Arcadi Santamaria
Tau decays to pions
Semileptonic τ decays to two and three pions are considered. Based on recent data for the pion form factor a new prediction for Γ(τ→vπ-0)/Γ(τ→veve) of 1.32±0.05 is derived. The chiral model-supplemented by vector dominance-is used to predict rate and differential distributions for the three pion mode in good agreement with present data. The parity violating asymmetry which has been predicted theoretically and observed experimentally is studied and found to be fairly insensitive towards the details of the model for the hadronic decays.
The strong CP problem and the solar neutrino puzzle: Are they related?
We discuss the possibility that a solution of the strong CP problem via the introduction of a chiral U(1), a la Peccei-Quinn, may also provide a natural scenario for explaining the apparent depletion of the solar neutrino flux through matter enhanced neutrino oscillations. The smallness of the neutrino masses is related to the scale at which the U(1)PQ symmetry is spontaneously broken, without introducing right-handed neutrino fields and invoking the see-saw mechanism. The model is consistent with all present experimental results. In particular, the phenomenology associated to the presence of an “invisible” axion is the same as in the Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnisky model with the excepti…
Higgs lepton flavour violation: UV completions and connection to neutrino masses
We study lepton violating Higgs (HLFV) decays, first from the effective field theory (EFT) point of view, and then analysing the different high-energy realizations of the operators of the EFT, highlighting the most promising models. We argue why two Higgs doublet models can have a $\mathrm{BR}(h\rightarrow \tau \mu)\sim 0.01$, and why this rate is suppressed in all other realizations including vector-like leptons. We further discuss HLFV in the context of neutrino mass models: in most cases it is generated at one loop giving always $\mathrm{BR}(h\rightarrow \tau \mu) < 10^{-4}$ and typically much less, which is beyond experimental reach. However, both the Zee model and extended left-right s…
CP phases in the charged current and Higgs sectors for Majorana neutrinos
8 páginas, 2 figuras.-- CERN-TH-4247-85.
Distinguishing between lepton number violating scalars at the LHC
Scalars with lepton number violating interactions decaying into lepton pairs, as those mediating the see-saw of type II, always include doubly-charged components. If these are observed at the LHC, their electroweak quantum numbers can be determined through their leptonic decays in pair and single production.
B physics and extra dimensions
We compute the dominant new physics contributions to the processes Z -> b b and B - B in the context of two representative models with extra dimensions. The main thrust of the calculations focuses on how to control the effects of the infinite tower of Kaluza-Klein modes inside the relevant one-loop diagrams. By comparing the results with the existing experimental data, most importantly those for Rb, we show that one may derive interesting lower bounds on the size of the compactification scale Mc.
Chiral fermions and gauge fixing in five-dimensional theories
We study in detail the issue of gauge-fixing in theories with one universal extra dimension, i.e. theories where both bosons and fermions display Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations. The extra dimension is compactified using the standard orbifold construction for a massless chiral fermion. We carry out the gauge-fixing procedure at the level of the five-dimensional theory and determine the tree-level propagators and interaction vertices needed for performing perturbative calculations with the effective four-dimensional theory resulting after the compactification. The gauge-independence of the tree-level S-matrix involving massive KK modes is verified using specific examples. In order to obtain ma…
Lepton flavour violating decay of the Z0 in the scalar triplet model
Abstract The lepton flavour violating Z→μme, Z→μτ and Z→eτ decays are evaluated in the framework of the majoron triplet model of Gelmini and Roncadelli. The process is dominated by the diagrams with charged scalars in the loops, so the GIM cancellation is avoided. We obtain branching ratios for Z→μτ and Z→eτ which might be detectable at SLC and/or LEP.
Dimensionally regularized box and phase-space integrals involving gluons and massive quarks
The basic box and phase space integrals needed to compute at second order the three-jet decay rate of the Z-boson into massive quarks are presented in this paper. Dimensional Regularization is used to regularize the infrared divergences that appear in intermediate steps. Finally, the cancellation of these divergences among the virtual and the real contributions is showed explicitly.
Quark-mass effects for jet production in e+e- collisions at the next-to-leading order: results and applications
We present a detailed description of our calculation of next-to-leading order QCD corrections to heavy quark production in e^+ e^- collisions including mass effects. In particular, we study the observables $R_3^{b\ql}$ and $D_2^{b\ql}$ in the E, EM, JADE and DURHAM jet-clustering algorithms and show how one can use these observables to obtain $m_b(m_Z)$ from data at the $Z$ peak.
17 keV neutrino in a singlet-triplet majoron model
Abstract We investigate the possibility of a cosmologically safe 17 keV neutrino which may have been observed in the decays of tritium, S 35 , and C 14 within a singlet-triplet majoron model. Consideration of the leptonic decay of K + and X rays associated with the radiative decay of massive relic neutrinos severely constrains the scale of the spontaneous lepton number violation. It is argued that the mass density of relic 17 keV neutrinos is constrained as Ω v ⩽ 0.05 h −1 (0.01/ sin 2 θ ) in view of the observed diffuse X ray background.
Stability of the VEV hierarchy and Higgs boson invisibility in majoron models
Abstract We study the stability of the lepton-number breaking VEV under radiative corrections in the doublet and triplet majoron models, including the effects of a heavy top quark. We find that it is possible to maintain the hierarchy between the VEV's, at the one-loop level, by fine tuning the ratio of two coupling constants in the Higgs potential. For a top quark heavier than 50–60 GeV the required relation depends strongly on the top mass. We use this relation to show that the decay mode of the neutral Higgs boson to majorons may be the dominant one for a wide range of the Higgs mass, thus making its detection, in this class of models, more problematic.
Heavy quark mass effects in e+e− into three jets
Next-to-leading order calculation for three jet heavy quark production in e^+e^- collisions, including complete quark mass effects, is reviewed. Its applications at LEP/SLC are also discussed.
Neutrino masses from operator mixing
We show that in theories that reduce, at the Fermi scale, to an extension of the standard model with two doublets, there can be additional dimension five operators giving rise to neutrino masses. In particular there exists a singlet operator which can not generate neutrino masses at tree level but generates them through operator mixing. Under the assumption that only this operator appears at tree level we calculate the neutrino mass matrix. It has the Zee mass matrix structure and leads naturally to bimaximal mixing. However, the maximal mixing prediction for solar neutrinos is very sharp even when higher order corrections are considered. To allow for deviations from maximal mixing a fine t…
Signatures of spontaneously broken r parity and solar neutrino oscillations
Matter-enhanced neutrino-oscillation parameters can be probed in a variety of conventional experiments in supergravity models where the small neutrino mass arises from spontaneous R-parity violation. A combined analysis of astrophysical and laboratory limits tends to exclude regions of oscillation parameters where the high-energy neutrinos are adiabatically converted. This suggests the possibility of a large reduction in the pp and Be7 neutrino flux even for a mildly reduced B8 neutrino flux, thus stressing the importance of gallium experiments.
Masses, mixings, Yukawa couplings and their symmetries
We present a method to find the number of real and imaginary observable parameters coming from the Yukawa sector in an arbitrary gauge theory. The method leads naturally to a classification of Yukawa couplings according to their symmetries and suggests a new parametrization of masses and mixings that is useful to study the behaviour of Yukawa couplings under the renormalization group. We apply it to some examples based on the Standard Model with Yukawa couplings obeying various chiral symmetries. We also show how our method of parameter counting can be used in some models with an enlarged leptonic sector.
From transition magnetic moments to majorana neutrino masses
It is well known that a majorana mass induces a (small) transition magnetic moment. The converse is also true; in this paper we estimate the loop contribution of transition magnetic moments $[\mu]_{\alpha \beta}$ to the neutrino mass matrix $[m]_{\alpha \beta}$. We show that for hierarchical neutrino masses, the contribution of $[\mu]_{e \tau}$ to $[m]_{e \tau}$ can exceed the experimental value of $[m]_{e \tau}$.
Solar neutrino oscillation parameters and the broken R parity majoron
Matter-enhanced neutrino-oscillation parameters can be probed in a variety of conventional experiments in supergravity models where the small neutrino mass arises from spontaneous R-parity violation. A combined analysis of astrophysical and laboratory limits tends to exclude regions of oscillation parameters where the high-energy neutrinos are adiabatically converted. This suggests the possibility of a large reduction in the pp and /sup 7/Be neutrino flux even for a mildly reduced /sup 8/B neutrino flux, thus stressing the importance of gallium experiments.
Beyond the standard model with effective lagrangians
We discuss some applications of the effective quantum field theory to the description of the physics beyond the Standard Model. We consider two different examples. In the first one we derive, at the one-loop level, an effective lagrangian for an extension of the Standard Model with a charged scalar singlet by ``integrating out'' the heavy scalar. In the second example we illustrate the use of general effective theories at the loop level.
Gamma(Z --> bb): A signature of hard mass terms for a heavy top
Abstract We calculate analytically the weak radiative corrections to the weak neutral current gauge boson-bottom fermion vertex, keeping the mass mt of the internal fermion line for the relevant diagrams. We find, to order α, a hard mass-term dependence m t 2 M W 2 of the amplitude, for large mt values. Its origin comes from the unphysical charged Higgs coupling to fermions in the renormalizable gauge or, equivalently, from the longitudinal charged gauge boson couplings. The diagonal Z0 decay width to b-quarks decreases, due to these weak radiative corrections, by 0.6%–2.5% when the top mass mt varies from 45 to 200 GeV.
Updated scalar sector constraints in the Higgs triplet model
We show that in the Higgs triplet model, after the Higgs discovery, the mixing angle in the CP-even sector can be strongly constrained from unitarity. We also discuss how large quantum effects in $h\to\gamma\gamma$ may arise in a SM-like scenario and a certain part of the parameter space can be ruled out from the diphoton signal strength. Using $T$-parameter and diphoton signal strength measurements, we update the bounds on the nonstandard scalar masses.
Neutrino masses, Majorons, and muon decay
5 páginas, 3 figuras.
A model of neutrino mass and dark matter with large neutrinoless double beta decay
We propose a model where neutrino masses are generated at three loop order but neutrinoless double beta decay occurs at one loop. Thus we can have large neutrinoless double beta decay observable in the future experiments even when the neutrino masses are very small. The model receives strong constraints from the neutrino data and lepton flavor violating decays, which substantially reduces the number of free parameters. Our model also opens up the possibility of having several new scalars below the TeV regime, which can be explored at the collider experiments. Additionally, our model also has an unbroken $Z_2$ symmetry which allows us to identify a viable Dark Matter candidate.
Three-jet production at LEP and the bottom quark mass
We consider the possibility of extracting the bottom quark mass from LEP data. The inclusive decay rate for $\zbb +\cdots$ is obtained at order $\as$ by summing up the one-loop two-parton decay rate to the tree-level three-parton rate. We calculate the decay width of the $Z$-boson into two and three jets containing the $b$-quark including complete quark mass effects. In particular, we give analytic results for a slight modification of the JADE clustering algorithm. We also study the angular distribution with respect to the angle formed between the gluon and the quark jets, which has a strong dependence on the quark mass. The impact of higher order QCD corrections on these observables is bri…
Right-handed neutrino magnetic moments
PACS numbers: 14.60.St, 13.15.+g, 13.35.Hb, 13.66.Hk
Fitting flavour symmetries: the case of two-zero neutrino mass textures
We present a numeric method for the analysis of the fermion mass matrices predicted in flavour models. The method does not require any previous algebraic work, it offers a $\chi^{2}$ comparison test and an easy estimate of confidence intervals. It can also be used to study the stability of the results when the predictions are disturbed by small perturbations. We have applied the method to the case of two-zero neutrino mass textures using the latest available fits on neutrino oscillations, derived the available parameter space for each texture and compared them. Textures $A_{1}$ and $A_{2}$ seem favoured because they give a small $\chi^{2}$, allow for large regions in parameter space and giv…
Universal extra dimensions andZ→bb¯
We study, at the one loop level, the dominant contributions from a single universal extra dimension to the process $\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{Z}b\overline{b}.$ By resorting to the gaugeless limit of the theory we explain why the result is expected to display a strong dependence on the mass of the top quark, not identified in the early literature. A detailed calculation corroborates this expectation, giving rise to a lower bound for the compactification scale which is comparable to that obtained from the $\ensuremath{\rho}$ parameter. An estimate of the subleading corrections is furnished, together with a qualitative discussion on the difference between the present results and thos…
'Secret' neutrino interactions
We review the information about a potentially strong non-standard four-neutrino interaction that can be obtained from available experimental data. By using LEP results and nucleosynthesis data we find that a contact four-fermion neutrino interaction that involve only left-handed neutrinos or both left-handed and right-handed neutrinos cannot be stronger than the standard weak interactions. A much stronger interaction involving only right-handed neutrinos is still allowed.
Production mechanisms and signatures of isosinglet neutral heavy leptons in Z0 decays
Abstract Neutral Heavy Leptons (NHLs) arise in many extensions of the standard electroweak theory such as superstring inspired models. The possibility of gauge singlets NHLs is especially attractive because it gives an explanation for the observed smallness of the neutrino mass. Existing limits on the possible existence of such particles are still fairly poor. We have investigated isosinglet NHL production and decays within different models. The dominant production cross section is single production (i.e. Z 0 → N + ν or Z 0 → N + ν ) as a result of mixing with the standard doublet neutrinos. Subsequent NHL decays lead to striking signatures. Taking into account the expected luminosities and…
Composite Higgs bosons from neutrino condensates in an inverted see-saw scenario
We present a realization of the idea that the Higgs boson is mainly a bound state of neutrinos induced by strong four-fermion interactions. The conflicts of this idea with the measured values of the top quark and Higgs boson masses are overcome by introducing, in addition to the right-handed neutrino, a new fermion singlet, which, at low energies, implements the inverse see-saw mechanism. The singlet fermions also develop a scalar bound state which mixes with the Higgs boson. This allows us to obtain a small Higgs boson mass even if the couplings are large, as required in composite scalar scenarios. The model gives the correct masses for the top quark and Higgs boson for compositeness scale…
Top quark mass from radiative corrections to the Z --> bb−− decay
19 páginas, 3 figuras, 4 tablas.-- CERN-TH-5931-90 ; FTUV-90-49 ; IFIC-90-45.
New constraints on R-parity violation from μ–e conversion in nuclei
We derive new constraints on the products of explicitly R-parity violating couplings $\lambda$ and $\lambda'$ in MSSM from searches for \mu-e conversion in nuclei. We concentrate on the loop induced photonic coherent conversion mode. For the combinations $|\lambda\lambda|$ which in \mu-e conversion can be probed only at loop level our constraints are in many cases more stringent than the previous ones due to the enhancement of the process by large $\ln(m^2_f/m^2_{\tilde f}).$ For the combinations of $|\lambda'\lambda'|$ the tree-level \mu-e conversion constraints are usually more restrictive than the loop ones except for two cases which involve the third generation. With the expected improv…
Prospects for the Zee-Babu Model at the LHC and low energy experiments
We analyze the viability of the Zee-Babu model as an explanation of observed neutrino masses and mixings and the possibility that the model is confirmed or discarded in experiments planned for the very close future. The allowed parameter space is studied analytically by using some approximations and partial data. Then, a complete scanning of all parameters and constraints is performed numerically by using Monte Carlo methods. The cleanest signal of the model will be the detection of the doubly charged scalar at the LHC and its correlation with measurements of the branching ratio of $\mu\to e\gamma$ at the MEG experiment. In addition, the model offers interesting predictions for $\tau^{-}\to…
Astrophysical bound on the majoron-Higgs-boson coupling
Abstract We show that the coupling of the “standard” Higgs boson to majorons, that could lead to a very fast decay of the neutral Higgs scalar to invisible modes, can be bounded using astrophysical arguments. We discuss the relevance of this bound for low-energy phenomenology related to majoron production. The bound so obtained may also jeopardize the stability of the VEV hierarchy in the doublet and triplet majoron models if the mass of the top quark is less than the W mass. A similar analysis may be applied to other models which exhibit Goldstone-or pseudo-Goldstone-bosons in the spectrum.
Neutrins de Majorana, sector de Higgs, violació de CP, no conservació del número leptònic i eixes coses
Majorons and supernova cooling
We consider the role of Majoron emission in supernova cooling and its implications for the neutrino mass and lifetime in generic single Majoron models. It is found that, for ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{\ensuremath{\tau}}$ with mass $m$, if the lifetime for the decay ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{\ensuremath{\tau}}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\mathrm{Majoron}+{\ensuremath{\nu}}_{e,\ensuremath{\mu}}$ is shorter than ${10}^{\ensuremath{-}7}$ (m/MeV) sec, then Majorons are so strongly trapped by the inverse process that the resulting Majoron luminosity is small enough not to destabilize the observed ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{e}$ pulse from SN 1987A. For ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{\ensuremath{\tau}}$ with a longer lifetime, th…
Majoron effects in rare kaon decays
Abstract We analyze, in the framework of the recently introduced doublet majoron model, the contribution from the emission of a pair of light scalars to the decay K + → π + + nothing . We find that, for reasonable choices of the parameters, the new scalar contribution may be as large as one additional neutrino-antineutrino mode and provide a substantial modification of the pion spectrum. The effect may be a few times larger in the triplet majoron model.
Implications of new generations on neutrino masses
We explore the possible implications that new families, that are being searched for at the LHC, would have on neutrino masses. In particular, we have explored the possibility that the smallness of the observed neutrino masses is naturally understood in a modified version of the Standard Model (SM) with complete extra generations of fermions, i.e., that have right-handed neutrinos, in which neutrino masses are generated at two loops. With one extra family it is not possible to fit the observed spectrum of masses and mixings. However, the radiative mass generated provides an important constraint in these kind of models, so the neutrino masses do not exceed their cosmological bound. Within the…
A model for right-handed neutrino magnetic moments
A simple extension of the standard model providing Majorana magnetic moments to right-handed neutrinos is presented. The model contains, in addition to the standard model particles and right-handed neutrinos, just a singly charged scalar and a vector-like charged fermion. The phenomenology of the model is analysed and its implications in cosmology, astrophysics and lepton flavour violating processes are extracted. If light enough, the charged particles responsible for the right-handed neutrino magnetic moments could copiously be produced at the Large Hadron Collider.
LHC signals of radiatively-induced neutrino masses and implications for the Zee-Babu model
Contrary to the see-saw models, extended Higgs sectors leading to radiatively-induced neutrino masses do require the extra particles to be at the TeV scale. However, these new states have often exotic decays, to which experimental LHC searches performed so far, focused on scalars decaying into pairs of same-sign leptons, are not sensitive. In this paper we show that their experimental signatures can start to be tested with current LHC data if dedicated multi-region analyses correlating different observables are used. We also provide high-accuracy estimations of the complicated Standard Model backgrounds involved. For the case of the Zee-Babu model, we show that regions not yet constrained b…
m(b)(m(z)) from jet production at the Z peak in the Cambridge algorithm
We consider the production of heavy quark jets at the $Z$-pole at the next-to-leading order (NLO) using the {\it Cambridge jet-algorithm}. We study the effects of the quark mass in two- and three-jet observables and the uncertainty due to unknown higher order corrections as well as due to fragmentation. We found that the three-jet observable has remarkably small NLO corrections, which are stable with respect to the change of the renormalization scale, when expressed in terms of the {\it running quark mass} at the $m_Z$-scale. The size of the hadronization uncertainty for this observable remains reasonably small and is very stable with respect to changes in the jet resolution parameter $y_c$.
Present and future bounds on nonstandard neutrino interactions
We consider Non-Standard neutrino Interactions (NSI), described by four-fermion operators of the form ((nu) over bar (alpha)gammanu(beta)) ((f) over bar gammaf), where f is an electron or first generation quark. We assume these operators are generated at dimension greater than or equal to 8, so the related vertices involving charged leptons, obtained by an SU(2) transformation nu(delta)-->e(delta), do not appear at tree level. These related vertices necessarily arise at one loop, via W exchange. We catalogue current constraints from sin(2)theta(W) measurements in neutrino scattering, from atmospheric neutrino observations, from LEP, and from bounds on the related charged lepton operators. W…
New limits on the tau magnetic couplings to the photon, the Z and the W bosons are obtained from the most general effective Lagrangian. Model independent bounds are set using data for tau pair production and W decay into tau leptons at LEP1, LEP2, SLD and hadron colliders. For the anomalous magnetic moment the bounds are, for the first time, of the order of magnitude of the standard model prediction.
Neutrinoless double β decay with small neutrino masses
Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2012 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physicsand Gravity", September 8-27, 2012, Corfu (Greece). PoS(Cofu2012)028.
Can measurements of 2HDM parameters provide hints for high scale supersymmetry?
Two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDMs) are minimal extensions of the Standard Model (SM) that may still be discovered at the LHC. The quartic couplings of their potentials can be determined from the measurement of the masses and branching ratios of their extended scalar sectors. We show that the evolution of these couplings through renormalization group equations can determine whether the observed 2HDM is a low energy manifestation of a more fundamental theory, as for instance, supersymmetry, which fixes the quartic couplings in terms of the gauge couplings. At leading order, the minimal supersymmetric extension of the SM (MSSM) dictates all the quartic couplings, which can be translated into a p…
Top quark mass from radiative corrections to the Z ---> b anti-b decay
The one-loop correction to the ZbbBAR vertex presents a quadratic dependence on the top-quark mass, which has its origin in the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism of the Standard Model. We study the possibility of fixing the top mass by comparing LEP measurements with theoretical predictions. Using the MSBAR renormalization scheme, we calculate the top mass dependence of the ZbbBAR vertex. For all Z-widths, we give simple approximate formulae which work at the 0.05% level. It is found that if some branching ratios involving the b-quark are measured at the 0.5% level the top mass will be determined with an error of 30 GeV using only LEP1 experiments.
Do the quark masses run? Extracting (m)over-bar(b)(m(Z)) from CERN LEP data
We present the first results of next-to-leading order QCD corrections to three jet heavy quark production at LEP including mass effects. Among other applications, this calculation can be used to extract the bottom quark mass from LEP data, and therefore to test the running of masses as predicted by QCD.
Can power corrections be reliably computed in models with extra dimensions?
We critically revisit the issue of power-law running in models with extra dimensions. The analysis is carried out in the context of a higher-dimensional extension of QED, with the extra dimensions compactified on a torus. It is shown that a naive $\beta$ function, which simply counts the number of modes, depends crucially on the way the thresholds of the Kaluza-Klein modes are crossed. To solve these ambiguities we turn to the vacuum polarization, which, due to its special unitarity properties, guarantees the physical decoupling of the heavy modes. This latter quantity, calculated in the context of dimensional regularization, is used for connecting the low energy gauge coupling with the cou…
The Zee–Babu model revisited in the light of new data
We update previous analyses of the Zee-Babu model in the light of new data, e.g., the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$, the rare decay $\mu\to e \gamma$ and the LHC results. We also analyse the possibility of accommodating the deviations in $\Gamma(H\to \gamma\gamma)$ hinted by the LHC experiments, and the stability of the scalar potential. We find that neutrino oscillation data and low energy constraints are still compatible with masses of the extra charged scalars accessible to LHC. Moreover, if any of them is discovered, the model can be falsified by combining the information on the singly and doubly charged scalar decay modes with neutrino data. Conversely, if the neutrino spectrum is found t…
Universal extra dimensions and Z -> b(b)over-bar
We study, at the one loop level, the dominant contributions from a single universal extra dimension to the process (Z\to b\bar{b}). By resorting to the gaugeless limit of the theory we explain why the result is expected to display a strong dependence on the mass of the top-quark, not identified in the early literature. A detailed calculation corroborates this expectation, giving rise to a lower bound for the compactification scale which is comparable to that obtained from the ρ parameter. An estimate of the subleading corrections is furnished, together with a qualitative discussion on the difference between the present results and those derived previously for the non-universal case.
Neutrino masses from new generations
We reconsider the possibility that Majorana masses for the three known neutrinos are generated radiatively by the presence of a fourth generation and one right-handed neutrino with Yukawa couplings and a Majorana mass term. We find that the observed light neutrino mass hierarchy is not compatible with low energy universality bounds in this minimal scenario, but all present data can be accommodated with five generations and two right-handed neutrinos. Within this framework, we explore the parameter space regions which are currently allowed and could lead to observable effects in neutrinoless double beta decay, $\mu - e$ conversion in nuclei and $\mu \rightarrow e \gamma$ experiments. We also…
One-loop effective lagrangian for an extension of the standard model with a heavy charged scalar singlet
We study several problems related to the construction and the use of effective Lagrangians by considering an extension of the standard model that includes a heavy scalar singlet coupled to the leptonic doublet. Starting from the full renormalizable model, we build an effective field theory by integrating out the heavy scalar. A local effective Lagrangian (up to operators of dimension six) is obtained by expanding the one-loop effective action in inverse powers of the heavy mass. This is done by matching some Green functions calculated with both the full and the effective theories. Using this simple example we study the renormalization of effective Lagrangians in general and discuss how they…
Testing the Zee-Babu model via neutrino data, lepton flavour violation and direct searches at the LHC
We discuss how the Zee-Babu model can be tested combining information from neutrino data, low-energy experiments and direct searches at the LHC. We update previous analysis in the light of the recent measurement of the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$, the new MEG limits on $\mu \rightarrow e \gamma$, the lower bounds on doubly-charged scalars coming from LHC data, and, of course, the discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs boson by ATLAS and CMS. In particular, we find that the new singly- and doubly-charged scalars are accessible at the second run of the LHC, yielding different signatures depending on the neutrino hierarchy and on the values of the phases. We also discuss in detail the stability …
Effective Lagrangian approach to neutrinoless double beta decay and neutrino masses
Neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay can in general produce electrons of either chirality, in contrast with the minimal Standard Model (SM) extension with only the addition of the Weinberg operator, which predicts two left-handed electrons in the final state. We classify the lepton number violating (LNV) effective operators with two leptons of either chirality but no quarks, ordered according to the magnitude of their contribution to \znbb decay. We point out that, for each of the three chirality assignments, $e_Le_L, e_Le_R$ and $e_Re_R$, there is only one LNV operator of the corresponding type to lowest order, and these have dimensions 5, 7 and 9, respectively. Neutrino masse…
On the nature of the fourth generation neutrino and its implications
We consider the neutrino sector of a Standard Model with four generations. While the three light neutrinos can obtain their masses from a variety of mechanisms with or without new neutral fermions, fourth-generation neutrinos need at least one new relatively light right-handed neutrino. If lepton number is not conserved this neutrino must have a Majorana mass term whose size depends on the underlying mechanism for lepton number violation. Majorana masses for the fourth generation neutrinos induce relative large two-loop contributions to the light neutrino masses which could be even larger than the cosmological bounds. This sets strong limits on the mass parameters and mixings of the fourth …
An effective field theory approach to the QCD corrections to the large-mt Zbb vertex
Using effective field theory techniques we discuss the QCD corrections to the large-mt contributions to the process Z → bb. In particular we obtain the αs correction to the non-universal log mt contribution to the Zbb vertex.
Isosinglet-neutral heavy-lepton production in Z-decays and neutrino mass
Abstract The possible existence of NHLs is often related to neutrino mass. As a result their production cross section may be correspondingly constrained by observational limits on neutrino masses. We analyze the discovery potential of isosinglet NHLs within various models taking also into account cosmological limits on relic neutrino abundances.
Discriminating between lepton number violating scalars using events with four and three charged leptons at the LHC
Many Standard Model extensions predict doubly-charged scalars; in particular, all models with resonances in charged lepton-pair channels with non-vanishing lepton number; if these are pair produced at the LHC, the observation of their decay into l(-/+)l(-/+)W(-/+)W(-/+) will be necessary in order to establish their lepton-number violating character, which is generally not straightforward. Nonetheless, the analysis of events containing four charged leptons (including scalar decays into one or two taus as well as into W bosons) makes it possible to determine whether the doubly-charged excitation belongs to a multiplet with weak isospin T = 0,1/2,1,3/2 or 2 (assuming there are no excitations w…
An effective field theory approach to the electroweak corrections at LEP energies
In the framework of the effective field theory (EFT) we discuss the electroweak (EW) corrections at LEP energies. We obtain the effective Lagrangian in the large m_t limit, and reproduce analytically the dominant EW corrections to the LEP2 processes e+ e- --> gamma Z and e+ e- --> Z Z. To include effects of finite top-quark and Higgs masses, we use the effective Lagrangian at tree level and fit LEP1/SLD observables with four arbitrary parameters, plus alpha_s(m_Z). The EFT approach works remarkably well. Using the effective couplings determined from the fit, and tree-level EFT formulae, we predict the cross sections for e+ e- --> Z Z, gamma Z at a level better than 1%.
Do the Quark Masses Run? Extractingm¯b(mZ)from CERN LEP Data
We present the first results of next-to-leading order QCD corrections to three-jet heavy quark production at the CERN ${e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ collider LEP including mass effects. Among other applications, this calculation can be used to extract the bottom-quark mass from LEP data and, therefore, to test the running of masses as predicted by QCD.
The running of the b-quark mass from LEP data
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to three jet heavy quark production in $e^+ e^-$ collisions, including quark mass effects, are presented. The extraction of the b-quark mass form LEP data is considered and the first experimental evidence for the running of a quark mass is discussed.
Model independent bounds on the tau lepton electromagnetic and weak magnetic moments
Using LEP1, SLD and LEP2 data, for tau lepton production, and data from CDF, D0 and LEP2, for W decays into tau leptons, we set model independent limits on non-standard electromagnetic and weak magnetic moments of the tau lepton. The most general effective Lagrangian giving rise to tau moments is used without further assumptions. Precise bounds ($2\sigma$) on the non-standard model contributions to tau electromagnetic ($-0.007<a_\gamma< 0.005$), tau Z-magnetic ($-0.0024 <a_Z< 0.0025$) and tau W-magnetic ($-0.003 < \kappa^W < 0.004$) dipole moments are set from the analysis.
Invisible width of the Z-boson and “secret” ν-ν interactions
Abstract The width of the decay Z→ν ν ν ν in the presence of a possible nonstandard four-fermion ν-ν interaction is calculated. From the invisible width of the Z-boson measured at LEP the upper bound on the strength F of such an effective interaction has been obtained: F≲4×102GF. This bound is about three orders of magnitude lower than earlier existing particle physics bounds and it is comparable with an estimate that can be obtained from supernova neutrino data. The expression for the spectrum of leptons in the decays W→lν l ν ν is also presented.
A realistic model of neutrino masses with a large neutrinoless double beta decay rate
The minimal Standard Model extension with the Weinberg operator does accommodate the observed neutrino masses and mixing, but predicts a neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay rate proportional to the effective electron neutrino mass, which can be then arbitrarily small within present experimental limits. However, in general $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay can have an independent origin and be near its present experimental bound; whereas neutrino masses are generated radiatively, contributing negligibly to $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay. We provide a realization of this scenario in a simple, well defined and testable model, with potential LHC effects and calculable neutrino masses, whose two-loop…
alpha(s)(m(Z)) from tau decays with matching conditions at three loops
Using the recent four-loop calculations of the QCD beta-function and the three-loop matching coefficients we study the induced error in $\alpha_s(m_Z)$ obtained from $\alpha_s(m_tau)$ due to the evolution procedure. We show that, when consistent matching and running is used at this order, these errors are pushed below 0.0005 in $\alpha_s(m_Z)$.
Supersymmetric majoron signatures and solar neutrino oscillations
Spontaneous R-parity breaking in supergravity solves the solar neutrino problem through matter-enhanced neutrino oscillations. The model may be tested in collider experiments and through ``dynamical'' effects associated with the existence of a weakly interacting majoron. Apart from astrophysical effects, majoron emission can produce observable changes in \ensuremath{\mu} and \ensuremath{\tau} decay spectra for parameter values that substantially reduce the solar neutrino flux. A signature of the model is the possible observation of the decay \ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}e+majoron.
Power corrections in models with extra dimensions
We critically revisit the issue of power-law running in models with extra dimensions. The general conclusion is that, in the absence of any additional physical principle, the power-corrections tend to depend strongly on the details of the underlying theory.
Bounding effective operators at the one-loop level: the case of four-fermion neutrino interactions
The contributions of non-standard four-neutrino contact interactions to electroweak observables are considered at the one-loop level by using the effective quantum field theory. The analysis is done in terms of three unknown parameters: the strength of the non-standard neutrino interactions, $\tilde{F}$, an additional derivative coupling needed to renormalize the divergent contributions that appear when the four-neutrino interactions are used at the loop level and a non-standard non-derivative $Z$-${\bar\nu} \nu$ coupling. Then, the precise measurements of the invisible width of the $Z$-boson at LEP and the data on the neutrino deep-inelastic scattering yield the result $\tilde{F} = (-100 \…
Extra dimensions at the one loop level: Z -> b(b)over-bar and B-(B)over-bar mixing
We study, at the one loop level, the dominant new physics contributions from extra dimensions to Z -> b(b)over-bar, as well as B-(B)over-bar and K-(K)over-bar mixing. We use a model with one extra dimension containing fermions which live in four dimensions, and gauge bosons and one scalar doublet propagating in five dimensions. We find that the effect of the infinite tower of Kaluza-Klein modes in Z -> b(b)over-bar is finite and gives a negative correction to Rb = Γb/Γh, which is used to set a lower bound of 1 TeV on the compactification scale Mc. On the other hand, we show that the box diagrams contributing to B-(B)over-bar and K-(K)over-bar mixing are divergent and, after proper regulariz…
QCD matching conditions at thresholds
The use of MS-like renormalization schemes in QCD requires an implementation of nontrivial matching conditions across thresholds, a fact often overlooked in the literature. We shortly review the use of these matching conditions in QCD and check explicitly that the prediction for $\alpha_s(M_Z)$, obtained by running the strong coupling constant from the $M_\tau$ scale, does not substantially depend on the exact value of the matching point chosen in crossing the $b$-quark threshold when the appropriate matching conditions are taken into account.
CP nonconservation at he Z0 Peak
The measurement of a nonvanishing asymmetry α≡[Γ(sb¯)−Γ(s¯b)][Γ(sb¯)+Γ(s¯b)] would signal CP nonconservation in Z0 decays. We study here this effect within the standard model. In the three-generation case, the α value comes out small because of the effective degeneracy of u and c quarks at these high energies. In the four-generation case, results are encouraging for the CERN e+e− collider LEP: One could have a branching ratio of this flavor-changing decay to the flavor-conserving one of ∼10−6 and reach α values near unity.
Bounds on models with one latticized extra dimension
We study an extension of the standard model with one latticized extra dimension accessible to all fields. The model is characterized by the size of the extra dimension and the number of sites, and contains a tower of massive particles. At energies lower than the mass of the new particles there are no tree-level effects. Therefore, bounds on the scale of new physics can only be set from one-loop processes. We calculate several observables sensitive to loop-effects, such as the $\rho$ parameter, $b\to s \gamma$, $Z\to b\bar b$, and the $B^0\rightleftharpoons\bar{B}^0$ mixing, and use them to set limits on the lightest new particles for different number of sites. It turns out that the continuo…
Bounds on the Tau Magnetic Moments: Standard Model and Beyond
We obtain new bounds for the magnetic dipole moments of the tau lepton. These limits on the magnetic couplings of the tau to the electroweak gauge bosons (gamma, W, Z) are set in a model independent way using the most general effective Lagrangian with the SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y symmetry. Comparison with data from the most precise experiments at high energies shows that the present limits are more stringent than the previous published ones. For the anomalous magnetic moment the bounds are, for the first time, within one order of magnitude of the standard model prediction.
Lepton number violation and scalar searches at the LHC
We review the SM extensions with scalar multiplets including doubly- charged components eventually observable as di-leptonic resonances at the LHC. Special emphasis is paid to the limits on LNV implied by doubly- charged scalar searches at the LHC, and to the characterization of the multiplet doubly-charged scalars belong to if they are observed to decay into same-sign charged lepton pairs.
An effective field theory approach to the QCD corrections to the large-$m_t$ $Zb\bar b$ vertex
Using effective field theory techniques we discuss the QCD corrections to the large-$m_t$ contributions to the process $Z\rightarrow b \bar b$. In particular we obtain the $\a$ correction to the non-universal $\log m_t$ contribution to the $Zb\bar b$ vertex.