V. I. Tretyak
Precise measurement of 2νββ decay of 100Mo with the CUPID-Mo detection technology
We report the measurement of the two-neutrino double-beta (2 νββ) decay of 100Mo to the ground state of 100Ru using lithium molybdate (Li2100MoO4) scintillating bolometers. The detectors were developed for the CUPID-Mo program and operated at the EDELWEISS-III low background facility in the Modane underground laboratory (France). From a total exposure of 42.235 kg× day, the half-life of 100Mo is determined to be T1/22ν=[7.12-0.14+0.18(stat.)±0.10(syst.)]×1018 years. This is the most accurate determination of the 2 νββ half-life of 100Mo to date.
Measurement of the two neutrino double beta decay half-life of Zr-96 with the NEMO-3 detector
Using 9.4 g of Zr-96 and 1221 days of data from the NEMO-3 detector corresponding to 0.031 kg yr, the obtained 2vbb decay half-life measurement is [2.35 +/- 0.14(stat) +/- 0.16(syst)] x 10^19 yr. Different characteristics of the final state electrons have been studied, such as the energy sum, individual electron energy, and angular distribution. The 2v nuclear matrix element is extracted using the measured 2vbb half-life and is 0.049 +/- 0.002. Constraints on 0vbb decay have also been set.
Search for2βdecays of96Ru and104Ru by ultralow-background HPGeγspectrometry at LNGS: Final results
An experiment to search for double-$\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay processes in ${}^{96}$Ru and ${}^{104}$Ru, which are accompanied by $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays, has been realized in the underground Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the I.N.F.N. (Italy). Ruthenium samples with masses of $\ensuremath{\approx}$0.5--0.7 kg were measured with the help of ultralow-background high-purity Ge $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectrometry. After 2162 h of data taking the samples were deeply purified to reduce the internal contamination of ${}^{40}$K. The last part of the data has been accumulated over 5479 h. New improved half-life limits on $2{\ensuremath{\beta}}^{+}/\ensuremath{\varepsilon}{\ensuremath{\be…
Detailed studies of $^{100}$Mo two-neutrino double beta decay in NEMO-3
The full data set of the NEMO-3 experiment has been used to measure the half-life of the two-neutrino double beta decay of $^{100}$Mo to the ground state of $^{100}$Ru, $T_{1/2} = \left[ 6.81 \pm 0.01\,\left(\mbox{stat}\right) ^{+0.38}_{-0.40}\,\left(\mbox{syst}\right) \right] \times10^{18}$ y. The two-electron energy sum, single electron energy spectra and distribution of the angle between the electrons are presented with an unprecedented statistics of $5\times10^5$ events and a signal-to-background ratio of ~80. Clear evidence for the Single State Dominance model is found for this nuclear transition. Limits on Majoron emitting neutrinoless double beta decay modes with spectral indices of …
Neutrinoless Double-Electron Capture
Double-beta processes play a key role in the exploration of neutrino and weak interaction properties, and in the searches for effects beyond the Standard Model. During the last half century many attempts were undertaken to search for double-beta decay with emission of two electrons, especially for its neutrinoless mode ($0\nu2\beta^-$), the latter being still not observed. Double-electron capture (2EC) was not in focus so far because of its in general lower transition probability. However, the rate of neutrinoless double-electron capture ($0\nu2$EC) can experience a resonance enhancement by many orders of magnitude in case the initial and final states are energetically degenerate. In the re…
First results of the experiment to search for 2β decay of 106Cd with the help of 106CdWO4 crystal scintillators
An experiment to search for 2β processes in 106Cd with the help of 106CdWO4 crystal scintillator (mass of 215 g), enriched in 106Cd up to 66 %, is in progress at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy). After 1320 h of data taking, limits on double beta processes in 106Cd have been established on the level of 1019 − 1020 yr, in particular (all the results at 90 % C.L.): T1/2(0ν2ε) > 3.6 · 1020 yr, T1/2(2νεβ+) > 7.2 · 1019 yr, and T1/2(2ν2β+) > 2.5 · 1020 yr. Resonant 0ν2ε processes have been restricted as T1/2(0ν2K) > 1.4 · 1020 yr and T1/2(0νLK) > 3.2 · 1020 yr. A possible resonant enhancement of the 0ν2ε processes is estimated in the framework of the QRPA approach.
Search for double-βdecay processes in106Cd with the help of a106CdWO4crystal scintillator
A search for double $\ensuremath{\beta}$ processes in ${}^{106}$Cd was carried out at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy) with the help of a ${}^{106}$CdWO${}_{4}$ crystal scintillator (215 g) enriched in ${}^{106}$Cd up to 66$%$. After 6590 h of data taking, new improved half-life limits on the double $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay processes in ${}^{106}$Cd were established at the level of ${10}^{19}$--${10}^{21}$ yr; in particular, ${T}_{1/2}^{2\ensuremath{\nu}\ensuremath{\varepsilon}{\ensuremath{\beta}}^{+}}\ensuremath{\geqslant}2.1\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{20}$ yr, ${T}_{1/2}^{2\ensuremath{\nu}2{\ensuremath{\beta}}^{+}}\ensuremath{\geqslant}4.3\ifmmode\tim…