L. Stoduto
Valutazione della riduzione di ocratossina A dai vini rossi mediante utilizzo di coadiuvanti tecnologici
Effect of microwave pasteurization on orange juice color and carotenoid pigments
In this paper changes in carotenoid content and orange juice colour during microwave (MW) heating were studied. Trials were performed on 250 ml stirred orange juice heated at different temperatures (60-70-75-85°C), in a MW pilot plant, able to keep prescribed temperature levels of samples by using infrared thermography temperature readout. The pasteurization conditions of orange juice, generally based on inactivation of the heat sensitive fraction of pectin methyl-esterase (PME), in our trials were achieved after about 1 min at 70°C of MW heating (data not reported). Carotenoid content in fresh juice after MW heating at different levels of temperature decreased of about 13% (70,°C 1 min), 4…