V. Moron

État actuel des réseaux de mesures éco-climatiques en Afrique centrale : les ambitions du projet de recherche international FORGREENE.

This work presents an overview of spatio-temporal quality andspatial density of rainfall networks of Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, CAP and DRC, particularly in the recentperiod (1973-2014) through the GSOD international database. Faced with enormous gaps observed, theseresults will help to select metrological and analytical orientations in FORGREENE project (Tropical forestsgreeness and cloudiness in Central Africa: present conditions and future evolution). A comparison with rainfallsatellite estimates (RFE type) also indicates their great potential, provided they are based on in situ validations.

research product

Les vagues de chaleur au Sahel : définition et principales caractéristiques spatio-temporelles (1973-2014).

A definition of heat waves (HW) relevant for dry tropical regions is proposed and tested in the Sahel (i.e. duration,intensity and frequency). The Heat Index (HI derivative of Steadman’s (1979) formula) is calculated on dailydata of 145 West African stations from the GSOD database over the period 1973-2014. HWs recorded inSahelian and Sudanese climates mainly occur in boreal spring, i.e. April-May-June. They are more frequentsince 1998 (+ 8% very hot days, T90p) and they become longer (+1.2 days per decade) and more intense (from+0.3 to 0.4 ° C / decade respectively Sudanese and Sahelian climate) on the end of the period 1973-2014.

research product