Lars Melwyn Jensen
Fermion pairing with spin-density imbalance in an optical lattice
We consider pairing in a two-component atomic Fermi gas, in a three-dimensional optical lattice, when the components have unequal densities, i.e. the gas is polarized. We show that a superfluid where the translational symmetry is broken by a finite Cooper pair momentum, namely an FFLO-type state, minimizes the Helmholtz free energy of the system. We demonstrate that such a state is clearly visible in the observable momentum distribution of the atoms, and analyze the dependence of the order parameter and the momentum distribution on the filling fraction and the interaction strength.
BCS-BEC Crossover in Atomic Fermi Gases with a Narrow Resonance
We determine the effects on the BCS-BEC crossover of the energy dependence of the effective two-body interaction, which at low energies is determined by the effective range. To describe interactions with an effective range of either sign, we consider a single-channel model with a two-body interaction having an attractive square well and a repulsive square barrier. We investigate the two-body scattering properties of the model, and then solve the Eagles-Leggett equations for the zero temperature crossover, determining the momentum dependent gap and the chemical potential self-consistently. From this we investigate the dependence of the crossover on the effective range of the interaction.