A. Gauci

Structure and biodiversity of a Maltese maerl bed : new insight into the associated assemblage 24 years after the first investigation

Maerl beds are biogenic benthic habitats distributed worldwide and known to sustain high productivity and biodiversity levels. In the Mediterranean, the number of studies that have been carried out is limited, and little is known on its real distribution, mostly due to the difficulties of exploring such habitats — Due to the high transparency of Mediterranean waters, maerl can be found at depths of over 50 m making mandatory the use of benthic grabs and ROVs. The last published data from Maltese waters were taken two decades ago. In this present study, we provide new insights on this poorly known habitat, in particular regarding the north western bank, designated as a NATURA 2000 protected …

research product


Il canale tra le isole di Sicilia e Malta si trova in una delle principali rotte marittime del Mediterraneo e in una regione strategica per le piattaforme di estrazione petrolifera, quindi seriamente esposta al rischio di eventi di sversamento di idrocarburi in mare. Ciò può costituire una grave minaccia agli ecosistemi locali e alle attività economiche, tra le quali il turismo e la pesca. I danni derivanti da un eventuale sversamento sarebbero incalcolabili per l'arcipelago maltese, dove le risorse marine ed il turismo rappresentano i principali proventi economici e, in maniera analoga, per la Sicilia. Le misure di prevenzione e di mitigazione, insieme a un rapido intervento e a un process…

research product

CALYPSO, a permanent and operational network of High-Frequency radar observing systems for real-time monitoring of surface currents in the Malta-Sicily channel

Illegal migration often results in dramatic loss of lives that can be avoided with timely Search and Rescue (SAR) interventions; such SAR services require accurate information such as on sea-state and operational tools such as trajectory forecasting for floating objects at sea. The maritime transport of oil crossing this region accounts for 25% of the global maritime traffic and for nearly 7% of the world oil accidents over the last 25 years. In combination with localized oil extraction plants existing in the shelf zones this situation presents a serious threat to both the open-sea and coastal-zone habitats, with consequent impacts on local economic activities as tourism and fisheries, impa…

research product

CALYPSO: a new HF RADAR network to monitor sea surface currents in the Malta-Sicily channel (Mediterranean sea)

Located in one of the main shipping lanes in the Mediterranean Sea, and in a strategic region for oil extraction platforms, the Malta-Sicily channel is exposed to significant oil spill risks. Shipping and extraction activities constitute a major threat for marine areas of relevant ecological value in the area, and impacts of oil spills on the local ecosystems and the economic activities, including tourism and fisheries, can be dramatic. Damages would be even more devastating for the Maltese archipelago, where marine resources represent important economic assets. Additionally, North Africa coastal areas are also under threat, due to their proximity to the Malta-Sicily Channel. Prevention and…

research product