Tatjana Koķe
Representation of the Student-Centred Learning Approach on University Website
The topicality of the change of the educational paradigms in the national and global context forms a necessity and challenge for the higher education system to undergo the dynamic change in moving towards more individualised education process. The student-centred learning (SCL) approach as a topical form of implementation of the educational process conforms to the needs of contemporary society and as such advances growth at both individual as well as institutional level. The University website provides an insight into the implementation of the educational process by representing the mindset, values, and positions of individuals at the University. The aim of the research is to evaluate the r…
Nowadays in the field of andragogy, there is a significant transition from learning as a merely cognitive phenomenon to a more comprehensive approach, defining learning as a process of whole person development. Thus this study has its focus on sharing the experience of good practice for promoting adults’ personal development at six folk high schools in Latvia and Denmark. Observations have taken place since June 2011 till December 2012. All in all fifty six days of formal and informal activities were transcribed as field notes within different subjects as Danish, Latvian, Pottery, Philosophy, Self-development, Music, Yoga, Diet class etc. Data analysis were provided by AQUAD 6.0 (Huber, 200…
Incorporation of learning strategies into adult distance learning
Incorporation of learning strategies into adult distance learning The paper is based on a study of a group of adult students in a distance learning environment. The focus of the study is on the student comprehension of particular learning strategies. The students' experiences are documented by using case study method and interviews, as well as a quantitative analysis of the results of a survey. The conclusions are that a direct teaching component for learning strategies in a distance learning course may improve the students' strategy awareness as well as contribute to the empowerment of adult students as autonomous learners by reducing their anxiety dealing with new learning situations, by …
Education policy in the Republic of Latvia: lessons from experience
The idea for this article proceeds from personal, practical, and emotional experience and reflections on holding the position of the Minister for Education and Science during the period of the economic crisis in Latvia (2007–2010). The article consists of three parts. The first part outlines the potential of a position in power with a particular focus on developments in education policy. The second part gives an overview of the most important initiatives in the education sector undertaken by ministers for education during the first period of independence of the Republic of Latvia (1918–1940). Analyses of developments in the content of education in line with alterations in organisation of st…
Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas institūts
Nodaļas: 1. Vispārīgā informācija 2. Zinātniski pētnieciskā un akadēmiskā darbība 3. Studijas Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas institūtā 3.1. Akadēmiskās studiju programmas 3.2. Profesionālās studiju programmas 4. LU Pedagoģijas muzejs 5. PPI devums praksei