Gabriele Lo Monaco

Holographic duals of 6d RG flows

A notable class of superconformal theories (SCFTs) in six dimensions is parameterized by an integer $N$, an ADE group $G$, and two nilpotent elements $\mu_\mathrm{L,R}$ in $G$. Nilpotent elements have a natural partial ordering, which has been conjectured to coincide with the hierarchy of renormalization-group flows among the SCFTs. In this paper we test this conjecture for $G=\mathrm{SU}(k)$, where AdS$_7$ duals exist in IIA. We work with a seven-dimensional gauged supergravity, consisting of the gravity multiplet and two $\mathrm{SU}(k)$ non-Abelian vector multiplets. We show that this theory has many supersymmetric AdS$_7$ vacua, determined by two nilpotent elements, which are naturally …

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Quantum scrambling via accessible tripartite information

Quantum information scrambling (QIS), from the perspective of quantum information theory, is generally understood as local non-retrievability of information evolved through some dynamical process, and is often quantified via entropic quantities such as the tripartite information. We argue that this approach comes with a number of issues, in large part due to its reliance on quantum mutual informations, which do not faithfully quantify correlations directly retrievable via measurements, and in part due to the specific methodology used to compute tripartite informations of the studied dynamics. We show that these issues can be overcome by using accessible mutual informations, defining corresp…

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AdS$_3$ solutions with exceptional supersymmetry

Among the possible superalgebras that contain the AdS$_3$ isometries, two interesting possibilities are the exceptional $F(4)$ and $G(3)$. Their R-symmetry is respectively SO(7) and $G_2$, and the amount of supersymmetry ${\cal N}=8$ and ${\cal N}=7$. We find that there exist two (locally) unique solutions in type IIA supergravity that realize these superalgebras, and we provide their analytic expressions. In both cases, the internal space is obtained by a round six-sphere fibred over an interval, with an O8-plane at one end. The R-symmetry is the symmetry group of the sphere; in the $G(3)$ case, it is broken to $G_2$ by fluxes. We also find several numerical ${\cal N}=1$ solutions with $G_…

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On AdS7 stability

AdS$_7$ supersymmetric solutions in type IIA have been classified, and they are infinitely many. Moreover, every such solution has a non-supersymmetric sister. In this paper, we study the perturbative and non-perturbative stability of these non-supersymmetric solutions, focusing on cases without orientifolds. Perturbatively, we first look at the KK spectrum of spin-2 excitations. This does not exhibit instabilities, but it does show that there is no separation of scales for either the BPS and the non-BPS case, thus proving for supersymmetric AdS$_7$ a well-known recent conjecture. We then use 7d gauged supergravity and a brane polarization computation to access part of the spectrum of KK sc…

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Cubic interactions of Maxwell-like higher spins

We study the cubic vertices for Maxwell-like higher-spins in flat and (A)dS background spaces of any dimension. Reducibility of their free spectra implies that a single cubic vertex involving any three fields subsumes a number of couplings among different particles of various spins. The resulting vertices do not involve traces of the fields and in this sense are simpler than their Fronsdal counterparts. We propose an extension of both the free theory and of its cubic deformation to a more general class of partially reducible systems, that one can obtain from the original theory upon imposing trace constraints of various orders. The key to our results is a version of the Noether procedure al…

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Entropy function from toric geometry

It has recently been claimed that a Cardy-like limit of the superconformal index of 4d $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM accounts for the entropy function, whose Legendre transform corresponds to the entropy of the holographic dual AdS$_5$ rotating black hole. Here we study this Cardy-like limit for $\mathcal{N}=1$ toric quiver gauge theories, observing that the corresponding entropy function can be interpreted in terms of the toric data. Furthermore, for some families of models, we compute the Legendre transform of the entropy function, comparing with similar results recently discussed in the literature.

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Oh, wait, O8 de Sitter may be unstable!

We analyze the stability of four-dimensional de Sitter vacua constructed by compactifying massive Type IIA supergravity in the presence of two O8 sources [1]. When embedded in String Theory the first source has a clear interpretation as an O8$_-$ plane, but the second one could correspond to either an O8$_+$ plane or to an O8$_-$ plane with 16 D8-branes on top. We find that this latter solution has a tachyonic instability, corresponding to the D8-branes moving away from the O8$_-$ plane. We comment on the possible ways of distinguishing between these sources.

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Variations on S-fold CFTs

A local SL(2,Z) transformation on the Type IIB brane configuration gives rise to an interesting class of superconformal field theories, known as the S-fold CFTs. Previously it has been proposed that the corresponding quiver theory has a link involving the T(U(N)) theory. In this paper, we generalise the preceding result by studying quivers that contain a T(G) link, where G is self-dual under S-duality. In particular, the cases of G = SO(2N), USp'(2N) and G_2 are examined in detail. We propose the theories that arise from an appropriate insertion of an S-fold into a brane system, in the presence of an orientifold threeplane or an orientifold fiveplane. By analysing the moduli spaces, we test…

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The moduli spaces of S-fold CFTs

An S-fold has played an important role in constructing supersymmetric field theories with interesting features. It can be viewed as a type of AdS_4 solutions of Type IIB string theory where the fields in overlapping patches are glued by elements of SL(2,Z). This paper examines three dimensional quiver theories that arise from brane configurations with an inclusion of the S-fold. An important feature of such a quiver is that it contains a link, which is the T(U(N)) theory, between two U(N) groups, along with bifundamental and fundamental hypermultiplets. We systematically study the moduli spaces of those quiver theories, including the cases in which the non-zero Chern-Simons levels are turne…

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The geometry of N=3 AdS4 in massive IIA

The geometry of the ${\cal N} = 3$, SO(4)--invariant, AdS$_4$ solution of massive type IIA supergravity that uplifts from the ${\cal N} = 3 $ vacuum of $D=4$ ${\cal N} = 8$ dyonic ISO(7) supergravity is investigated. Firstly, a $D=4$, SO(4)--invariant restricted duality hierarchy is constructed and used to uplift the entire, dynamical SO(4)--invariant sector to massive type IIA. The resulting consistent uplift formulae are used to obtain a new local expression for the ${\cal N} = 3 $ AdS$_4$ solution in massive IIA and analyse its geometry. Locally, the internal $S^6$ geometry corresponds to a warped fibration of $S^2$ and a hemisphere of $S^4$. This can be regarded as a warped generalisati…

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Supersymmetric Indices of 3d S-fold SCFTs

Enhancement of global symmetry and supersymmetry in the infrared is one of the most intriguing phenomena in quantum field theory. We investigate such phenomena in a large class of three dimensional superconformal field theories, known as the S-fold SCFTs. Supersymmetric indices are computed for a number of theories containing small rank gauge groups. It is found that indices of several models exhibit enhancement of supersymmetry at the superconformal fixed point in the infrared. Dualities between S-fold theories that have different quiver descriptions are also analysed. We explore a new class of theories with a discrete global symmetry, whose gauge symmetry in the quiver has a different glo…

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Monopoles and dualities in 3d N=2 quivers

Seiberg-like dualities in 2+1d quiver gauge theories with 4 supercharges are investigated. We consider quivers made of various combinations of classical gauge groups U(N), Sp(N), SO(N) and SU(N). Our main focus is the mapping of the supersymmetric monopole operators across the dual theories. There is a simple general rule that encodes the mapping of the monopoles upon dualizing a single node. This rule dictates the mapping of all the monopoles which are not dressed by baryonic operators. We also study more general situations involving baryons and baryon-monopoles, focussing on three examples: SU−Sp, SO−SO and SO−Sp quivers.

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All N=(8,0) AdS3 solutions in 10 and 11 dimensions

We classify AdS(3) solutions preserving N = (8, 0) supersymmetry in ten and eleven dimensions and find the local form of each of them. These include the AdS(3)xS(6) solution of [1] and the embeddings of AdS(3) into AdS(4)xS(7), AdS(5)xS(5), AdS(7)/Z(k)xS(4) and its IIA reduction within AdS(7). More interestingly we find solutions preserving the superconformal algebras f4, su(1,1|4), osp(4*|4) on certain squashings of the 7-sphere. These solutions asymptote to AdS(4)xS(7) and are promising candidates for holographic duals to defects in Chern-Simons matter theories.

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