Jussi Tanskanen

Kaikki ei ole suoraviivaista : yleistetyn additiivisen mallin (GAM) käyttö ja edut työn piirteiden käyräviivaisten työhyvinvointivaikutuksien tutkimisessa

Tilastomenetelmien käyttö yhteiskuntatieteellisessä tutkimuksessa on yksipuoleista. Tässä tutkimuksessa esiteltiin uusi analyysimenetelmä yleistetty additiivinen malli (GAM), jota verrattiin usein käytettyyn yleistettyyn lineaariseen malliin (GLM). Analyysimenetelmiä sovellettiin työhyvinvoinnin tutkimukseen. Työhyvinvoinnin syntyä tarkasteltiin työpsykologien kehittämien Karasekin interaktiomallin, työn vaatimusten ja voimavarojen (TV-TV) mallin sekä Warrin vitamiinimallin näkökulmasta. Kaikki kolme työhyvinvoinnin mallia selittävät työhyvinvointia työn piirteillä. Työhyvinvointia mitattiin työstressin ja työn imun kautta. Tutkimustehtävinä oli selvittää eroavatko GAM:n ja GLM:n tulokset j…

research product

Revealing Hidden Curvilinear Relations Between Work Engagement and Its Predictors: Demonstrating the Added Value of Generalized Additive Model (GAM)

Previous studies measuring different aspects of the quality of life have, as a rule, presumed linear relationships between a dependent variable and its predictors. This article utilizes non-parametric statistical methodology to explore curvilinear relations between work engagement and its main predictors: job demands, job control and social support. Firstly, the study examines what additional information non-linear modeling can reveal regarding the relationship between work engagement and the three predictors in question. Secondly, the article compares the explanatory power of non-linear and linear modeling with regard to work engagement. The generalized additive model (GAM), that makes pos…

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Work-to-personal-life conflict among dual and single-career expatriates

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore if an expatriate’s career situation at the level of the couple (single career couple (SCC)/dual career couple (DCC)) is related to the expatriate’s work-to-personal-life conflict (WLC) and if the expatriate’s gender is related to WLC. The authors also investigate if the level of WLC is different for men and women in a DCC or SCC (interaction). Design/methodology/approach The study was conducted among 393 Finnish expatriates who were in a relationship and were working. A moderated hierarchical regression was utilized in the data analysis. Findings Gender or DCC/SCC status was not separately related to WLC but an interaction effect between gend…

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Bending Work Time: Curvilinear Relationship Between Working Time Dimensions and Psychological and Somatic Symptoms.

Objectives Study examines the curvilinear associations of working time dimensions (working hours, time pressure, work schedules, and control of work time and pace) on psychological and somatic symptoms. Methods Representative Finnish Quality-of-Work-Life Surveys conducted in 2003, 2008 and 2013 were restricted to those (N=11,165) regularly working over 10h/week with more than one-year tenure in their job. Generalised additive models were utilised in analysis. Results Working hours had U-shaped relationships with psychosomatic symptoms, while time pressure had a threshold effect. Work pace control had linear effect. The effects of work time control and work schedules were insignificant. Ther…

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Do Loneliness and Social Isolation Predict Mortality Because of Hazardous Drinking?

Introduction: Subjective feelings of loneliness and objective social isolation have been consistently connected with ill-health and mortality, though little work has empirically examined the mechanisms explaining the adverse effects. This study examines whether alcohol consumption explains the connection of loneliness and social isolation on mortality in different age and gender groups. Methods: The sample comprised a representative 1994 Finnish sample (n = 8,650) matched with 22-year follow-up mortality data. A multigroup path analysis with discrete survival time analyses was conducted. Results: There were unique differences in the associations between loneliness, social isolation, alcoho…

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Lokaalin regressiomallin sovittaminen järjestysasteikoisille muuttujille hyödyntäen aineiston augmentaatiota

Ihmistieteissä tilastollinen tutkimusaineisto kerätään usein kyselylomakkeissa järjestysasteikollisten Likert-asteikollisten muuttujien avulla. Näin kerätty aineisto on karkeaa, eli todellinen havaintoavaruus on pyöristetty rajalliseen määrään kategorioita, ja tällainen diskreetti järjestysasteikollinen tilastoaineisto voi osoittautua ongelmalliseksi niissä tapauksissa, joissa käytettävät tilastolliset analyysimenetelmät on kehitetty jatkuville muuttujille. Yksi tällainen menetelmä on parametriton lokaali regressioanalyysi, jota voidaan hyödyntää esimerkiksi käyräviivaisten yhteyksien analysointiin. Tutkielma ehdottaa ja testaa aineiston augmentaatioon perustuvaa menetelmää lokaalin regress…

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A Prospective Study of Social Isolation, Loneliness, and Mortality in Finland

Objectives. To estimate the simultaneous effects of social isolation and loneliness on mortality. Methods. We analyzed a representative Finnish sample (n = 8650) from the cross-sectional Living Conditions Survey of 1994, with a 17-year follow-up period (1995–2011), by using Cox regression models adjusted for several possible confounding variables. We examined the possible nonlinear threshold effect of social isolation on mortality. Results. The analyses revealed that social isolation predicted mortality even after we controlled for loneliness and control variables. The connection between social isolation and mortality was linear in nature and there was no synergistic effect between social …

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