Maria Ruth Piscopo
Pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation
Background: Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of premature death worldwide. The physical addiction to nicotine is a key factor in continued tobacco use. The current guidelines for tobacco cessation interventions include a pharmacotherapy program (nicotine replacement therapies and non-nicotine therapies). Health professionals who deliver smoking cessation interventions should give smokers accurate information and advise them on these pharmacotherapies. Objective: To review the pharmacological agents currently used to treat nicotine addiction. Methods: Original papers, reviews and current guidelines on this subject, published in English from 2000 to 2006, were located in the MEDLI…
I denti decidui. Anatomia e fisiologia
Salute orale in età pediatrica: indagine epidemiologica in un campione di soggetti della città di Palermo.
Il ruolo dell'igienista dentale nel counselling anti-tabacco
L’igienista dentale e il counselling anti-tabacco
Tecniche diagnostiche innovative per la diagnosi precoce della carie dentale
Sindrome di Ehlers-Danlos: manifestazioni orali in due gemelle omozigoti.
Attitudes of Italian dental and dental hygiene students to tobacco-use cessation (TUC)
Counselling anti-fumo e team odontoiatrico.
The aim of this paper was to present specific strategies to guide dental professionals providing smoking cessation interventions. Original papers, reviews and current guidelines on this subject, published in English from 2001 to the first semester of 2005, were located in the MEDLINE/Pubmed database. Additional publications were obtained by searching the reference lists of retrieved studies. The "Five A's" strategic approach represents a brief and effective protocol for smoking cessation that members of dental team can use with all patients in their office practice. Intensive interventions, more effective than brief ones, can be further adopted with any smokers willing to make a quit attemp…
Valutazione della forza di un sistema adesivo su dentina di denti decidui
Counselling anti-fumo: indagine su conoscenze e competenze di un campione di studenti di Odontoiatria e di Igiene dentale
Attitudes of Italian dental and dental hygiene students toward tobacco-use cessation
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the smoking habits of Italian dental and dental hygiene students and to assess their knowledge on the health effects of cigarette smoking and their attitudes toward tobacco-use cessation (TUC) in dental practice. Materials and methods: Data was collected from 220 students attending the Dental and Dental Hygiene Schools (DS and DHS, respectively) at the University of Palermo (Italy). Results: The percentage of smokers amongst DS and DHS students was similar (32.78% vs. 32.5%) with 67.77% of DS students and 77.5% of DHS agreeing that the damages to health caused by smoking were covered in their didactic course work. A high percentage of DS (…
Accuratezza del DIAGNOdent Pen nell’individuazione di lesioni cariose occlusali in denti decidui e permanenti
Salute orale in età pediatrica: indagine epidemiologica in un campione di popolazione della città di Palermo
Community water fluoridation and caries prevention: a critical review.
The aim of this paper was to critically review the current role of community water fluoridation in preventing dental caries. Original articles and reviews published in English language from January 2001 to June 2006 were selected through MEDLINE database. Other sources were taken from the references of the selected papers. For the past 50 years community water fluoridation has been considered the milestone of caries prevention and as one of the major public health measures of the 20th century. However, it is now accepted that the primary cariostatic action of fluoride occurs after tooth eruption. Moreover, the caries reduction directly attributable to water fluoridation have declined in the…
Patologie parodontali in età pediatrica
Le patologie parodontali, sebbene più frequenti nel soggetto adulto, sono riscontrabili anche in età pediatrica con valori di prevalenza più elevati negli adolescenti (12-17 anni). Tali patologie sono caratterizzate da reperti clinici spesso aspecifici. Esse riconoscono sovente fattori eziologici locali, ma possono pure essere influenzate, nel loro decorso clinico e nella gravità, dalle condizioni di salute generale del piccolo paziente. In alcuni casi, inoltre, l’insorgenza di lesioni a carico dei tessuti parodontali può essere la prima manifestazione di patologie extra orali.
Socio-behavioural determinants of dental caries in schoolchildren in the city of Palermo, Southern Italy
Manifestazioni orali della sindrome di Smith-Lemli-Opitz: un case report.
The role of oral health professionals in tobacco cessation
Tobacco is the major independent risk factor for the development of oral cancer and potentially malignant lesions. It is also involved in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. The members of the dental team can play an effective role in tobacco preventing and cessation as they provide preventive and therapeutic services to a basically healthy population on a regular basis. In this paper, the authors present specific strategies to guide oral health professionals (i.e. dentist and dental hygienist) providing smoking cessation interventions. The “Five A’s” strategic approach represents a brief and effective protocol for smoking cessation that members of dental team can use with all patients…
Topical Fluoride for Preventing Dental Caries in Children and Adolescents
The use of topically applied fluoride has been widely researched as a means to reduce the risk of dental caries in conjunction with other treatment modalities (mechanical oral hygiene, dietary control, antimicrobial intervention, pit and fissure sealants). There is overwhelming evidence that reports not only the significance and importance of the use of fluoride as a caries-preventive agent, but also how safe fluoride application is when used appropriately, particularly in higher risk individuals and populations. This paper reviews the caries-protective benefits of topical fluoride application in children and adolescents, with an emphasis on the clinical efficacy and safety of the vehicles …
Il mantenimento della salute orale nel paziente in trattamento ortodontico
I trattamenti ortodontici vengono eseguiti con dispositivi rimovibili o fissi che, modificando l’ecosistema del cavo orale, aumentano il rischio d’insorgenza e progressione di lesioni cariose e di malattia parodontale. Pertanto, occorre attuare un protocollo individualizzato di prevenzione che preveda un adeguato addestramento all’igiene orale domiciliare, con rinforzi motivazionali nelle varie fasi del trattamento ortodontico, e l’attuazione di programmi di fluoroprofilassi topica professionale e domiciliare. Fixed or removable appliances impede the maintenance of good oral hygiene resulting in dental plaque accumulation. Plaque retention surrounding orthodontic appliances can increase the…