Effect of Oral Semaglutide on Cardiovascular Parameters and Their Mechanisms in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Rationale and Design of the Semaglutide Anti-Atherosclerotic Mechanisms of Action Study (SAMAS).
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) management has reached a point where not only optimal glycaemic control is necessary, but also additional interventions with proven cardiovascular risk reduction benefit. Subcutaneous semaglutide has been shown to provide cardiovascular protection, but its use may be limited by its injection formulation. To overcome this limitation, an oral semaglutide tablet has been developed, which could potentially be of the same value as its injection counterpart, but in a much wider group of patients with T2D, thereby allowing for broader cardiovascular risk reduction in this vulnerable patient population.A total of 100 consecutive patients with T2D and a disease duration of up t…