P. Menegoni

La scelta delle piante destinate al verde ornamentale tra percezioni e cambiamenti: Anthosart green tool, uno strumento per conoscere, selezionare, adottare le piante della nostra quotidianità secondo criteri sostenibili

The presence and importance of plant life on the planet does not seem to reach our sensory perception, therefore activate reactions of interest, and correct ecological behaviour. The increasing number of extinct species witnesses the human oblivion towards ecosystems. The concept of plant blindness describes the phenomenon that produces significant consequences on nature conservation. Urban green infrastructure, part of our daily life, is the right place to re-connect with plant systems. Designing and creating “built green” by means of nature-based solutions and local species pool is the main goal of Anthosart green tool, a free and user-friendly on-line tool, which can be useful for design…

research product

Economia, ecologia e tecnologia: riflessioni su una convivenza difficile

research product

Paesaggi marginali e paesaggi mediati

L’evoluzione socio-economica ha radicalmente cambiato i paesaggi dell’europa, che erano stati plasmati dalle comunità rurali. Il recupero, con una valorizzazione economica e simbolica, è possibile solo con una nuova consapevolezza e responsabilità dell’intera società.

research product

Conservazione del suolo e politiche di sviluppo nella programmazione comunitaria 2014-2020: Le aree interne.

During the next EU programming, Italy will suggest to commit a substantial portion of the funds to the development of the inland areas. This will happen through a structured program that will interact, since its start-up, with the local subjects in order to combine and to bind the development with the territory. The maintenance of the territory together with the involvement of the local communities focus the attention on the management of the common goods. The debate is still open and the inland areas policy which is built up by the Department for Development and Economic Cohesion (formerly the Department for Development Policy and Cohesion) of the Ministry of Economic Development, does not…

research product