Martine Hennequin
Impact of early childhood caries and its treatment under general anesthesia on orofacial function and quality of life : a prospective comparative study
Background Early Childhood Caries (ECC) has become a major public health concern worldwide, mostly affecting children from disadvantaged families in increasingly severe forms. This condition has been frequently reported to alter children’s nutrition, growth and general development. It negatively impacts their quality of life, through painful episodes and severe eating difficulties. While this period is crucial for oral praxes development, the impact of dental state on oro-facial functions is poorly documented. This study evaluated the impact of ECC and its treatment under general anesthesia on oro-facial functions and quality of life in pre-school children. Material and Methods The dysfunct…
Oral health and adherence to national dietary guidelines in France
International audience
Does oral health people imparirments modify bolus formation, bolus characteristics and food comfortability of meat products?
International audience; Ageing is often accompanied by oral impairments like tooth loss or decrease saliva flow that play a key role in eating behavior. In the context of aging population, the aim of this study is 1- to understand the influence of dental status and salivary flow on the meat bolus formation and characteristics in function of meat structure, 2- to investigate the link between the food bolus properties and the food comfortability (as defined by (Vandenbergue-Descamps et al., 2017)) during meat consumption. This was achieved by asking elderly people (n=65) with good oral health (17H, 16F, age=73±6, UFP n=8±1) or poor oral health (15H, 17F, age=75±6, UFP n=3±1) to consume 4 meat…
Effet de l'âge sur les consommations alimentaires et les raisons de non-consommation : résultats d'une enquête menée auprès de 32 000 adultes âgés de 20 à 80 ans
National audience; Introduction et but de l'étude : S'il existe un certain nombre d'études ayant décrit les consommations alimentaires au sein de la population française dans différentes classes d'âge (eg, étude INCA3, 2017, pour la plus récente), très peu se sont intéressées aux raisons de non-consommation de tel ou tel type d'aliment, et notamment à l'évolution de ces raisons de non-consommation au cours de l'avancée en âge. Matériel et méthodes : 32 696 volontaires enrôlés dans la cohorte française NutriNet-Santé (20-80 ans ; 76% de femmes) ont évalué leur fréquence de consommation de 21 catégories d'aliments (eg, viande ; poisson & fruits de mer ; légumes crus…). En cas de non-consommat…