Bizouard Florian
Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 & N2O) of an acid soil after adding liming products, observed at 2 experimental scales (in situ and undisturbed cylinders)
Soil organic carbon storage capacity of old and modern wheat varieties
Despite the possible mitigation of carbon emissions by favoring carbon transfer to terrestrial carbon sinks, little is knownabout the capacity of different crop genotypes to enhance soil carbon sequestration. We hypothesize that carbon sequestrationpotential linked to old wheat varieties (released before 1960) is higher than the one linked to modern ones while old varietiesare known to develop bigger and deeper root systems. Moreover, modern varieties are often cultivated using syntheticchemical inputs known to modify soil carbon dynamics. We conducted a field experiment by cultivating four modern andfour old wheat varieties, with and without chemical inputs (nitrogen, herbicide and fungici…