Kaisa Harju

Relational approach to infant-teacher lap interactions during the transition from home to early childhood education and care

The transition from home care to early childhood education and care (ECEC) is a period of intense change and development in young children's socio-spatial worlds. This article focuses on infant–teacher lap interactions during this transition period. This investigation applies a relational approach to the study of infant–teacher lap interactions. In doing so, it highlights the inherently social and contextual nature of interaction. From a relational perspective, actors, context, and situation are seen as constitutive of each other, and their interrelationality is considered central to the emergence of interactions. The data, regarding infants' first months attending ECEC in Finland, is compo…

research product

Negotiating Ethics-in-Action in a Long-term Research Relationship with a Young Child

AbstractThis article continues the discussions of relational ethics put forward in Human Arenas in “Arena of Ethics” (Hilppö et al., 2019). Our aim in this article is to explore and discuss relational ethics, as ethics-in-action, in a long-term research relationship with a child. Our question is: How is ethics-in-action negotiated during critical incidents in the construction of a research space that involves a long-term research relationship with a young child? This article is based on a research project that focused on children’s transitions in early childhood education and care (ECEC). These transitions include the transition from home care to ECEC as well as transitions from child group…

research product

Children’s transitions in early childhood education and care : various combinations of dis-/continuities

This longitudinal multiple case study explores children’s transitions within early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Finland. In ECEC children typically transition from one group or center to another. This study explores how physical, social and philosophical discontinuities and continuities constitute these transitions. Five focus children’s transitions were followed in and between separate ECEC centers. The data include interviews with parents and educators as well as observations noted. Fabian’s discontinuity division, which argues that transition consists of physical, social, and philosophical discontinuities, was used for content analysis of interviews as primary data. Interpretat…

research product

Lapsuudessa koettu eriarvoisuus : rajoitettuja mahdollisuuksia olla ja osallistua

TIIVISTELMÄ Harju, Kaisa. 2016. Lapsuudessa koettu eriarvoisuus: rajoitettuja mahdollisuuksia olla ja osallistua. Varhaiskasvatustieteen pro gradu -tutkielma. Jyväskylän yliopisto. Kasvatustieteiden laitos. 105 sivua. Tutkimuksen aihe oli lapsuudessa koettu eriarvoisuus. Tavoitteena oli selvittää kirjoitelmien kautta, mitä eriarvoisuus lapsuudessa on, mistä oman eriarvoisuuden nähtiin johtuvan ja miten eriarvoisuuden kokemus rakentui aineiston tarinoissa. Eriarvoisuus määrittyi tasa-arvon vastakohdaksi ja sitä lähestyttiin henkilökohtaisena lapsuuden kokemuksena. Lapsuus nähtiin muistoista rakentuvana, aikuisuudessa läsnä olevana. Tutkimuksen aineisto muodostui 13 aikuisen informantin tuott…

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