August Rafanell
Brauli Montoya, «Aproximació a la història social de la llengua catalana», València, Bromera, 2018, 162 p.
Ressenya sobre el llibre de Brauli Montoya, Aproximació a la història social de la llengua catalana, València, Bromera, 2018, 162 p., ISBN 978-84-9026-833-9.
El llemosinisme valencià a la darreria del segle XIX
As this paper tries to show, the association between the terms Catalan and llemosí, traditionally used in an indiscriminate way when mainly referring to Catalan, was clearly revised and corrected by the middle of the 19th century both in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, but not so in Valencia, where its persistence can be seen as the clear expression of an outstanding form of local particularism vis à vis the raising linguistic Catalanism.
La llengua abans de la lingüística, arran d'unes notes d'Antoni de Bastero
Starting with the as yet unpublished writings of the scholar, Antoni de Bastero, the authors reflect on this Catalan author’s interest on dialectal aspects of the Catalan language. This would place Bastero in the state-of-the-arts of dialectology in this country.