Leon Fayolle
Ecological role of mycotoxin and consequences of the presence of mycotoxins in crop residues on the survival and pathogenic activity of Fusarium graminearum
Time dependent response of Rhizoctonia solani to mustard incorporation
SPE;EA communication orale, résumé; International audience
Impact of deoxynivalenol on soil microflora and fauna
F. graminearum is an important pathogen that causes head blight of cereal crops as wheat and maize. It also produces the mycotoxins (as Deoxynivalenol=DON) which are toxic to the human and animals. During the off season the pathogen survives in the soil, on weeds and in crop residues. A 24 weeks study was conducted in controlled conditions (microcosms of natural soil, 17 °C, 80% WHC) to test whether the presence of DON in the wheat crop residues gives competitive advantage to F. graminearum over the other soil microflora and fauna to survive and develop a primary inoculum during the decomposition process. This study was carried out in the presence of the whole soil biota (i.e. fungi, bacter…