A. Zambonelli
Composition and in vitro antifungal activity of essential oils of Erigeron canadensis and Myrtus communis from France. CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, p. 144-146, ISSN: 0009-3130
Ecology and distribution of hypogeous fungi from Sicily (southern Italy).
The distribution and ecology of 39 hypogeous and semi-hypogeous fungi is reported. Ten taxa, including the rare Fischerula macrospora, are new records for Sicily, while the presence of some species, previously reported by Oreste Mattirolo, is confirmed.
I funghi ipogei dell'Emilia Romagna e della Sicilia a confronto
In questo lavoro vengono riportate le specie di funghi ipogei trovate in Emilia-Romagna ed in Sicilia in molti anni di ricerche condotte utilizzando cani addestrati. In totale sono state trovate ed identificate 57 specie di Ascomiceti ipogei e 59 specie di Basidiomiceti ipogei. In entrambe le regioni sono diffuse specie eduli di elevato valore commerciale quali T. aestivum e T. borchii, mentre T. magnatum e T. macrosporum sono presenti solo in Emilia Romagna. T. melanosporum fruttifica, anche se raro, in Emilia Romagna e, nonostante alcuni raccoglitori ne ipotizzano la presenza in Sicilia, non è stato ancora trovato nell’ambito delle nostre ricerche. Alcune specie, in parte rare, sono state…
I tartufi e la tartuficoltura in Sicilia. Attualità e prospettive
Hypogeous Fungi in Mediterranean Maquis, Arid and Semi-Arid Forests
Hypogeous fungi are common in arid and semi-arid areas of the Mediterranean basin and, in particular, they are found in Italy, Spain, northern African countries (especially in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia), and in the Middle East. These fungi and, in particular, some species belonging to the genus Tuber and the desert truffles (Terfezia spp. and Tirmania spp.) form ascomata of considerable economic value. In this review, a panorama of hypogeous fungal diversity and information on their ecology in Mediterranean arid and semi-arid ecosystems have been reported; their economical importance and cultivation potential are also underlined.