Gabriella Mariani
Proliferation-, estrogen-, and T-cell-related metagenes to predict outcome after adjuvant/neoadjuvant chemotherapy for operable breast cancer in the ECTO trial.
1014 Background: Predicting recurrence in operable breast cancer (BC) despite optimal chemotherapy would be relevant to new drug development and tailored treatments. Methods: A large series (n=3,154) of public Affymetrix gene-expression profiles (GEP) was used to define prognostic/predictive metagenes in different BC subtypes. In ER+/HER2- a proliferation and an ER-related metagene were combined to predict low, intermediate and high risk of recurrence. In TN and in HER2+ a T cell metagene was used to predict low, intermediate and high risk (higher expression associated with lower risk). The metagenes were validated in patients enrolled in the phase III ECTO trial (Gianni L. JCO 2009) and t…
Freedom from progression (FFP) by adding paclitaxel (T) to doxorubicin (A) followed by CMF as adjuvant or primary systemic therapy: 10-yr results of a randomized phase III European Cooperative Trial in Operable Breast Cancer (ECTO).
537 Background: At the time the ECTO was designed in 1996, taxanes were only indicated for patients with metastatic breast cancer. However, paclitaxel and docetaxel were still to be tested in the adjuvant setting. In addition there was relatively scarce information on the comparative efficacy of neoadjuvant and adjuvant regimens. The ECTO trial was designed to evaluate the addition of paclitaxel to an anthracycline-based adjuvant regimen and to compare this combination with the same regimen given as primary systemic (neoadjuvant) therapy. Methods: A total of 1,355 women with operable breast cancer were randomized to one of three treatments: 1) surgery followed by adjuvant single agent doxo…