Laurent Nahon
Localization of the binding site of different model tannins on the salivary PRP IB5
Localization of the binding site of different model tannins on the salivary PRP IB5. 10. european symposium on Saliva
VUV photofragmentation of protonated leucine-enkephalin peptide: partial ion yield dependence on type of sequence fragments
International audience
Ionization energy of gas phase protein cations and its dependence on charge state_and structure
Ionization energy of gas phase protein cations and its dependence on charge state_and structure. Synchrotron SOLEIL Users Meeting
Electronic spectroscopy of polypeptides in the gas phase
International audience
Application of VUV synchroton radiation to proteomic and analytical mass spectrometry
Application of VUV synchroton radiation to proteomic and analytical mass spectrometry. 11. international conference on Synchroton radiation instrumentation (Sri 2012)
Localization of the binding site of different model tannins on the salivary PRP IB5
Localization of the binding site of different model tannins on the salivary PRP IB5. 3. international conference on Food oral processing: physics, physiology and psychology of eating
Astringency and the interactions between a human salivary proline-rich protein and tannins
International audience
L'influence de la nanosolvation sur la stabilité des peptides à l'étude du gaz
Astringency and the interaction between a human salivary proline rich-protein and tannins
VUV photodissociation of bare and nanosolvated protonated nucleotide isolated in the gas phase
International audience