Claudia Prestano

L’Outcome-Questionnaire 45.2. Adattamento italiano di uno strumento per la valutazione dei trattamenti psicologici.The Outcome Questionnaire 45.2. Italian validation of an instrument for the assessment of psychological treatments.

Scopo – L’Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2; Lambert et al., 2004) è uno strumento che misura importanti aree di funzionamento psicologico (sintomatologia, problemi interpersonali, funzionamento nel ruolo sociale) di interesse centrale per la valutazione degli esiti psicoterapeutici. In questo studio è stata esaminata la validità cross-culturale dell’OQ-45.2 nella popolazione italiana, confrontando le proprietà psicometriche, l’equivalenza della struttura fattoriale ed i punteggi normativi della versione italiana con quella originale degli USA. Metodo – I dati sono stati raccolti a Bologna e Palermo presso l’Università (N=461), tre strutture pubbliche di salute mentale (N=301) ed un’organizzaz…

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Un primo adattamento italiano dell’Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 (OQ-45.2)

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La terapia di gruppo per pazienti con disturbi alimentari

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La ricerca in psicoterapia di gruppo: punti di forza e di debolezza

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La relazione reale tra paziente e terapeuta

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Un progetto di valutazione dei trattamenti psicologici nella routine dei servizi clinici: adattamento e standardizzazione italiana di strumenti di rilevazione del cambiamento clinico

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Ricerca e clinica. Questioni epistemologiche e metodologiche.

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The assessment of psychotherapy for quality of life in territorial contexts

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Valutazione di processo ed esito in un trattamento terapeutico gruppale per pazienti con disturbi alimentari

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A therapist's different style of intervention in two group treatments

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L’effectiveness dei gruppi psicodinamici con pazienti con DCA: un confronto tra due terapie a lungo termine

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Current Issues on Group Psychotherapy Research: An Overview

Recent efforts to improve group psychotherapy have focused on codifying both evidence-based treatments and therapeutic relationships. This chapter reviews the numerous advances in empirical research on group psychotherapy and highlights therapeutic practices ensuing from the evidence. The authors synthesize some of the most crucial development in group psychotherapy research, such as the effectiveness of group treatments, the mechanisms of change of group therapies, the components of group relationship, and issues regarding methodological problems associated with the analysis of group data.

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Analysis of a group-analytic therapy by Metacognition Assessment Scale and OQ-45.2

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The Outcome Questionnaire 45.2. Italian validation of an instrument for the assessment of phychological treatments

SummaryAims– The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2; Lambertet al., 2004) was designed to measure important areas of functioning (symptoms, interpersonal problems and social role functioning) that are of central interest in mental health. The crosscultural validity of the OQ-45.2 in the Italian population has been examined by comparing the psychometric properties and equivalence in factor structure and normative scores of the Italian OQ with the original American version.Method– Data were collected at university (N=461), in community (N=61) and in three mental health care organisations (N=301).Results– Results showed that the psychometric properties of the Italian OQ were adequate and similar t…

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Therapeutic Communities as " Treating contexts": evaluation of group processes in "Multi - Personal" set(ting)

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Long term group settings: Theoretical and research findings

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Group analytic therapy for eating disorders: preliminary results in a single-group study.

Objectives There is a lack of empirical data on the effectiveness and process of group-analytic therapy in eating disorders. This single-group study aimed to explore the effectiveness of such treatment for anorexic and bulimic individuals. Method Eight patients (three anorexic and five bulimic women) entered group-analytic treatment, meeting weekly for 2 years. Eating behaviours, overall psychological distress and group process variables were regularly assessed using quantitative and qualitative measures, with comparisons made at the beginning and end of the therapy. Results Treatment was discontinued in two cases. When outcome was classified on the basis of reliable change and clinical sig…

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The group-analytic treatment with eating disorders patients: process and outcome measures.

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Pattern of interpersonal problems and mood states in the assessment of treatment-seeking-obese individuals

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Process and outcome measures in a group-analytic therapy with eating disorder patients

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Alleanza terapeutica ed effectiveness nella terapia analitica di gruppo con pazienti con disturbo del comportamento alimentare

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Caratteristiche psicologiche dei soggetti obesi: l'influenza dei comportamenti Binge eating

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Una ricerca empirica su gruppoanalisi e DCA

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A Therapist’s Different Style of Intervention in Two Group Treatments

In this paper we compare interventions of the same group analyst in two different groups - a traditional slow-open group of six out-patients with Eating Disorders diagnosis (all female; age: 16-26) and a time-limited, group of eight outpatients (different in age and sex) with organic vision disturbances. Our aim was to see if the same group therapist adopts different therapeutic interpretative interventions in the two groups, depending on the aims of each group and the different patients’ diagnosis. The sessions were recorded, transcribed and coded by the Code of Analysis of the Therapeutic Field Style (SCAT). In the traditional group, the therapist’s intervention style is focused more on …

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Generalizability of normative data for the OQ-45: A study with an Italian outpatient group

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The Factorial Structure of the Outcome Questionnaire-45: A Study with an Italian Sample.

In this article, the authors study the factorial structure of the Italian translation of the Outcome Questionnaire 45 (OQ-45) in a sample of college students (n = 522) and psychiatric outpatients (n = 301). The relative goodness of fit of six competing models of the OQ-45 was examined using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Specifically, the study examined the relative fit of the most frequently presented models in the literature and three alternative models. Results of the CFA provided support for the four factor bi-level solution, suggesting that the OQ-45 is a multidimensional instrument that contains one general factor and multiple unique subscale factors.

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Relational Goods: Costs and Effectiveness

Our society has undergone a great technological evolution but insufficient development about the psychic and relational maturity. In this article we affirm that group analysis and the clinical group can give a great contribution to the development of relational goods. These relational goods can become the great political objective for humanity in the third millennium. Furthermore, we believe that a therapeutic and systematic treatment can be useful in terms of costs and effectiveness.

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La ricerca in psicoterapia di gruppo: Alcuni risultati e future direzioni di ricerca

Questo articolo prova ad esaminare alcuni risultati principali nella ricerca sulla terapia di gruppo, così come le direzioni future di ricerca in questo ambito. Sono stati esaminati i risultati degli studi raccolti dal gruppo di ricerca del Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università di Palermo. In particolare, in questo articolo vengono esaminate le questioni teoriche e metodologiche sulla psicoterapia di gruppo, l'efficacia clinica della terapia di gruppo con diverse popolazioni cliniche (disturbi alimentari, disturbi d’ansia) e la relazione tra caratteristiche del paziente, variabili di processo (clima ed alleanza di gruppo) e l'esito della terapia. Complessivamente, da questa rasse…

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Analysis of real relationship and working alliance of client-therapist pairs at a university counseling center

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A first study about the italian adaptation of the OQ-45.2

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Un primo studio sulla validazione italiana dell'Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2)

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