A De Marco

Impact of innovative agricultural practices of carbon sequestration on soil microbial community. In: Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils: a multidisciplinary approach to innovative methods

Abstract This chapter deals with the impact on soil microbiology of innovative management techniques for enhancing carbon sequestration. Within the MESCOSAGR project, the effect of different field treatments was investigated at three experimental sites differing in pedo-climatic characteristics. Several microbiological parameters were evaluated to describe the composition of soil microbial communities involved in the carbon cycle, as well as to assess microbial biomass and activity. Results indicated that both compost and catalyst amendments to field soils under maize or wheat affected microbial dynamics and activities, though without being harmful to microbial communities.

research product

Nitrogen-fixing cushion Astragalus siculus modulates soil fertility, microclimate, plant facilitation, bacterial and fungal microbiota along an elevation gradient

Question: Cushion-forming vascular plants are adapted to alpine environments and act as ecosystem engineers by moderating microclimate and creating a fertility island under their canopy. Most of the available studies on cushion ecology have been devoted to plant facilitation, but none used a holistic approach that considers the response of co-existing plant species with other key ecosystem players. Here, we quantified the biogenic effect and facilitation capacity of Astragalus siculus, a spiny nitrogen-fixing cushion plant, and test the hypothesis that the facilitation effect would increase with elevation as stress gradient.Location: Mount Etna, the highest active volcano in the Mediterrane…

research product

Tradition and modernity in the mediterranean cities. The tunisian cities: Tunis, Kairouan, Tozeur, Nefta.

L’articolo fa un confronto tra le differenti forme urbane delle città del Nord Africa, in particolare quelle della Tunisia (Tunisi, Kairouan, Tozeur, Nefta). Tali città, distribuite tra il Nord ed il Sud del paese, esprimono, nelle loro medine, l’identità della forma urbana e ne dichiarano la modernità lungo i loro bordi. Tunisi, posta tra due laghi, costruisce la sua modernità con la città coloniale che, anche se con linguaggi diversi, evidenzia i temi del Mediterraneo. La città di Kairouan mantiene la sua identità nella grande moschea, luogo centrale di organizzazione urbana. Le città d’oasi, come Tozeur e Nefta, esprimono il loro rapporto col paesaggio ed evidenziano con le loro architet…

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