Jorge Vicent Servera
Systematic Assessment of MODTRAN Emulators for Atmospheric Correction
Atmospheric radiative transfer models (RTMs) simulate the light propagation in the Earth's atmosphere. With the evolution of RTMs, their increase in complexity makes them impractical in routine processing such as atmospheric correction. To overcome their computational burden, standard practice is to interpolate a multidimensional lookup table (LUT) of prestored simulations. However, accurate interpolation relies on large LUTs, which still implies large computation times for their generation and interpolation. In recent years, emulation has been proposed as an alternative to LUT interpolation. Emulation approximates the RTM outputs by a statistical regression model trained with a low number …
Design of a Generic 3-D Scene Generator for Passive Optical Missions and Its Implementation for the ESA’s FLEX/Sentinel-3 Tandem Mission
During the design phase of a satellite mission, end-to-end mission performance simulator (E2ES) tools allow scientists and engineers evaluating the mission concept, consolidating system technical requirements and analyzing the suitability of the implemented technical solutions and data processing algorithms. The generation of synthetic scenes is one of the core parts of an E2ES, providing scenes (ground truth) as would be observed by satellite instruments and used as reference against simulated retrieved mission products. An appropriate generation of the scene also allows assessing the performance of the ground data processing chain replacing real instrument data before the mission is in or…
Gradient-Based Automatic Lookup Table Generator for Radiative Transfer Models
Physically based radiative transfer models (RTMs) are widely used in Earth observation to understand the radiation processes occurring on the Earth’s surface and their interactions with water, vegetation, and atmosphere. Through continuous improvements, RTMs have increased in accuracy and representativity of complex scenes at expenses of an increase in complexity and computation time, making them impractical in various remote sensing applications. To overcome this limitation, the common practice is to precompute large lookup tables (LUTs) for their later interpolation. To further reduce the RTM computation burden and the error in LUT interpolation, we have developed a method to automaticall…
Design of a generic end-to-end mission performance simulator and application to the performance analysis of the FLEX/Sentinel-3 mission
La Observación de la Tierra mediante técnicas de teledetección con instrumentos ópticos en satélite tiene como objetivo monitorizar los procesos bio-geofísicos en la superficie y atmósfera terrestre, adquiriendo datos a diferentes longitudes de onda del espectro electromagnético. Con el fin de asegurar el mantenimiento de las observaciones y las capacidades para entender el sistema Tierra, nuevas misiones satelitales están siendo desarrolladas por agencias espaciales nacionales e internacionales así como organizaciones de investigación. En este contexto, los simuladores de misiones espaciales (E2ES por sus siglas en inglés, End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator) ofrecen a los científicos…
Multi-fidelity Gaussian Process Emulation for Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Models
This repository contains several datasets of spectral atmospheric transfer functions (i.e. path radiance, transmittances, spherical albedo) simulated with MODTRAN6 atmospheric radiative transfer model. The simulations are stored in hdf5 files using the Atmospheric Look-up table Generator (ALG) toolbox (https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-1945-2020). Each dataset has an associated .xml file that includes the configuration of ALG/MODTRAN6 executions. All datasets include the input atmospheric/geometric variables that are summarized in the following table. Each dataset file has a random distribution (based on latin hypercube sampling) these input variables with varying number of points (e.g. train5…