Carla Colomer Diago


El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo examinar el poder predictivo de variables del sistema motivacional sobre las habilidades iniciales de lectura y matemáticas en una muestra de niños de Educación Infantil. Participaron 209 preescolares (5-6 años) y sus maestros. Se evaluaron las  habilidades matemáticas de conteo, conocimiento de los números, cálculo y resolución de problemas. Para determinar el rendimiento en lectura se administraron tareas de identificación de letras y de lectura de palabras. Respecto al sistema motivacional, se analizaron las variables de competencia-motivación, atención-persistencia y actitud hacia el aprendizaje, así como las dimensiones de internalidad, globalida…

research product

Mindfulness Training for Children with ADHD and Their Parents: A Randomized Control Trial

Objective: The aim of this randomized control trial is to analyze the efficacy of a Mindfulness-based program (MYmind) in improving ADHD symptoms, associated problems, executive functions, and family functioning. Method: The sample was composed of 30 children (9–14 years old) with an ADHD diagnosis and their parents. Participants were randomized into two groups, the MYmind group ( n = 15) and a wait-list group ( n = 15). Participants were assessed in three time periods: pre-, post-intervention, and at 6-month follow-up. Results: After the program, parents reported a decrease in parenting stress and improvements in parenting styles. Six months after the intervention, parents reported signifi…

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Pragmatic competence of children with autism spectrum disorder. Impact of theory of mind, verbal working memory, ADHD symptoms, and structural language

The primary aim of this study is to increase the existing knowledge about the pragmatic skills of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Specifically, the study has two objectives. The first is to provide a profile of characteristics based on The Children's Communication Checklist (CCC-2) pragmatics scales (inappropriate initiation, stereotyped language, use of context, nonverbal communication, and general pragmatics) and narrative task indicators. To this end, children with ASD will be compared to children with typical development (TD), controlling the effects of sex and structural language (speech, syntax, semantics, coherence). The second objective is to analyze whether theory of…

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Description of an experience to improve technological competence in a transverse way in the education of pre-service teachers.

[ES] La adquisición de una competencia tecnológica que permita utilizar las TIC como herramienta educativa es uno de los objetivos que se plantean en los planes de estudio de la formación inicial de los futuros maestros y maestras. Sin embargo, entre estos planes de estudio, son pocas las asignaturas que se dirigen específicamente a analizar cómo utilizar esas TIC como herramienta educativa, por lo que este tema debe tratarse de manera transversal durante todas las asignaturas de estos estudios. En este trabajo se describe una experiencia en que se implementan diferentes actividades y se utilizan materiales educativos orientados al desarrollo de la competencia tecnológica en estudiantes de …

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Review of authoring tools for the design of educational resources

Este trabajo realiza una revisión de algunos de los programas de autor para el diseño de actividades educativas más utilizados en los centros escolares de España. Se exponen los tipos de actividades que pueden elaborarse con cada uno de los programas incluidos en la revisión, y se analizan las ventajas y limitaciones del uso de este tipo de programas en los centros educativos.

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Relaciones entre Funciones ejecutivas y calidad de vida de jóvenes con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH).

ResumenAntecedentes y objetivos. Pocos estudios han analizado la contribución del funcionamiento ejecutivo (FE) a la calidad de vida (CAV) en sujetos con TDAH. Objetivos del trabajo: (1) Explorar las diferencias entre adultos con y sin TDAH en  calidad de vida (2) Comparar la calidad de vida entre adultos TDAH con y sin dificultades en funcionamiento ejecutivo (3) Analizar la influencia de los problemas en Funciones ejecutivasven la calidad de vida de adultos con TDAH. Métodología. 36 jóvenes con TDAH y 27 sin el trastorno cumplimentaron cuestionarios sobre calidad de vida y funcionamiento ejecutivo Resultados. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre jóvenes TDAH con y…

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Habilidades lingüísticas y ejecutivas en el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención (TDAH) y en las Dificultades de Comprensión Lectora (DCL)

Resumen tomado de la publicación El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la posible especificidad de déficits en el funcionamiento lingüístico y ejecutivo de estudiantes con TDAH y con DCL y conocer el perfil de déficits del grupo comórbido (TDAH+DCL). Participaron en el estudio 84 chicos entre 12 a 16 años divididos en cuatro grupos con un número igual de sujetos (N= 21): TDAH, DCL, TDAH +DCL, y grupo de comparación (sin TDAH y sin DCL). Se midió el vocabulario, comprensión oral, acceso al léxico, memoria verbal y espacial, atención e inhibición. Los resultados indican que el grupo TDAH+DCL presenta los déficits lingüísticos más importantes seguido del grupo con DCL. Por otro lado, los tr…

research product


Resumen basado en el de la publicación Antecedentes: el TDAH (Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad) es un trastorno crónico que afecta la adaptación sociopersonal. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron comprobar el funcionamiento adaptativo de adultos con TDAH en comparación a adultos sin el trastorno y analizar la influencia de la inatención e hiperactividad/impulsividad y de los trastornos comórbidos en este funcionamiento. Método: la muestra incluyó 77 adultos entre 17 y 24 años, 40 con un diagnóstico de TDAH subtipo combinado y 37 controles que cumplimentaron el Weiss Functional Impairment Scale, el Weiss Symptom Record y el Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scale. Resultados: s…

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Reading Performance of Young Adults With ADHD Diagnosed in Childhood

Objective: To study reading performance of young adults with ADHD and its relation with executive functioning. Method: Thirty young adults with a childhood diagnosis of ADHD and 30 with normal development (ND) were compared on reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. Furthermore, ADHD with reading disabilities (ADHD+RD) and ADHD without reading disabilities (ADHD-RD) subgroups were compared using self-report and informant-report versions of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function–Adult version (BRIEF-A). Results: Adults with ADHD obtained significantly worse results than the ND adults on reading speed, responses to literal questions, and a cloze test. Although the comparis…

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Narrative writing competence and internal state terms of young adults clinically diagnosed with childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Abstract Objective The first objective of this study was to compare the written expression competence of young adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with that of young adults without ADHD on three types of measures: indicators of the story's microstructure with regard to productivity and morphosyntax; indicators of the macrostructure (story grammar); and expressions of the mental states of the story's characters (internal state language). The second objective consisted of determining the relationships among the different narrative writing measures and the ADHD behavior ratings of inattention and hyperactivity obtained using the family observer report. Method The sample…

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Factores familiares y neuropsicológicos: implicaciones en los problemas de conducta y sociales de niños con TDAH

El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) persiste hasta la adolescencia y la vida adulta, y se encuentra frecuentemente asociado a otros problemas y trastornos comórbidos que conjuntamente presentan repercusiones negativas a lo largo del ciclo vital. Dentro de este marco, se comprende la necesidad de realizar estudios longitudinales para conocer de forma precisa el curso del TDAH así como los diferentes factores que pueden afectar al mismo. El objetivo principal de este este estudio de seguimiento consistió en analizar las implicaciones de factores neuropsicológicos y factores del clima familiar en el curso de los problemas de conducta y sociales de niños con TDAH y en…

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Comparación del perfil matemático de estudiantes con y sin dificultades de aprendizaje en matemáticas y en la lectura

Las Matemáticas son una asignatura en la que normalmente suelen fracasar los alumnos debido a la necesidad de utilizar conjuntamente los procesos cognitivos, metacognitivos y una acumulación de conocimientos académicos matemáticos y lectores. Objetivo. Estudiar cuáles de estos conocimientos matemáticos suelen diferenciar entre aquellos que tienen buen y mal rendimientos en las matemáticas y en la lectura. Muestra. Participaron en la investigación estudiantes 128 alumnos de cuarto de primaria divididos en cuatro grupos uno Control, otro con dificultades en las matemáticas, otro con dificultades en la lectura y un cuarto grupo con dificultades en matemáticas y en la lectura. Se evaluó la Inte…

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Analysis of Personal and Family Factors in the Persistence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Results of a Prospective Follow-Up Study in Childhood

Objectives To study the course of ADHD during childhood and analyze possible personal and family predictor variables of the results. Method Sixty-one children with ADHD who were between 6 and 12 years old at the baseline assessment were evaluated 30 months later (mean age at baseline: 8.70 ± 1.97; mean age at follow-up: 10.98 ± 2.19). Status of ADHD in follow-up was identified as persistent (met DSM-IV-TR criteria according to parents’ and teachers’ ratings), contextually persistent (met ADHD criteria according to one informant, and there was functional impairment) and remitted ADHD (with subthreshold clinical symptomatology). Associated psychological disorders of the three groups were anal…

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Children with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Relationships between symptoms and executive function, theory of mind, and behavioral problems.

Abstract Background The underlying mechanisms of comorbidity between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are still unknown. Executive function (EF) deficits and theory of mind (ToM) have been the most investigated cognitive processes. Aims This study proposed to analyze EF, ToM and behavioral problems in children with ASD + ADHD, ADHD, ASD and typical development (TD). The relationship between ADHD and ASD symptoms with EF, ToM and behavioral problems in children with ASD + ADHD was also explored. Methods and procedures Participants were 124 children between 7 and 11 years old (22 ASD + ADHD, 35 ADHD, 30 ASD, and 37 TD), matched on age and IQ. …

research product

Parenting Stress in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD

The purpose of this study was to compare the parenting stress experienced by parents of 121 children from 5 to 9 years old with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), comorbid ASD+ADHD, and typical development in different domains related to child and parent characteristics using the Parenting Stress Index. The three clinical groups presented greater perceived parenting stress than did the comparison group (CG). The ADHD group obtained higher levels of parenting stress related to attachment and depression than did the other groups. The ASD+ADHD group presented a unique profile of differences from the CG on Health and Spouse subscales. Results highl…

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ADHD symptoms and learning behaviors in children with ASD without intellectual disability. A mediation analysis of executive functions

In spite of its importance for education, the relationship between learning behaviors (LB), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms (ADHD) and executive functioning (EF) in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has hardly been explored. The first objective of the present study was to compare children with ASD without intellectual disability and children with typical development (TD) on ADHD symptoms and learning behaviors: Motivation/ competence, attitude toward learning, persistence on the task, and strategy/flexibility. The second objective was to analyze the mediator role of behavioral regulation and metacognition components of EF between ADHD symptoms and learning behav…

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Communicative skills in Spanish children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Analysis through parents’ perceptions and narrative production

Background Communicative skills are one of the main deficits experienced by children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The differential diagnosis is a complex issue that clinicians often face. For this reason, this study has two objectives: 1) to analyze the similarities and differences that children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and children with ASD present in their linguistic and communicative skills, through parentś perceptions and narrative production; 2) to identify the relative importance of the skills analyzed in discriminating children with ASD versus children with ADHD, as well as the classification power of each of the two measurement methods used. Metho…

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Resumen tomado de la publicación Síntomas de TDAH y problemas con los compañeros: mediación del funcionamiento ejecutivo y de la teoría de la mente. Antecedentes: el desajuste social de muchos niños con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) se mantiene con el tiempo, aumentando el riesgo de resultados adversos. Los objetivos del estudio fueron explorar los mecanismos que operan entre los síntomas del TDAH y los problemas sociales con los compañeros, teniendo en cuenta el papel de FE y ToM. Método: se compararon 35 niños con TDAH y 37 con desarrollo típico de edad y QI. Los padres evaluaron las habilidades y las relaciones con los compañeros, y los maestros proporcionar…

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Narratives of children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis

Abstract Background The aim of this meta-analysis was to analyze the narrative performance of children and adolescents with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in terms of microstructure, macrostructure and internal state language. Method A systematic literature search yielded 24 studies that met the predetermined inclusion criteria. Effect sizes for each study were calculated for eight variables and analyzed using a random effects model. Intellectual ability, age and type of narrative were considered as potential moderators. Results Results revealed that the children with ASD performed significantly worse than their peers on all the variables considered. Conclusions Findings a…

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Attitudes of Primary School Teachers in Three Western Countries Toward Learning Disabilities

In recent years, teachers in Western countries have developed beliefs and attitudes related to working with students with specific learning disabilities (LD) that may be critical in shaping their educational practices with them; however, their beliefs and attitudes differ across political and geographical contexts and may be influenced by specific contextual circumstances and national legislation. This study examines these issues by comparing beliefs and attitudes among 557 primary school teachers from specific areas of three countries (Italy, Spain, and the United States). Results from this study support the hypothesis that, in general, teachers in these areas are sufficiently well inform…

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The Impact of Inattention, Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Symptoms, and Executive Functions on Learning Behaviors of Children with ADHD

Children diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at risk of experiencing lower academic achievement compared to their peers without ADHD. However, we have a limited understanding of the mechanisms underlying this association. Both the symptoms of the disorder and the executive functions can negatively influence learning behaviors, including motivation, attitude toward learning, or persistence, key aspects of the learning process. The first objective of this study was to compare different components of learning behaviors in children diagnosed with ADHD and typically developing (TD) children. The second objective was to analyze the relationships among learning behav…

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Variables predictoras de la resolución de problemas matemáticos en alumnos de 3º de primaria

La Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos es una actividad compleja en la que intervienen diferentes procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos. Objetivo. Estudiar cuáles de estos procesos están más relacionados con la Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos así como averiguar qué variable predice mejor la capacidad para resolver problemas. Muestra. Participaron en la investigación 82 estudiantes de tercero de Primaria de 8 años de edad. Se evaluó la Inteligencia, la Memoria de trabajo, la memoria a corto plazo, la Comprensión Lectora, las Operaciones Aritméticas y la Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos. Análisis. Se realizaron correlaciones entre las variables analizadas y análisis de regresión. Result…

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Introducción. Los niños con TDAH tienden a sobreestimar su funcionamiento social, conductual y académico, un asunto que ha sido poco investigado en adultos con TDAH. Objetivos. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: 1) Examinar el perfil de funcionamiento ejecutivo de adultos jóvenes con TDAH; 2) Estudiar la relación entre las habilidades de funcionamiento ejecutivo percibidas por adultos con TDAH y sus padres; 3) Comparar las puntuaciones diferenciales (entre las versiones de observador y autoinforme) de adultos con TDAH y adultos con desarrollo típico. Método. Participaron 93 adultos (50 con un diagnóstico de TDAH en la infancia y 43 con desarrollo típico) entre 17 y 24 años. Se aplicaron las…

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Performance-based tests versus behavioral ratings in the assessment of executive functioning in preschoolers: associations with ADHD symptoms and reading achievement

The early assessment of the executive processes using ecologically valid instruments is essential for identifying deficits and planning actions to deal with possible adverse consequences. The present study has two different objectives. The first objective is to analyze the relationship between preschoolers' performance on tests of Working Memory and Inhibition and parents' and teachers' ratings of these executive functions (EFs) using the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). The second objective consists of studying the predictive value of the different EF measures (performance-based test and rating scales) on Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity behaviors and on in…

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Consumo de sustancias en jóvenes adultos con TDAH: comorbilidad y síntomas de inatención e hiperactividad/impulsividad

Young adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at high risk of substance use (SU). The aims of the current study were: 1) to examine the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other illegal drugs by adults with and without ADHD; 2) to compare the oppositional, conduct, anxiety, depression, sleep and antisocial personality symptoms of ADHD adults with SU and ADHD adults without SU; 3) to examine the ability of ADHD symptoms and conduct problems to predict SU. A total of 93 young adults, 43 without ADHD and 50 with a childhood diagnosis of ADHD, who were part of the Spanish sample of the Multicenter ADHD Genetics (IMAGE) study, collaborated in a follow-up evaluation 10.…

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Social Cognition in Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Associations with Executive Functions

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by social impairments. The first objective of this study was to analyze social cognition deficits of children with ADHD, high-functioning ASD (HFASD), and typical development (TD) in their performance on explicit and applied measures of theory of mind (ToM). The second objective was to investigate the relationships between executive functions and social cognition in HFASD and ADHD. One hundred and twenty-six 7- to 11-year old children, 52 with HFASD, 35 with ADHD, and 39 with TD, performed the NEPSY-II social perception subtests. Parents estimated their children’…

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Análisis de la implantación de la política de publicación en acceso abierto en universidades españolas.

La publicación de trabajos científicos en acceso abierto (AA) se está convirtiendo en una alternativa a los sistemas de publicación tradicionales, en los que existe una comercialización y mercantilización del conocimiento. La popularización del movimiento AA está generando una ingente cantidad de herramientas y buscadores informáticos. En este trabajo se explica de manera detallada el funcionamiento y finalidad de algunas de las herramientas más utilizadas, y se valora la implantación de las políticas de AA en universidades y centros de investigación españoles.

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