Effects of gender, diet, exogenous melatonin and subchronic PCB exposure on plasma immunoglobulin G in mink
Abstract Effects of different fish-based diets (freshwater smelt, Baltic herring, marine herring/cod offal or their mixtures), gender, β-glucan supplement, exogenous melatonin, and PCB exposure (Aroclor 1242®, 1 mg per animal per day in feed) on plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the mink (Mustela vison) were studied. The aims of the study were to find out whether plasma IgG of the mink is affected by the subchronic PCB exposure, and whether biological, nutritional and hormonal effects are large enough to mask the possible IgG response. The concentration of IgG was determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Sexual dimorphism was detected, the males having higher levels of pla…