D La Monaca
Un’importante decisione:"astice" o "gambero"?Il "Geist der Kochkunst" di Carl F. von Rumohr e "Jenny Treibler" di Theodor Fontane
Gli esordi poetici di Gottfried Benn
Una grottesca «fantocciata»:dissonanze pirandelliane nella scrittura di Laura Di Falco
A grotesque "puppet": Pirandello's dissonances in the writing of Laura Di Falco Laura Di Falco's novel, Le tre mogli (The Three Wives), published by Rizzoli in 1967, sinks in to the Sicilian literary tradition which, as Natale Tedesco writes, condenses the investigation of disturbances of the conscience and of epochal disturbances into the "essayistic-reflexive" figure, of which Luigi Pirandello proves to be an exemplary interpreter. The fiction leaks in the capillary fabric of social, institutional and affective relationships of a world that the narrative shows in the form of a grotesque "puppet", corroding its conventions from inside, alienating its features and dramatising its contradict…
Tito Marrone: Re Ferdinando
Martin Walser, Ein liebender Mann. Rowohlt, Hamburg, 2008
Eleonora Chiavetta (a cura di), The Language of Autobiography. Discourses of Gender,Class and Ethnicity, XL edizioni, Roma, 2007