T Oest


A study of scaling violations in fragmentation functions performed by the ALEPH collaboration at LEP is presented. Data samples enriched in uds, c, b and gluon jets, respectively, together with measurements of the longitudinal and transverse inclusive cross sections are used to extract the fragmentation function for the gluon and for each flavour. The measurements are compared to data from experiments at energies between 22 GeV and 91 GeV and scaling violations consistent with QCD predictions are observed. From this, a measurement of the strong coupling constant alpha(s) (M(z)) = 0.126 +/- 0.009 is obtained.

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A measurement of |Vcb| from

Abstract From approximately 3 million hadronic decays of Z bosons recorded with the aleph detector at lep , a sample of 410 ± 32 B 0 → D ∗+ l − ν l candidates is selected, where l is either an electron or a muon. The differential decay rate dΓ ( B 0 → D ∗+ l − ν l ) dω from this sample is fitted, yielding a value for the product of the CKM matrix element |Vcb| and the normalisation of the decay form factor at the point of zero recoil of the D∗+ meson F (ω = 1)|Vcb| = (31.4 ± 2.3stat ± 2.5syst) × 10−3. A value for |Vcb| is extracted using theoretical calculations of the form factor normalisation, with the result |Vcb| = (34.5 ± 2.5stat ± 2.7syst ± 1.5theory) × 10−3. From the integrated s the…

research product

Measurement of the Bs0 lifetime and production rate with Ds−ℓ+ combinations in Z decays

Abstract The lifetime of the Bs0 meson is measured in approximately 3 million hadronic Z decays accumulated using the ALEPH detector at LEP from 1991 to 1994. Seven different Ds− decay modes were reconstructed and combined with an opposite sign lepton as evidence of semileptonic Bs0 decays. Two hundred and eight Ds−l+ candidates satisfy selection criteria designed to ensure precise proper time reconstruction and yield a measured Bs0 lifetime of τ(Bs0) = 1.59−0.15+0.17 (stat) ±0.03 (syst) ps. Using a larger, less constrained sample of events, the product branching ratio is measured to be Br ( b → B s 0 ) · Br(B s 0 → D s − l + νX) = 0.82 ± 0.09 (stat) −0.14+0.13 (syst) %.

research product

Search for supersymmetric particles with R-parity violation in Z decays

Searches for supersymmetric particles produced in e(+)e(-) interactions at the Z peak have been performed under the assumptions that R-parity is not conserved, that the dominant R-parity violating coupling involves only leptonic fields, and that the lifetime of the lightest supersymmetric particle can be neglected. In a data sample collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP up to 1993, and corresponding to almost two million hadronic Z decays, no signal was observed. As a result, supersymmetric particle masses and couplings are at least as well constrained as under the usual assumption of R-parity conservation.

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