Rocco Lo Duca
Past and current distribution of Charaxes jasius jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) in Sicily in relation to its host plant, Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae)
The authors provide an updated overview of the past and present regional distribution of the two-tailed Pasha Charaxes jasius jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) and its host plant, the strawberry tree Arbutus unedo L. Most of the occurrence data reported in the entomological literature was confirmed, and several new populations have been recently dis- covered. The distribution pattern of the insect and its host plant overlap almost perfectly. C. jasius jasius is more abundant and forms large and stable populations on the Peloritani Mts. and in some areas of the Madonie Mountains. The high number of new records of C. jasius jasius suggests that the species is experiencing a sp…
Nuovi dati sull’espansione dell’occhione Burhinus oedicnemus in Sicilia. Una riflessione sulla citizen science
New data on the expansion of the Eurasian Thick-knee Burhinus oedicnemus in Sicily. A consideration of citizen science.In this work, we collected records of Eurasian Thick-knee observa-tions in Sicily by using scientific literature, citizen science programs, and social networks as data sources. The aims of this work is creat-ing a complete and up-to-date dataset, which also includes the authors’ targeted research in the field. As compared with records previously reported in literature, the data collected here, which cover the last fif-teen years, show a clear expansion trend for the Eurasian Thick-kneein Sicily. About one third of these new records come from Facebook groups dedicated to bio…
Update of the distribution and habitat use of the wildcat, pine marten and weasel in Sicily
The wildcat (Felis silvestris), the pine marten (Martes martes) and the weasel (Mustela nivalis) are key members of the mammalian community in Sicily, actually performing the role of top predators and consequently influencing the trophic chain both in natural and agricultural areas. However, despite their protected status, very little information is available regarding their occurrence and ecology. Here, by verifying published studies, collecting personal observations and analyzing novel field data obtained by camera traps, we update their spatial distribution in Sicily, contributing to a better understanding of their habitat use and suggesting future research to improve our knowledge of th…
Ampliamento dell'areale di Traumatocampa pityocampa in Sicilia
E' stato effettuato un monitoraggio della processionaria dei pini, Traumatocampa pityocampa (Denis et Schiffermüller), in tutta l'isola, con particolare attenzione alle aree presenti lungo il limite occidentale e meridionale dell'areale di distribuzione finora noto in Sicilia, al fine di registrare una sua eventuale espansione; tra il 2008 e il 2010, mediante il rilievo dei nidi invernali presenti sia nelle pinete che nelle aree residenziali, sono stati monitorati 209 quadranti UTM (che presentano 10 km di lato). L’areale di diffusione di T. pityocampa noto fino al 2007 in Sicilia includeva 26 quadranti di documentata presenza, nelle province di Catania, Messina, Enna, e Trapani (con la sol…