D. Parrinello

Hemocyte types and some plasmatic properties of two edible crabs Cancer borealis and Cancer pagurus

Cancer pagurus and Cancer borealis and are edible crabs produced by economically relevant aquaculture. In this study the hemocytes and some plasmatic parameters of Cancer borealis and Cancer pagurus were examined. The cell features of the hemocytes were observed using light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Granulocytes, semigranulocytes and hyalinocytes were mainly identified on the basis of size, presence/absence and quantity of the cytoplasmic granules and the nucleus-to-citoplasma (N/C) ratio. SEM observations were useful for disclosing the surface features of these cells, and the same characteristics were found in both crab species. A smooth surface distinguishes elongated hyalin…

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Separated hemocyte populations from the ascidian Ciona intestinalis contain and release in vitro opsonizingCa++-independent and β-galactoside specific lectins

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Phenoloxidases of different sizes are modulated by LPS inoculation into ciona intestinalis tunic and pharynx

In the present study, to further characterize the pro-phenoloxidase (proPO) and active phenoloxidase (PO) involved in the Ciona intestinalis inflammatory response, tunic and pharynx homogenate supernatants were separated on high pressure liquid chromatography and fractions were assayed for the PO activity before and after LPS inoculation, as well as before and after trypsin treatment which activates proPO. The LPS inoculation per se did not significantly change the basal PO activity of the tunic homogenate supernatant (THS) and pharynx homogenate supernatant (PHS) restricted in two confluent peaks, whereas a significant enhancement was observable after the trypsin treatment. This trypsin ef…

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Sabella spallanzanii mucus bacterial agglutinating activity after arsenic exposure. The equilibrium between predation safety and immune response stability

We report the Sabella spallanzanii mucus bacterial agglutination response after inorganic arsenic (As) exposure. As is actively adsorbed from the surrounding environment and accumulated at high concentrations in tissues as an anti-predatory strategy. Here we investigated the effect of high As concentrations on its immunobiological response. It may act on mucus lectins and on its ability to agglutinate bacteria. We concluded that As at high concentrations leads to the inhibition of pathogen recognition. Nevertheless, although its biological activity is significant reduced in winter, responses to As concentrations are very similar, and below a certain threshold do not induce alterations, supp…

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Inflammatory hemocytes in Ciona intestinalis innate immune response

In the present paper an attempt is carried out to revise Ciona intestinalis inflammatory hemocytes according to their morphology as formerly observed by light and electron microscopy, and taking in account recent reports on innate immunity gene expression. We also examine hemocyte morphofunctional aspects as derived from previous papers that refer to the tunic and body wall inflammatory responses challenged by corpusculate or soluble agents. LPS inoculation into the body wall or treating hemocytes in vitro with LPS have also been taken in account. LPS inoculation stimulated the expression of CiTNF alpha, CiFACIT- alpha chain collagen, CiC3a, CiCD94 and enhanced phenoloxidase activity. These…

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