Sara Morena

The Technologies of Architectural Survey: A New Comparison Based on the Tower of Sotillo de la Ribera, Burgos

The paper offers an original research about the analysis and the comparison of different techniques of survey concerning the architectural field – image-based and range-based – throughout the development of the theory of errors in order to evaluate reliability and precision of the results. In particular, this analysis will be focused on the tower of the parochial Church of Santa Águeda, a building located in the small village of Sotillo de la Ribera, within the province of Burgos (Spain). The first part of this work, therefore, has been submitted to the implementation of different methodologies, from the direct survey used as a basis, to the procedure to represent graphically the results (e…

research product

Monoscopic Photogrammetry to investigate the buildings in the period of the Modernism in Salerno: the case study of Torquato Tasso High School

The city of Salerno and the expansion that underwent in the 1920s in order to respond to the urban expansion following the demographic increase that occurred at the beginning of the century will be the topics discussed in this paper. Transformations that created a face to the city that, in its forms, although not linked to the most advanced avant-garde, represents a testimony of the new characteristics of the “modern” city. Within this evolutionary process of the province of Salerno there is the 1928 project of two engineers, Michele and his son Luigi De Angelis for the construction of the “Regio” School. In a first moment, several projects found in the archives refer mainly to the various …

research product

Un caso di copertura a doppia calotta a Palermo: analisi e rappresentazione del congegno presbiteriale della Badia Nuova

The church of the Badia Nuova in Palermo, which arose in the 16th century and subjected to continuous renovations, stands out as an isolated case in the Palermo scene for its ingenious double-shell dome solution in the presbytery area. The aim of the research is to analyse the architectural design for a comprehension of the relationships between light and space.

research product

Virtual tour through the towers of the defensive system in the province of Salerno

The coastal towers of the defensive system in the province of Salerno are architectures developed over time; they are buildings belonging to an extended strategic plan of the coastal territory useful to defend populations and cities from the ancient enemy attacks. Hence, their location comes from careful studies in which the orographic characteristics of the place and the visual connection between a tower and another played a fundamental role.The aim of this work is to focus the attention on the visual communication between the towers, or on the “dialogue” that the different artefacts entertain each other. In order to pursue this objective, a virtual tour that connects the different ancient…

research product

Creative Tourism. Connecting Fontanelle Cemetery to a Larger Touristic Route

The case study of this paper concerned the Fontanelle cemetery, an underground site with a long and peculiar history shaped by its origin, use and function as well as from its location, Rione Sanità. This area is a popular neighbourhood of Naples with original characteristics and challenges that we tried to learn, understand, and approach. The task of this work was to develop a strategy to connect the site to a larger touristic route through the implementation of Creative Tourism approaches.

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3D digital tools for the archaeological massive artifacts documentation

This study focuses on 3D acquisition and documentation procedures, innovating and implementing traditional survey methods to promote and increase the efficacy of the historical and archaeological heritage fruition. Especially within museum itineraries, modern digital technologies, if consistently applied, can promote a better interpretative reading, implementing the knowledge of scholars. Moreover, in coherence with the Horizon Europe “Cultural Heritage” area of intervention, for a new future inextricably linked to the history of Cultural Heritage, it is essential to experiment approaches that favor innovative mechanisms of fruition and promotion of works of art, based on the idea that the …

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BIM and Low-Cost Survey Techniques for Building Heritage Conservation

The aim of this contribution is to illustrate a methodology for the protection and management of the building heritage, adding to the historical documentary investigations, a careful phase of survey and a conscious geometric and informational modelling of the pre-existence. The focus of this work was the Tower of Vietri sul Mare: a significant example of the architectural defense strategies adopted in Salerno in the 16th century. In fact, through the creation of digital models, it would be facilitated the management of the volumetric evolution that this tower has undergone over time, ensuring a greater accessibility and an easier understanding of the transformations it has suffered.

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Documentación gráfica de la Iglesia de Santa Águeda en Sotillo de la Ribera (España)

The parochial church of Santa Águeda in Sotillo de la Ribera, located in the province of Burgos, Spain is the object of the works of graphical documentation using different methods of survey, which provide a material with different levels of precision, here analysed and confronted. The value of documentation of buildings never surveyed before, enables a much more thorough formal analysis and offers the possibility of contrasting cases with similar features within the territory. The supplementary value added by the knowledge of measures of ancient architectures means a useful tool for their study and, along with formal and historic studies supplies enough elements to obtain a revalorization …

research product

Da Positano a Sapri: la rete di "sguardi" del sistema difensivo costiero

The aim of the paper is to deepen the cognitive analysis of the coastal “Torreggiamento” of the province of Salerno, focusing not so much on individual products, but rather on the entire defence system of the coastal territory in the Viceregal era. It is a dense network of towers, located in careful strategic points, with the purpose to control the coast and identify on time the pirate attacks. Through the analysis and comparison of ancient maps, got until now, we want focus the attention on the visual communication between the towers, or on the “dialogue” that entertain each other the different artefacts. There will be a comparison between the original project of dislocation of the towers …

research product

Riscoprire: forma e storia della Torre di Fuonti

The defensive system of the Amalfi Coast represents a testimony of our past, to be known, preserved and protected, a heritage to be treasured and passed on. Despite the great importance and value, some towers have been abandoned because over the years becoming unfit for the use and obsolete. The role of virtual reconstruction, in this regard, is particularly important because it supports the valorization of the heritage, the knowledge of the territory and the dissemination of the culture of our country. The contribution is a part of a wider study aimed at the divulgation of the defensive system of the Amalfi Coast. The paper focuses on a tower named Torre della Punta di Fuenti (di Fuonti or…

research product

The virtual reconstruction of the minaret of Mansourah mosque (Algeria)

This contribution synthetically addresses some of the photogrammetric solutions available today in the field of architectural-archaeological survey and the related applications outcome, evaluated during both the acquisition phase of metric data than in those of effective yield of refunds infographics. Therefore, we have focused on the virtual reconstruction of one of the most emblematic and symbolic building of the Algerian culture, the mosque of Mansourah, returning the minaret as it appeared before its partial collapse, namely correspondent in geometry, textures, and colours. The work is part of a larger research project to promote knowledge and dissemination of Algeria cultural heritage,…

research product

Un corretto approccio alle tecniche di fotogrammetria low-cost: il caso di 123D Catch

L’articolo si focalizza sulla possibilità di realizzare ricostruzioni tridimensionali del patrimonio architettonico, implementando un’applicazione gratuita della Autodesk che permette di trasformare le prese fotografiche in vere e proprie scene 3D. Il funzionamento del software si basa sull’automatizzazione di un processo di reverse modelling, così, assumendo sempre validi i principi della fotogrammetria, è possibile stimare e conoscere la posizione nello spazio di ogni punto fotografato (ovviamente, purché collimabile in almeno tre prese). In particolare, le macchinose operazioni di riconoscimento dei punti omologhi avverranno per mezzo di un algoritmo di cloud computing, non richiedendo q…

research product

SHINING 3D EINSCAN-PRO, application and validation in the field of Cultural Heritage, from the Chillida-Leku Museum to the Archaeological Museum of Sarno

Abstract. The following contribution focuses on the low-cost Shining 3D EinScan-Pro scanner, above all the analysis of its precision and accuracy. The need to prove the functioning of this instrumentation in practical cases (the sculptures by Eduardo Chillida preserved in the Chillida-Leku Museum and along with some artefacts collected in the Archaeological Museum of Sarno), has led to the comparison and validation of the instrument through a methodology necessarily diversified from the guideline VDI/VDE 2634, part 2 and part 3, characteristics to the test the optical 3D measuring systems with planar measurement, which works according to the triangulation principle. In particular, two types…

research product

Integration of 3D modelling with photogrammetry applied on historical images for cultural heritage

The recovery of past architecture through 3D modelling is an important challenge today to the preservation of heritage. Decisive support for the interpretation of architecture can certainly come from historical images and old photographs that fix a portion of space at a specific time, keeping it unchanged over the years. This acquisition is decisive for studying architectures of the past that can be reinterpreted and analysed. Photos, in fact, capture the advance of time and the life of a building at a precise historical moment, becoming essential documents for the study and knowledge of heritage. An additional advantage is when these old images can be processed through Structure for Motion…

research product

Infographic techniques for the representation of marginal buildings of Salerno coast

By means of this article, it proposes a cognitive study of the coastal defence system of Amalfi; place rich in history, which is well suited as a case study to experiment the innovative digital techniques for the representation and preservation of cultural heritage. The interpretation of the building, its forms and its nature has been developed through the integration of monoscopic photogrammetry with BIM, this in order to reach the realization of an infographic image summary with the high knowledge content, and for the enhancement and conservation of these architectures

research product

Rediscovering the coastal towers of Salerno. History and representation

The focus is on the ongoing developments in the field of digitisation for the preservation and conservation of Cultural Heritage. The work draws attention to the important and necessary multidisciplinary approach, which inextricably links history and new technologies in the field of survey and representation. The case study concerns the defence system of coastal towers in the province of Salerno, an area that has always been rich in history and a crossroads of peoples and civilisations. The use of new technologies in the conservation of historical and architectural heritage is in fact a fundamental step to improve the analysis, conservation and dissemination of these sites and buildings. Af…

research product

Preserving Cultural Landscapes in South Africa: UAV Mapping of a Bokoni Archaeological Complex

During the second year of the project “A social and spatial investigation at the Moxomatsi village”- Joint Mobility Projects: New Technologies for Social Science, ISARP 2018-20 - the work team of the University of Salerno (Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences) was engaged in South Africa for the documentation of the Bokoni Archaeological Complex. Located in the present province of Mpumalanga, the Bokoni was a pre-colonial South African society, the research will be mainly focused on the study of agricultural settlements characterized by areas where densely walled settlements with roughly circular homesteads linked by walled roads are interspersed amon…

research product

Masonry Sail Vaults in Maltese Architecture: Geometrical Analysis for the Study of Building Processes

This research concerns the introduction and dissemination of masonry sail vaults in Malta between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries. A digital survey is produced to capture a reality-based 3D model, undertake analysis, and compare case studies with the aim of interpreting the sail vaults' construction systems.

research product

Fotogrammetria e tecnologia IR per un rilievo digitale low-cost della scultura “Torso”, di Eduardo Chillida

The paper focuses on the analysis of ‘innovative’ technologies for low-cost survey: downstream test metrology and precise coding methodology, which could be of great support in the documen- tation, virtualization and dissemination of the sculptural heritage. The transposition of the museum works in 3D allows the return of models that can be used by remote –for studies, measurements, restorations, etc.–, no needing a physical contact with the piece, so in a non-invasive way. The virtual museum also offers the pos- sibility to organize exhibitions accessible to a wider audience.

research product

La resilienza del Lapis, tra il disegno analogico e digitale

Sempre più distanti, negli ultimi anni, dall’epoca del rilievo a vista, il disegno dal vero sembrava scivolare nell’oblio del tempo, giudicato anacronistico e superfluo in quella che viene ormai definita ‘digital age’. Eppure, grazie alla consolante ed empatica risposta degli allievi di architettura, che intendono misurarsi anche con questo tipo di competenza, il disegno dal vero sopravvive, palesando il ruolo chiave che riveste nella comprensione della realtà esistente. L’emergenza pandemica ha fornito un ulteriore spunto di riflessione su tale linguaggio, rimarcando l’importanza del Cultural Heritage Sketching come strumento per intendere e avvicinarsi maggiormente all’opera, proprio a se…

research product


Abstract. The great technological development in recent years in the field of architectural survey has made possible increasingly expeditious and less invasive investigations with the aim of acquiring a series of data related to the asset and fundamental for the protection of cultural heritage. In addition, the synergy between the various techniques represents an added value able, not only, to fill possible gaps and lacks arising from application limits of the instruments, but also to enhance the peculiarities of the same. This paper presents an integrated survey activity (range-based, image-based and IR thermography techniques) aimed at applying the combination and collaboration of multipl…

research product

La Torre della Marina di Vietri sulla Costa d’Amalfi: test statistico-predittivi di dati fotogrammetrici

The Tower of Marina di Vietri on Amalfi Coast: a statistical-predictive test of photogrammetric dataThe focus of the work is on close-range photogrammetry and mainly on the low-cost technologies, experimented in the survey of Tower of Marina di Vietri, a historical building erected in the sixteenth century at Vietri sul Mare in the Province of Salerno. The general objective is to codify a methodology for objectifying the comparisons of the results; hence, the research starts from an original analysis conducted on the returned orthophotos by several photogrammetric paradigms. To estimate its reliability and precision, we proceeded, at first, with the extension and application of an error pro…

research product

Rediscovering tradition through representation: the vaulted house of the Amalfi Coast

The Amalfi Coast represents one of the most fascinating examples of Mediterranean landscape with a unique cultural and natural setting, resulting from its dramatic topography and the evolution of its community. The universal value of the coast, the evolutionary process of human adaptation to its production and exchange spaces, as well as its residential settlements, is very important to preserve. In this regard, the research is focused on the interpretation of these places, and in particular on the typical medieval houses to find the main features through the representation of ancient and new designers. The observation through the drawing allows rediscovering the essential elements that dis…

research product

Lapis Resiliency, through Analogic and Digital Drawing

In recent years, life drawings as a tool for site survey had slip into the oblivion of time. Its use is considered anachronistic and superfluous in what is defined as the 'digital age'. Nevertheless, thanks to architecture students, who measure themselves with this type of competence, freehand drawing survives revealing its role in understanding the existing reality. Furthermore, the pandemic emergency has provided the opportunity to reflect on the subject, highlighting the importance of urban sketching as a tool to understand and comprehend the building environment. However, the need to adapt to remote activities has inevitably led to the development of new and interesting methodologies by…

research product

Monoscopic Photogrammetry to Investigate the Buildings in the Period of Modernism in Salerno: The Case Study of Torquato Tasso High School

The city of Salerno and the expansion that underwent in the 1920s in order to respond to the urban expansion following the demographic increase that occurred at the beginning of the century will be the topics discussed in this paper. Transformations that created a face to the city that, in its forms, although not linked to the most advanced avant-garde, represent a testimony of the new characteristics of the “modern” city. Within this evolutionary process of the province of Salerno there is the 1928 project of two engineers, Michele and his son Luigi De Angelis for the construction of the “Regio” School. In a first moment, several projects found in the archives refer mainly to the various l…

research product

Disegni per interpretare le trasformazioni delle torri della costiera amalfitana

The fascinating nature of the Amalfi coast is the background for territories full of history and places of immense value. Starting from some of the main representations of the Salerno territory, it was possible to retrace the main evolutionary phases of the city and then focus on what is a ‘product’ of the events that have taken place over time, the Cetara Tower. The research and iconographic documentation, in fact, have made possible to highlight some of the transformations and superfetations that the tower, in the homonymous city, has undergone during the years; up to assume the current conformation

research product

Aplicación en 123dCatch para un nuevo enfoque a la fotogrametría low-cost

L’articolo si focalizza sulla possibilità di realizzare ricostruzioni tri- dimensionali del patrimonio architettonico, implementando un’ap- plicazione gratuita della Autodesk che permette di trasformare le prese fotografiche in vere e proprie scene 3D. Il funzionamento del software si basa sull’automatizzazione di un processo di re- verse modelling: in particolare, le macchinose operazioni di rico- noscimento dei punti omologhi vengono elaborate per mezzo di un algoritmo di cloud computing (non richiedendo quindi, potenti calcolatori).

research product

La digitalizzazione del patrimonio come strumento per la conoscenza, un’esperienza sull’architettura ferroviaria siciliana

The process of digitisation of the artistic and cultural heritage has enriched the possibilities of representation and communication of architecture, increasing the modes of reproduction, fruition as well as the possibilities of protection and preservation. The study of this research draws attention on the continuous progress of technology in the cultural field and highlights the important collaboration that exists between digital and analog representation, identifying, with this synergy, a virtuous path that allows, through the use of different methodologies, to be able to know and analyze the historical phases of a building. In particular, the attention was directed to the Caltanissetta C…

research product

As-built graphic documentation of the Monumento a la Tolerancia. Validation of low-cost survey techniques

[EN] The Monumento a la Tolerancia is an emblematic sculpture realized by Eduardo Chillida, a perfect example for the documentation of sculptures with uniform textures, non-reflective colours and with poorly elaborated shapes through the implementation of various photogrammetric tools, as well as using different applications for processing phase. The basic data are photos taken quickly and without an accurate previous study, which is why the implementation of any target was not foreseen. In order to prove the results different kind of analysis were conducted. The first type was carried out analysing the results obtained from different software, with the use of the same instrument. The secon…

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