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The New Patterns study: coordinated measures to combat child poverty
Background Child poverty rates are rising in Norway with potential negative consequences for children. Services for families with low income are often fragmented and poorly integrated, and few coordinated initiatives have been implemented and evaluated in Norway. Aims: The aim of the current study is to evaluate how integrated and coordinated services provided over a prolonged period by a family coordinator are related to changes across a wide range of health, wellbeing and home environment indicators for the participants. Methods: The study uses a mixed methods approach utilising survey and register data, as well as information from interviews and shadowing, to document and evaluate outcom…
Frontline Professionals Performing Collaborative Work with Low-Income Families: Challenges across Organizational Boundaries
This article discusses certain challenges relating to interagency collaboration between the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) and Child Welfare Services (CWS). We have asked what obstacles to holistic work with low-income families who receive measures from NAV and CWS simultaneously can be identified. The departure point is collaboration on a local project at the municipal level. The differences between the views of the individual services (and the mandates based on these views) with regard to parental obligations have proved challenging. Using the theory of institutional logic, we have explored how different logics have influenced these services’ approaches to parenthood an…
Utvikling av nye fellesmoduler innen sosialarbeiderutdanningene i Midt-Norge og Universitetet i Agder
- I Stortingsmelding nr. 13 (2011-2012) Utdanning for velferd. Samspill i praksis (Samspillsmeldingen) kap. 9.7.1 påpekes spesielt utfordringer innen utdanning til sosialfaglig arbeid og det å få tydeliggjort sosialfaglig felleskompetanse. Det er behov for endring innenfor hver av BSV-utdanningene og i samspillet mellom dem. Det ønskes bredere grunnutdanninger og mer tverrfaglig samarbeid. Det er nødvendig med flere faglige felleselementer og tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring, og den sosialfaglige kompetansen må styrkes. Kunnskapsdepartementet bestemte seg for gjennomføring av et nasjonalt SAK-prosjekt som skulle ledes av UHR. I regi av UHR er St.meld. 13 blitt fulgt opp med prosjektet Sos…