kevään 2023 Viherpäivien teemassa: Viisas, älykäs, vihreä – muuttuuko tieto teoiksi? Tässä artikkelissa filosofi, professori emeritus Antti Hautamäki selventää, mitä tieteellinen tutkimus on ja miten sitä voidaan soveltaa viheralalla. nonPeerReviewed

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Analysis and synthesis with a three-component inferential system : Augmenting the explanatory scope of Conceptual Spaces

The study introduces a model of analysis and synthesis, respective abductive and deductive reasoning, using the three-component inferential system, which is constituted by a perspective-relative augmentation of Gärdenfors’s theory of Conceptual Spaces (CS). A general formulation of Perspective, based on our earlier work, corresponds to prioritization among property dimensions. Instead of assuming one conceptual space as in the CS, a distinction is made between the high-dimensional description of the discourse/domain termed Ontospace, and the two-dimensional perspectival space onto which a Perspectiverelative hierarchical conceptualization is projected, referred to as the Perspectival Space.…

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Consumer value of camera-based mobile interaction with the real world

Camera-based mobile interaction with the real world allows consumers to connect digital information with the real-world environment, and furthermore, to interact with real-world objects and places. To explore and understand the types of consumer value in the context of such consumer-level applications, we applied the critical incident technique to reflect actual use experiences from 107 application users with a recognized consumer value framework by Holbrook. The findings of the study suggest that at the current state value is heavily based on utilitarian efficiency and excellence. Although the applications enable a diverse value, they have yet to fulfill their potential in providing hedoni…

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Teollisuus verkottuneessa innovaatiotaloudessa : esimerkkinä Keski-Suomen konepajateollisuus

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From the publisher: The Journal Human Technology: An Ongoing Resource for Human-Technology Research

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