L. Lombardo
Cultura marinara, ricerca folklorica e turismo "culturale" in Sicilia. Stato dell'arte e prospettive
Analisi statistica dei casi di intossicazione rilevati al pronto soccorso dell’Ospedale Sant’Antonio Abate di Trapani nel periodo 2010-2014
Premesse e Scopo dello studio: Lo studio ha lo scopo di analizzare i casi di intossicazione presso il P.O. Sant’Antonio Abate di Trapani con l’obiettivo di stimare e identificare l’incidenza delle intossicazioni afferenti al Pronto Soccorso. Materiali e Metodi: Sono stati raccolti dati individuali in un campione di 1220 soggetti, che presentavano un quadro sintomatologico da riferire in tutto o in parte all’intossicazione. Sono stati inclusi nello studio i casi da prodotti industriali, veleni per animali, antiparassitari, gas e vapori tossici, prodotti domestici, cosmetici, farmaci, prodotti chimici non farmaceutici, droghe e alcool, veleni animali e vegetali. Risultati: I maschi sono 810 (…
Il fenomeno della diffusione delle sostanze di abuso tra i giovani ha assunto aspetti preoccupanti. Lo spaccio di droga avviene in tutte le strutture a cui accedono i giovani, nessuna esclusa e oggi anche nel web, una delle nuove frontiere del traffico illecito. All’interno di questo scenario la figura del farmacista ha dato contributi validi nella divulgazione, per tentare di salvaguardare la salute dei giovani anche attraverso la promozione diretta di campagne di educazione/sensibilizzazione che forniscano all’utente le informazioni necessarie a difendere la propria salute. Materiali e metodi: Abbiamo realizzato due conferenze inerenti l’informazione sulle sostanze di abuso e la nuova dif…
Assessment of hydro-erosive processes in small steep coastal basins in Liguria and Sicily, Italy
The steep Mediterranean catchments underwent drastic socio economic changes in the last decades. Moreover, these basins are also subject to climate variability and potential future climate change effects. Due to mechanization in agriculture a lot of surfaces changed from terraced vineyards and olive growth to abandoned land. The terraced areas are less productive and more cost and labour intensive and hence cannot compete with a highly mechanized agriculture. Furthermore, tourism based on the natural and cultural heritage of the region is more and more important for the income of the inhabitants. The abandonment has effects on the entire landscape system in terms of hydrological dynamics, s…
Studio elettromiografico dell'attività del massetere e del temporale anteriore. Soggetti destrimani e mancini
Objectives To establish if oculomotor apparatus, stomatognathic apparatus and postural system are someway related. Materials and methods Ocular deficit, postural stabilization, head inclination and rotation, shoulder position and dental class were assessed by convergence test, cover test, postural and stomatognathic examination in a sample of 22 patients with ocular disease (convergence deficit, strabismus and heterophoria) aged from 10 to 18 years. Results In patients with convergence's deficit, body axis deviated to left (65%) and head inclination to right (65%), right shoulder was higher (68%) and I dental class was observed (49%); in patients with strabismus, body axis deviated to left …
Predicting storm triggered debris flow events: application to the 2009 Ionian-Peloritan disaster (Sicily, Italy)
Abstract. The main assumption on which landslide susceptibility assessment by means of stochastic modelling lays is that the past is the key to the future. As a consequence, a stochastic model able to classify a past known landslide scenario should be able to predict a future unknown one as well. However, storm triggered landslide events in the Mediterranean region could pose some limits on the operative validity of such expectation, as they typically result by a randomness in time recurrence and magnitude. This is the case of the 2007/09 couple of storm events, which recently hit north-eastern Sicily resulting in largely different disaster scenarios. The purpose of this study is to test wh…
New insights on shallow to intermediate crustal structures of the submerged Apenninic-Maghrebian chain (northern Sicily offshore) coming from the re-processing of the CROP M6A seismic reflection profile
Predicting storm triggered debris flow events: application to the 2009 Ionian-Peloritan disaster (Sicily, Italy)
Debris flows are shallow landslides triggered by extreme meteorological events and propagating into the drainage lines of a slope as a fluid. A debris flow susceptibility map depicts the spatial probability for future phenomena to be triggered in a given area. Stochastic approaches are widely used in landslide studies for the assessment of the susceptibility. In fact, they allow to obtain a predictive function which relates a response variable (presence/absence of landslides) and a set of physical-environmental variables which are expected to control the slope failure phenomena. Future landslide occurrences are typically predicted by studying a past landslide inventory, under the basic assu…
Nine weeks versus 1 year adjuvant trastuzumab in combination with chemotherapy: final results of the phase III randomized Short-HER study
Background: Chemotherapy plus 1-year trastuzumab is the standard adjuvant treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer. The efficacy of less extended trastuzumab exposure is under investigation. The short-HER study was aimed to assess the non-inferiority of 9 weeks versus 1 year of adjuvant trastuzumab combined with chemotherapy. Patients and methods: HER2-positive breast cancer patients with node-positive or, if node negative, with at least one risk factor (pT>2 cm, G3, lympho-vascular invasion, Ki-67 > 20%, age 35 years, or hormone receptor negativity) were randomly assigned to receive sequential anthracycline-taxane combinations plus 1-year trastuzumab (arm A, long) or plus 9 weeks tra…