B. Maqabuka
Spectroscopy of low-spin states in $^{157}\mathrm{Dy}$: Search for evidence of enhanced octupole correlations
Low-spin states of 157Dy have been studied using the JUROGAM II array, following the 155Gd ({\alpha}, 2n) reaction at a beam energy of 25 MeV. The level scheme of 157Dy has been expanded with four new bands. Rotational structures built on the [523]5/2- and [402]3/2+ neutron orbitals constitute new additions to the level scheme as do many of the inter- and intra-band transitions. This manuscript also reports the observation of cross I- to (I-1)- and I- to (I-1)+ E1 dipole transitions inter-linking structures built on the [523]5/2- (band 5) and [402]3/2+ (band 7) neutron orbitals. These interlacing band structures are interpreted as the bands of parity doublets with simplex quantum number s =…
First candidates for γ vibrational bands built on the [505]11/2⁻ neutron orbital in odd-A Dy isotopes
Rotational structures have been measured using the Jurogam II and GAMMASPHERE arrays at low spin following the 155Gd(α,2n)157Dy and 148Nd(12C,5n)155Dy reactions at 25 and 65 MeV, respectively. We report high-K bands, which are conjectured to be the first candidates of a Kπ=2+γ vibrational band, built on the [505]11/2− neutron orbital, in both odd-A155,157Dy isotopes. The coupling of the first excited K=0+ states or the so-called β vibrational bands at 661 and 676 keV in 154Dy and 156Dy to the [505]11/2− orbital, to produce a Kπ=11/2− band, was not observed in both 155Dy and 157Dy, respectively. The implication of these findings on the interpretation of the first excited 0+ states in the cor…
First candidates for $\gamma$ vibrational bands built on the $[505]11/{2}^{-}$ neutron orbital in odd-$A$ Dy isotopes
Rotational structures have been measured using the Jurogam II and GAMMASPHERE arrays at low spin following the 155Gd({\alpha},2n)157Dy and 148Nd(12C, 5n)155Dy reactions at 25 and 65 MeV, respectively. We report high-K bands, which are conjectured to be the first candidates of a K{\pi}= 2+ {\gamma} vibrational band, built on the [505]11/2- neutron orbital, in both odd-A 155, 157Dy isotopes. The coupling of the first excited K=0+ states or the so-called \b{eta} vibrational bands at 661 and 676 keV in 154Dy and 156Dy to the [505]11/2- orbital, to produce a K{\pi}=11/2- band, was not observed in both 155Dy and 157Dy, respectively. The implication of these findings on the interpretation of the f…
β and γ bands in N = 88, 90, and 92 isotones investigated with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian based on covariant density functional theory : Vibrations, shape coexistence, and superdeformation
A comprehensive systematic study is made for the collective β and γ bands in even-even isotopes with neutron numbers N=88 to 92 and proton numbers Z=62(Sm) to 70 (Yb). Data, including excitation energies, B(E0) and B(E2) values, and branching ratios from previously published experiments are collated with new data presented for the first time in this study. The experimental data are compared to calculations using a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian (5DCH) based on the covariant density functional theory (CDFT). A realistic potential in the quadrupole shape parameters V(β,γ) is determined from potential energy surfaces (PES) calculated using the CDFT. The parameters of the 5DCH are fixe…