Patrizia Franco
Tracce di cultura devozionale spagnola nella Palermo del '600: Studio e Restauro
Oggetto di studio e restauro è una scultura lignea interamente dorata e dipinta, con funzione processionale, che raffigura la Madonna di Monserrato, il cui culto è collegato al noto Santuario annesso al Monastero dei Benedettini di Montserrat, vicino Barcellona. Di particolare interesse si è rivelato lo studio della tecnica esecutiva di quest’opera, anche perché la scultura lignea siciliana, in particolare quella eseguita dal Rinascimento al Barocco, è a tutt’oggi poco studiata, o comunque affrontata in maniera dispersiva e non sistematica . La Madonna, frontale e assisa, ostende il Bambino Gesù adagiato tra le ginocchia e perfettamente contenuto entro la sua sagoma, riprendendo una specifi…
Diagnostic analyses of the wooden statue of Madonna di Monserrato
Indagini diagnostiche e restauro della statua lignea di San Nicola di Mira
The restoration of the wooden statue of San Nicola di Mira – usually known as San Nicola di Bari – at the Diocesan Museum of Palermo, is the result of a cooperation among art historians, restorers, physicists, chemists, biologists and geologists. The intervention was carried out by following a series of historical and scientific surveys which allowed to study the object in depth and to recover it its originality. The restoration took place in a hall of the Diocesan Museum, fitted out as a laboratory, according to rigorous scientific rules and to Cesare Brandi’s restorationtheory. So, the statue went back, as far as possible, to its ancient splendour; moreover, some details re-emerged, that …
Indagini diagnostiche della statua lignea della Madonna di Monserrato
The restoration of the wooden statue of Madonna of Montserrat at the Diocesan Museum of Palermo was preceded by a series of chemical-physical and biological investigations which have allowed a better knowledge of the work. In particular the following analyses have been performed on fragment of original material, sampled near the gaps of the wooden statue,: • observations of cross sections to the reflected light Optical Microscope (OM) to identify the stratigraphy and the pictorial materials; • SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) observations on cross sections and analysis in microprobe with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) for structural and chemical analysis of the single pictorial laye…