Parroco Anna Maria
Domestic violence in Africa: a glance through the DHS survey
Recent data states that 33 per cent of women in Sub-Saharan Africa are survivors of domestic violence. This work aims at assessing the association between women’s characteristics, their environment, and their history of violence in fifteen African countries. Three kinds of violence were explored: physical, emotional and sexual, each one exerted by the current partner. The data are from Demographic and Health Survey, in which a special module assessed domestic violence in female respondents. Using three independent logistic regression models, we found that witnessing violence of any kind has an effect on having a violent relationship, and while female empowerment is not protective, partners …
HIV Prevalence in some African Territories: Socio-Economic Drivers
In 2020, 35% of all HIV-positive people in the world lived in Eastern and Southern Africa. This work aims at assessing the relationship between socio-economic drivers and HIV prevalence at the sub-national level in these countries. The data used are drawn from the Demographic and Health Survey, in which a subset of respondents is tested for HIV. Using a fractional logistic regression model on clusters of individuals, middle-to-high wealth is positively associated with higher HIV prevalence, while a higher average number of children acts as a protective factor; moreover, higher proportions of people who have never been in sexual relationships lower their cluster’s HIV prevalence but HIV-posi…