Francesco Fasulo
Variazioni elettrofisiologiche della terapia FR.E.M.S. in pazienti affetti da neuropatia diabetica degli arti inferiori
La FR.E.M.S. (FRequency modulated ElectroMagnetic neural Stimulation): una nuova prospettiva terapeutica per la neuropatia diabetica dolorosa degli arti inferiori
The FR.E.M.S. therapy represents an useful therapeutic remedy for the symptomatic management of the diabetic patients with a painful sensitive neuropathy.
Follow-up ambulatoriale della sindrome metabolica in menopausa
Echografic evaluation of thyroid gland in females in climateric age
The thiroid pathologies begin frequently in menopausal age. In this paper women in menopausal age were submitted to ecographic examinations, and over the 50% showed nodular pathology. This pattern was more correlated with the presence of metabolic syndrome.