Tommi A. Perälä
Fatty acid library from Comparison of Bayesian and numerical optimization-based diet estimation on herbivorous zooplankton
The used fatty acid library in a table (Table S1), and the NDMS figure (Figure S1)
Hypothetical diet vectors from Comparison of Bayesian and numerical optimization-based diet estimation on herbivorous zooplankton
A table of the hypothetical diet vectors of which the observations were simulated (Table S2))
Resource specific figures from Comparison of Bayesian and numerical optimization-based diet estimation on herbivorous zooplankton
The figures of each criteria for each resource (Figures S8-S13)
Simulation model Stan code from Comparison of Bayesian and numerical optimization-based diet estimation on herbivorous zooplankton
The Stan code used to simulate the hypothetical observations
Hypothetical diet specific figures from Comparison of Bayesian and numerical optimization-based diet estimation on herbivorous zooplankton
The figures of each criteria for each hypothetical diet (Figures S2-S7)