P. Mansueto
Human leucocyte antigen class I and class II and chronic idiopathic urticaria associated with aspirin and/or NSAIDs hypersensitivity.
Tacrolimus ointment in nickel sulphate-induced steroid-resistant allergic contact dermatitis.
Role of age at diagnosis and clinical type of coeliac disease in the incidence of complicated coeliac disease.
Background and Aims: Coeliac disease (CD) is a chronic enteropathy characterized by an increased mortality mainly due to its complications, i.e. refractory CD, abdominal lymphomas, and small bowel carcinoma. Recently, it was shown that overall annual incidence of these complications in CD patients is 0.2%. However, some evidence suggests that risk of developing complications varies in different type of coeliac patients, type of clinical presentation and age at diagnosis of CD being the most important discriminant factors. To calculate the risk of developing compilations according to type of clinical presentation and age at diagnosis of CD. Methods: The data obtained from our previous study …
Periodic fever: a case report.
The malnutrition in the elderly: A clinical approach
Coronary involvement in Mediterranean spotted fever
Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) is a tick-borne acute febrile disease caused by Rickettsia conorii and characterized by fever, a maculo-papular rash and a black eschar at the site of the tick bite. We describe the case of a 3-year-old boy with MSF who developed a transient right coronary artery ectasia. The patient was brought to the hospital after four days of fever and mild myalgia of the legs. The suspicion of MSF arose due to the presence of a maculo-papular skin rash and treatment with oral clarithromycin was started. After four days fever persisted and the differential diagnosis of Kawasaki syndrome was considered. Echocardiography showed a dilated right coronary artery with hyperre…
Statins and osteoporosis: Myth or reality?
Frequency Of Self-Reported Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity In School-Age Adolescents In Italy Epidemiological And Clinical Data.
Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity (NCWS) has recently been included among the gluten-related disorders. As no biomarkers of this disease exist, its frequency has been estimated based on self-reported symptoms, but to date no data are available about self-reported NCWS in teenagers. AIM: To explore the prevalence of self-reported NCWS in a group of high school students and to study their demographic and clinical characteristics. METHODS: The study was performed between April 2015 and January 2016 in two high schools of a coastal town in the south of Sicily (Italy).
Prevalence of antibodies anti-bartonella henselae in western sicily: children, blood donors, and cats.
Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in elderly patients with multimorbidity
none 327 si Pharmacological thromboprophylaxis (TP) is known to reduce venous thromboembolism (VTE) in medical inpatients, but the criteria for risk-driven prescription, safety and impact on mortality are still debated. We analyze data on elderly patients with multimorbidities admitted in the year 2010 to the Italian internal medicine wards participating in the REPOSI registry to investigate the rate of TP during the hospital stay, and analyze the factors that are related to its prescription. Multivariate logistic regression, area under the ROC curve and CART analysis were performed to look for independent predictors of TP prescription. Association between TP and VTE, bleeding and death in …
Osteodystrophy in chronic liver diseases
Osteoporosis and osteomalacy are, to date, among the most common metabolic disease in the world. Recently, association between metabolic bone diseases and chronic liver diseases has been increasingly reported, inducing many authors to create a new nosographic entity known as "hepatic osteodystrophy". The importance of such a condition is, moreover, further increased by morbidity of these two diseases, which greatly reduce patients quality of life because of frequent fractures, especially vertebral and femoral neck ones. For this, early identification of high-risk patients should be routinely performed by measuring Bone Mass Density. The explanation for the association between bone diseases …
Artificial neural networks and liver diseases: An economic and pre-imaging diagnosis
Circulating levels of soluble adhesion molecules in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis
BACKGROUND: During inflammation, activated vascular endothelial cells and other cell types express various adhesion molecules, which facilitate the binding of circulating leukocytes and their extravasation in surrounding tissue (i.e. renal tissue). The serum concentration of circulating soluble adhesion molecules is supposed to reflect the degree of this activation. OBJECTIVE: In the first part of the study, we determined if the serum levels of the soluble intercellular adhesion molecule (sICAM)-1 and the soluble endothelial cell-leukocyte adhesion molecule (sELAM)-1, in patients affected by microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), associated with myeloperoxidase (MPO)-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic an…
A case of bowel schistosomiasis that did not adhere to the endoscopic findings.
Role of FODMAPs in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Review.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, flatus, and altered bowel habits. The role of dietary components in inducing IBS symptoms is difficult to explore. To date, foods are not considered a cause but rather symptom-triggering factors. Particular interest has been given to the so-called FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols). We aimed to summarize the evidence from the most common approaches to manage suspected food intolerance in IBS, with a particular interest in the role of FODMAPs and the effects of a low FODMAP diet. We reviewed literature, consulting PubMed and Medline by using the search terms FODMAP(s), fru…
Tacrolimus ointment in patients with allergic contact dermatitis to nickel sulphate
Ass’s milk in allergy to Cow’s milk protein: a review
CPK increase as an occult marker of cerebrovascular disease: a case report.
Mycotic infection of the alimentary canal are rare and usually involve the upper digestive tract. Mycetes, especially of Candida family, are habitual saprophytes in the digestive tract of healthy individuals. Under certain conditions, fungal flora may overgrowth, resulting in lesions of the digestive mucosa, which, rarely, might evolve to local diffusion and/or systemic lympho-hematogenous spreading. In the stomach, sometimes, mycotic infections may appear like benign gastric ulcers. we described a case of woman, aged 64, affected by psoriasis, in chronic treatment with cyclosporine and type 2 diabetes mellitus, a well-known immunosoppressive condition, with endoscopic evidence of ulcerated…
Continous alert for rickettsiosis in Sicily: molecular characterization of Rickettsia sp. obtained from ticks and human beings (1986-2001).
Several strains of Rickettsia sp. were isolated from patients in western Sicily with MSF (Mediterranean Spotted Fever) as well as ticks. Strains isolated were examined by PCR and identified as belonging to R. conorii sp. Importantly a strain of Israeli Spotted Fever Rickettsiae, obtained from a tick, was also identified. Our data prove that strains other than the classical R. conorii also circulate in Sicily.
Mevalonate pathway: role of bisphosphonates and statins.
Immunology of human rickettsial diseases.
Among human rickettsial diseases caused by micro-organisms of the genus Rickettsia (Order Rickettsiales; Family Rickettsiaceae), transmitted to human hosts through arthropod vectors, Mediterranean Spotted Fever, or Boutonneuse Fever, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are considered to be important infectious diseases due to continued prevalence in the developed world, and potentially fatal outcome in severe cases. Proliferation of rickettsiae, at the site of the tick bite, results in focal epidermal and dermal necrosis (tache noire). Rickettsiae then spread via lymphatic vessels to the regional lymph nodes, and, via the bloodstream, to skin, brain, lungs, heart, liver, spleen and kidneys. Th…