Gaetano Conigliaro
Studio del controllo di Bactrocera oleae, di funghi agenti filloptosi e carpoptosi anticipata nell’olivicoltura da mensa e da olio in Sicilia.
Abstract STUDY ON THE CONTROL OF BACTROCERA OLEAE AND FUNGI INDUCING EARLY LEAF AND FRUIT DROP IN OLIVE GROWING FOR TABLE OLIVES AND OIL PRODUCTION IN SICILY. Susceptibility of olive cultivars to olive fruit fly, damage thresholds, sampling methods, effectiveness of products deterring olive fruit fly oviposition, foliar chlorosis and withering of branches have been investigated. Riassunto Tra le cultivar saggiate (16 siciliane e 6 estere) esiste un ampio gradiente nella suscettibilità agli attacchi di B. oleae, andando dalle più suscettibili Nocellara del Belice, Giarraffa, Cerasuola alle meno preferite; tra queste ultime vi sono cultivar con caratteristiche peculiari diversificate: Nocella…
Detection of an endophytic Acremonium sp. in healthy or naturally damaged leaves of Vitis vinifera.
Cultivable Fungal Endophytes in Roots, Rhizomes and Leaves of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile along the Coast of Sicily, Italy
The presence of endophytic fungi in the roots, rhizomes, and leaves of Posidonia oceanica was evaluated in different localities of the Sicilian coast. Samples of roots, rhizomes, and leaves were submitted to isolation techniques, and the obtained fungal colonies were identified by morphological and molecular (rRNA sequencing) analysis. Fungal endophytes occurred mainly in roots and occasionally in rhizomes and leaves. Lulwoana sp. was the most frequent of the isolated taxa, suggesting a strong interaction with the host. In addition, eight other fungal taxa were isolated. In particular, fungi of the genus Ochroconis and family Xylariaceae were identified as endophytes in healthy plants at al…
Indagine sulla dinamica di presenza in campo delle popolazioni di aspergilli e penicilli in vigneti della Sicilia occidentale
Detection of endophytic bacteria in leaves of Vitis vinifera by using fluorescence in situ hybridization
Previous investigation on five cultivars of healthy Sicilian grapevine allowed the isolation of endophytic bacteria belonging to Bacillus genus from different organs (bud, leaf, stalk and shoot). The aim of this work was to use fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments in healthy and damaged leaf tissues of Vitis vinifera to visualize and localize bacteria associated with plant materials. The leaves were cleared to minimize the autofluorescence of the plant fragments. The use of fluorescently labelled bacterial probe Eub338 in FISH experiments on discoloured grapevine leaf disks allowed the estimation of the spatial distribution of different bacterial colonies. At the same time,…
Epidemiological survey on 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' and putative vectors in Western Sicily
Bois noir (BN) associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ is an important grapevine yellows disease widespread in Europe and Mediterranean regions. During a two years survey (2014-15) carried out in a 10-year-old vineyard located in San Giuseppe Jato (PA), symptoms of Bois noir were observed on cvs Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Nero d’ Avola. Incidence of the disease increased over the two years, reaching values of about 34 % on cv Chardonnay. Ca. ‘P. solani’ was detected on symptomatic leaf samples from all cultivars with the highest percentage on cv Chardonnay followed by Pinot noir and Nero d’Avola. Further surveys were performed in order to highlight the epidemiology of the disease by…
Antifungal peptides produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AG1 active against grapevine fungal pathogens
Abstract Antifungal metabolites produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AG1, previously isolated from wood of grapevine with “esca syndrome”, were studied. The crude protein extract (CPE) obtained from culture supernatant fluid by precipitation with ammonium sulfate was assayed against many grapevine fungal pathogens. B. amyloliquefaciens strain AG1 showed a broad spectrum of antifungal activity, inhibiting mycelial growth in vitro of all tested fungal microorganisms. The metabolites contained in CPE were heat stable and remained active over a wide pH range (2–10). Their activity was not affected by proteolytic or glycolytic enzymes. Tricine- SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a…
The ectomycorrhizal community of Abies nebrodensis: preliminary results
Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei is a Critically Endangered forest tree included in Appendix I of the Bern Convention and as a priority species in Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive [1]. In situ and ex situ conservation strategies [2] and, more recently, a LIFE Natura project [3] allowed a marked improvement of health conditions of trees and of seedlings renewal. A first attempt to characterize the ectomycorrhizas of A. nebrodensis was carried out by Venturella & Rambelli [4]. In the frame of the activities of the II National Workshop of Ectomycorrhyza (Palermo, 2015), this paper reports the preliminary investigation carried out on the ectomycorrhyzal community of A. nebrodensis i…
Un endofita fungino in Eruca sativa Mill., probabile antagonista di Albugo candida (Pers. ex Hook) Kuntze.
Recently, the pathogenicity of different Botryosphaeraceae species on grapevines has been reported from many European and extra-European areas. During summer 2008, in a Sicilian vineyard located in the Marsala area (TP), we observed a decline induced by Lasiodiplodia theobromae. The occurrence and quite rapid spread of the disease seemed to support the regional variability of the species in question, which is retained a tropical and subtropical pathogen to different trees. In the last two years, the decline syndrome has been observed in the following other grape-growing areas of western and central Sicily: Alcamo and Salemi (TP), Montevago (AG) and Milena (CL). From declining plants showing…
A simple and rapid DNA extraction method from leaves of grapevine suitable for polymerase chain reaction analysis.
The genomic grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) DNA extraction is difficult because of secondary metabolites that interfere with DNA isolation procedures and subsequent applications. We developed a simple, rapid and efficient method for the extraction of genomic DNA from asymptomatic and pathogen-infected grape leaves. The protocol reported, based on a modified cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) extraction procedure, allowed the rapid DNA extraction from little amounts of leaf material without employment of liquid nitrogen for initial tissue grinding. The protocol included polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to bind phenolic compounds, β-mercaptoethanol to inhibit the oxidation of polyphenols, and a h…
Indagine sulla dinamica di presenza delle popolazioni di aspergilli e penicilli in vigneti della Sicilia occidentale
Osservazioni sugli endofiti fungini in Posidonia oceanica
La presenza di funghi endofiti in rizomi radici e foglie di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delille è stata valutata nell’ambito di uno studio morfologico ed ecologico condotto in differenti ambienti mediterranei. In particolare, su individui prelevati in 5 diversi siti costieri siciliani, sono state effettuate osservazioni mirate alla visualizzazione di strutture miceliari nei tessuti dell’ospite, all’isolamento di colonie fungine su substrati artificiali agarizzati e alla loro identificazione su basi morfologiche e molecolari. Le indagini, sebbene tuttora in corso, rilevano la costante presenza di microrganismi fungini endofiti negli organi saggiati sia pure con differenti valori di frequenza d’i…
In semi-vivo antagonism of Acremoninum byssoides towards Plasmopara viticola
In previous laboratory tests the culture filtrates and the crude extracts obtained from Acremonium byssoides were shown to completely inhibit Plasmopara viticola sporangia germination. A study was thus undertaken in order to investigate on the possible inhibiting activity of the hyphomycete towards pathogenesis of the oomycete in grapevine. A. byssoides was cultivated on malt-extract agar (MEA) to obtain pure colonies and on maltextract broth (MEB) to obtain culture filtrate and crude extract. Healthy leaves of grapevine were put in Petri dishes containing sporangia suspended in: deionized sterile water, malt-extract broth, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), culture filtrate, crude extract and a sus…
Preliminary studies on "esca" disease in Sicilian vineyards
Epidemiological investigations and molecular characterization of ‘candidatus phytoplasma solani’ in grapevines, weeds, vectors and putative vectors in western Sicily, (Southern Italy)
Bois noir is caused by &lsquo
Plasmopara viticola: three decades of observation in Sicily
‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’, belonging to the 16SrXII-A subgroup, is associated with grapevine Bois Noir (BN). It is usually transmitted by Hyalesthes obsoletus from a wide range of weeds to grapevine, which is considered a dead-end host. Moreover, other alternative vectors can play a role in the epidemiology of the disease. In Sicily, the presence of BN was reported in 1996, both on typical and on newly introduced cultivars. Furthermore, high BN incidence was observed on native grape cultivars grown close to ‘Chardonnay’ vineyards. In summer 2014 and 2015, the spread and the severity of BN were recorded in a 10 year-old vineyard located in San Giuseppe Jato (PA, Western Sicily), grown …
Evoluzione morfologica di Albugo candida in Eruca sativa.
Epidemiological study of Lasiodiplodia theobromae in a sicilian vineyard.
An Optimized and Rapid DNA Extraction Method From Leaves of Grapevine Suitable for PCR-DGGE Based Analysis
Molecular techniques and genetic studies require a fair amount of DNA of high quality in order to produce reliable and clear results (Li et al., 2007). In grapevine, the yield and quality of DNA can be significantly affected by secondary metabolites such as polyphenols, polysaccharides and tannins, that may be consistently abundant during the different stages of leaf development (Iandolino et al., 2004). The development of a simple, rapid and reliable method for the extraction of genomic DNA from grape leaves collected at several stages during development, as well as from healthy grape leaves and leaves infected by pathogenic microorganisms, was the main objective of this study. The protoco…
Fungal and bacterial endophytes in Olea europaea.
The composition of the endophytic community in leaves and twigs of the olive-tree (Olea europaea L.) was studied in Sicily (Italy). Two sampling areas were selected: one in San Cipirello (PA) and the other one in Racalmuto (AG). The olive-yards were similar for plant age, cultivar and agricultural management. Isolation assays were made from samples collected from each locality in spring, summer and autumn during 2007 and 2008. Quantities of fungal and bacterial isolates were different in relation to the sampled sites. The prevailing fungal genera in almost all samplings were Alternaria, Cladosporium, Diplodia, Phoma, Septoria, Stemphylium and its teleomorph Pleospora. Regarding bacterial ge…
Un'indagine epidemiologica sulle più ricorrenti fitopatie viticole in Sicilia
In "semi-vivo" antagonism of Acremonium byssoides towards Plasmopara viticola.
Antagonistic activity of Bacillus subtilis strain AG1 against fungal microorganisms associated with Vitis vinifera.
Detection of endophytic bacteria in leaves of Vitis vinifera by using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH.
Study on endophytic strains of genus Acremonium in symptomless grapevines
Lasiolactols A and B Produced by the Grapevine Fungal Pathogen Lasiodiplodia mediterranea
A strain of Lasiodiplodia mediterranea, a fungus associated with grapevine decline in Sicily, produced several metabolites in liquid medium. Two new dimeric c-lactols, lasiolactols A and B (1 and 2), were characterized as (2S*,3S*,4R*,5R*,20S*,30S*,40R*,50R*)-and (2R*,3S*,4R*,5R*,20R*,30S*,40R*,50R*)-(5-(4-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethyl-tetrahydrofuran- 2-yloxy)-2,4-dimethyl-tetrahydro-furan-3-yl]-methanols by IR, 1D-and 2D-NMR, and HR-ESI-MS. Other four metabolites were identified as botryosphaeriodiplodin, (5R)-5-hydroxylasiodiplodin, (-)-(1R, 2R)-jasmonic acid, and (-)-(3S, 4R, 5R)-4-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethyldihydro-2-furanone (3 - 6, resp.). The absolute configuration (R) at hydroxylated s…
Oospore di Plasmopara viticola: dinamica di maturazione e possibile antagonismo di Acremonium byssoides
Taxonomy, pathogenicity and phylogeny of fungi associated with Botryosphaeria dieback in Sicily
Since the first report of “Botryosphaeria dieback” caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae in 2008, other Botryosphaeriaceae were found associated with declining vines in grape-growing areas of Western and Central Sicily. In a recent study, Diplodia seriata, Lasiodiplodia sp., Neofusicoccum parvum and Neofusicoccum vitifusiforme were isolated from declining grapevines. In order to fulfill Koch’s postulates and verify any genetic variability among isolates, pathogenicity, morphological, molecular and phylogenetic analyses were performed. The pathogenicity of eighteen isolates was tested by inoculating 2-year-old rooted grapevine cuttings (cv. Inzolia) and evaluating vascular discoloration length …
Study of the variability of an endophytic Acremonium population in symptomless grapevines.
Frequent Alterations in Sicilian Olive-yards:First Pathogenicity tests
Funghi associati ad alterazioni in oliveti siciliani
First observations on the interaction between Lasiodiplodia Theobromae and Epicoccum purpurascens, both endophytes in grapevine buds
Antimycotic activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens against fungi of vineyards soil origin
Preliminary investigations on grapevines (cv Catarratto) with symptoms of “esca” allowed the isolation of different bacterial colonies (Alfonzo et al, 2009). A Gram-positive, spore forming isolate, able to inhibit fungal growth, was subjected to identification. On the basis of the whole 16S rRNA gene sequence, it showed a similarity of 99% with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. There are numerous reports on the antagonistic activity of this species towards several phytopathogenic microorganisms. For this reason, the potential of the bacterial strain against the fungi commonly associated to the soil of vineyards (Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus ochraceus, Aspergillus carbonarius, Cladosporium cl…
ChemInform Abstract: Lasiolactols A and B Produced by the Grapevine Fungal Pathogen Lasiodiplodia mediterranea
A strain of Lasiodiplodia mediterranea, a fungus associated with grapevine decline in Sicily, produced several metabolites in liquid medium. Two new dimeric γ-lactols, lasiolactols A and B (1 and 2), were characterized as (2S*,3S*,4R*,5R*,2'S*,3'S*,4'R*,5'R*)- and (2R*,3S*,4R*,5R*,2'R*,3'S*,4'R*,5'R*)-(5-(4-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethyl-tetrahydro-furan-2-yloxy)-2,4-dimethyl-tetrahydro-furan-3-yl]-methanols by IR, 1D- and 2D-NMR, and HR-ESI-MS. Other four metabolites were identified as botryosphaeriodiplodin, (5R)-5-hydroxylasiodiplodin, (-)-(1R,2R)-jasmonic acid, and (-)-(3S,4R,5R)-4-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethyldihydro-2-furanone (3 - 6, resp.). The absolute configuration (R) at hydroxylated se…
Arthrinium phaeospermum , Phoma cladoniicola and Ulocladium consortiale , New Olive Pathogens in Italy
In recent years, leaf necrosis and twig dieback in the olive crop have been detected in Sicily (Italy). In this article, we identify the predominant fungal species associated with symptomatic leaves and twigs, using morphological features and DNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, as Alternaria alternata, Arthrinium phaeospermum, Phoma cladoniicola and Ulocladium consortiale. The pathogenicity of these four species was tested on olive plants cv. Biancolilla. All species were pathogenic on leaves, but only U. consortiale produced cortical lesions on twigs, thus suggesting its main role in the Olea europaea twig dieback. To our knowledge, this is the first report of A…
Il Mal dell'esca della vite in Sicilia
Cellulolytic activity in Aspergillus spp. contaminating livestock feeds and raw materials
The contamination by Aspergillus spp. have become a global concern in food and feedstuffs and can lead to a reduction in yield and quality of agricultural products with significant economic losses. Most species of Aspergillus produce cellulose-degrading enzymes and some of them also have mycotoxigenic activity. This study aimed i) to evaluate the Aspergillus contamination in feeds (16) and row materials (32) collected in Sicily; ii) to isolate and identify fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus and iii) to analyze their ability to produce cellulolytic enzymes. Aspergillus spp. contamination was evaluated on PDA using serial ten-fold dilution and spread plate technique (Mirabile et al., 20…
Molecular characterization of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates and detection of fungi associated with Citrange root-stock in Sicilian symptomless Citrus growes.
The first monitoring on the CTV occurrence in central-western Sicily carried out during spring 2011 in asymptomatic citrus groves, has allowed to report CTV- free citrus-growing areas (province of Caltanissetta and Trapani), the first focus in province of Agrigento and two new others in province of Palermo. Molecular analysis (RT-PCR of p18, p20 and p23 genes, single strand conformation polymorphism and partial sequencing) showed that the obtained CTV isolates had a high homology (99%) with mild CTV strains (T 30 and T 385). Moreover, survey on the genetic flow and analysis of synonymous/nonsynonymous, by MEGA 5.0 and DNAsp 5.0 programs, demonstrated the provenience of the new “tristeza” fo…
Botryosphaeriaceae species causing canker and dieback of English walnut (Juglans regia) in Italy
Sull'interazione tra Acremonium sp., Vitis vinifera e Plasmopara viticola.
Preliminary investigations on the occurrence of Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV)in central-western Sicilian orchards and on the mycorrhizal status in citranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.)
In the last decade, since the first outbreak of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in the province of Catania (2002), several new CTV foci were found in Sicily. In order to determine CTV occurrence in centra-lwestern Sicily, identify and characterize viral strains and verify the mycorrhizal status of citrange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. × Poncirus trifoliate (L.) Raf.]. one of the most utilized tollerant rootstock, an epidemiological survey was carried out in 2011. Symptomless samples from citrus groves from different Sicilian provinces (Agrigento, Palermo, Trapani, Caltanissetta) were collected and submitted to serological assay. Only samples from Agrigento and Palermo provinces were ELISA-positiv…
Alterazioni del legno della vite: prime osservazioni in areali della Sicilia occidentale.
Il comportamento epidemico di “malattie del legno” di Vitis vinifera è stato studiato in tre aree viticole della Sicilia occidentale. In particolare, sono stati condotti rilievi in campo per quantificare l’incidenza e l’intensità di sintomi del mal dell’esca e di un deperimento “atipico”; in laboratorio, invece, sono stati effettuati isolamenti per individuare i microrganismi associati ai campioni di xilema alterato. I risultati delle osservazioni, confermano la “fluttuazione” dei sintomi, la differente evoluzione dell’esca in funzione della cultivar e del clima, definendo, inoltre, la natura biotica del deperimento atipico rilevato a Marsala (TP) e quella abiotica delle alterazioni xilemat…
First investigation on the phytotoxicity of fungi involved in "botriosphaeria dieback" in Sicilian vineyards
Simple techniques suitable for long-term storage of Plasmopara viticola
Summary. Propagules of Plasmopara viticola or fragments of P. viticola infected host tissue were stored by three techniques, freezing at –25°C, dehydration with CaCl2, and freeze-drying. Viability tests were performed periodically until exhaustion of the testing sample. P. viticola samples that were frozen at -25°C remained viable for eight years, whereas the CaCl2 dehydrated samples remained viable for eight and a half years. Freeze-drying was the most successful long-term storage method, being able to preserve samples for almost 21 years.
Fungal pathogens associated with grapevine trunk diseases in young vineyards in Sicily
After the first report of grapevine decline caused by Botryosphaeriaceae in Sicily in 2007, epidemiological studies carried out in mature vineyards until 2011 confirmed the widespread occurrence of “Botryosphaeria dieback” and the “Esca complex” disease. Dieback symptoms were also recently observed in two young vineyards in Partanna and Castellammare del Golfo in western Sicily (Trapani province). Declining vines were inspected for grapevine trunk disease (GTD) symptoms, and were uprooted and submitted for analyses. Fungal isolates were collected and identified using culturing and molecular analyses. One isolate per identified species was inoculated to three grapevine shoots to evaluate pat…
How does Acremonium sp. act against the sexual structures of Plasmopara viticola?
Antagonism of the endophytic Bacillus subtilis strain AG1 to fungal pathogens that cause tracheomycotic deterioration of wine wood
Grapevine trunk diseases can determine considerable losses in the worldwide wine industry. Symptoms of wood diseases are dead spurs, arms, cordons and same times vine death, due to cankers in the vascular tissue (Pascoe, 2000). Recent research has also showed a recrudescence either of escadisease or decay by Verticilliumdahliae and the occurrence of new wood alterations (Botryosphaeriarhodina; Mugnai et al., 1999; Wood et al., 2005; Bonfiglioliet al., 2007). Last investigations, carried out in Sicilian vineyards on fungi associated with xilematic“esca”symptoms, revealed the occurrence of genus Bacillusin wood tissues. A spore-producer Gram-positive bacterial isolate, named AG1, was identifi…
In semi-vivo antagonisme of Acremonium byssoides towards Plasmopara viticola
Vite: allarme per i cancri da Botryosphaera
Identification of Acremonium isolates from grapevines and evaluation of their antagonism towards Plasmopara viticola
Some endophytic fungal genera in Vitis vinifera, including Acremonium, have been reported as antagonists of Plasmopara viticola. Endophytic Acremonium isolates from an asymptomatic grapevine cultivar Inzolia from Italy were identified by morphological features and multigene phylogenies of ITS, 18S and 28S genes, and their intra-specific genomic diversity was analyzed by RAPD analysis. Culture filtrates (CFs) obtained from Acremonium isolates were tested in vitro for their inhibitory activity against the P. viticola sporangia germination. Among 94 isolates, 68 belonged to the Acremonium persicinum and 26 to the Acremonium sclerotigenum. RAPD analysis grouped the A. persicinum isolates into 1…
Sull'antagonismo in vivo e in vitro di Acremonium byssoides, endofita in Vitis vinifera, nei confronti di Plasmopara viticola
Lo studio dell’interazione fra Acremonium byssoides, Vitis vinifera e Plasmopara viticola, condotto nell’ultimo decennio, ha evidenziato in vitro e in vivo l’attività antagonistica dell’ifomicete, endofita negli organi verdi di alcune cultivars di vite, nei confronti del patogeno. In particolare, è stato accertato che sospensioni conidiche, filtrati colturali, estratti grezzi e metaboliti di A. byssoides riducono sensibilmente la germinazione delle spore agamiche e gamiche di P. viticola, limitando la produzione di propaguli. Inoltre, l’uso di un microscopio laser confocale e l’impiego di un’opportuna tecnica di decolorazione dei tessuti fogliari, seguita da colorazione di contrasto, ha con…
Studio delle popolazioni di aspergilli e penicilli in uve della sicilia occidentale
In diversi vigneti della Sicilia occidentale è stata monitorata, su uve sane e infestate, la dinamica di presenza di specie di Aspergillus e Penicillium, alcune delle quali note produttrici di ocratossina A, la principale micotossina della filiera vitivinicola. Gli studi condotti dall’allegagione alla raccolta evidenziano la variabilità quali-quantitativa delle popolazioni di aspergilli e penicilli, in relazione alle condizioni ambientali. Le analisi tossicologiche, accertando la presenza occasionale della micotossina, confermano l’assenza di correlazione tra il livelli di OTA nelle uve e la presenza dei funghi in vigneto.
In the last five years, we have observed a new decline of Olea europaea in north-western and southern Sicily (insular Italy). The syndrome consists in more or less extensive leaf chlorosis, sometimes with irregular necrotic marginal or apical spots. Apical defoliation of twigs showing cortical necrosis and withering has often been observed. Isolations, carried out in 2007/08, yilded a complex of fungal genera associated with the syndrome. Among these, Stemphylium sp., a well-known foliar pathogen of other plants, was constantly isolated from all the alterations observed. In December 2010, single spore colonies of this fungus were used for artificial inoculations on healthy 3-year-old olive …
First report of Pleurotus fuscosquamulosus (Pleurotaceae, Basidiomycota) in Italy naturally occurring on new tropical hosts
Basidiomata of a mushroom macroscopically recognised as Pleurotus cystidosus sensu latu were collected on the trunks of three tropical ornamental trees such as Broussonetia papyrifera, Yucca elephantipes, and Paulownia tomentosa in the Parco d’Orleans, an urban park in the town of Palermo (Sicily, Italy). All the plants showed cavities and white rot symptoms at the base of the trunks. Macro- and microscopic observations on both collected basidiomata and isolated colonies, as well as molecular analysis, allowed identifying the collected basidiomata as Pleurotus fuscosquamulosus and its anamorph as Antromycopsis fuscosquamulosus. These species belong to the subgenus Coremiopleurotus that incl…
Aspergillia and Penicillia on grapes in some Sicilian vineyards
Study of variability of an endophytic acremonium population in symptomless grapevine
The endophytism of genus Acremonium in symptomless grapevines of several cultivars, grown both in pots or in the field, is reported. The no-tillage management of tested grapevines and the lack of chemical treatments facilitated the investigation of the ecological plant-fungus interaction. The isolates were differentiated at the strain level by vegetative compatibility assay and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses, using a set of four oligo-nucleotide primers. The endophytic Acremonium population in the healthy grapevine object of the survey seemed to show a low variability; all the techniques agreed in grouping the Acremonium strains in three different clusters and no relatio…